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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

The Governor Says


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Rick Perry says, by executive order (remember those?) that all young girls in Texas must, by his law, receive a 3 part series of shots to prevent cervical cancer.


OK, that is what he says. Maybe it is good that this is done. Maybe he has, once again, overstepped the bounds of what a governor (or anyone else) has the right to do.


My question is this----do you think a governor (or any elected official) should have the right to order a person to have a medical procedure done?


I am not a member of a religious sect that will ignore this (and that is their right), I am just asking a question if an elected official has the right to order someone to have his way on their body.


Damned, the schitass is not content with his super highway through our rural ranchland, now he has to meddle in the lives of our young girls! When will he stop?


Tomorrow he will give his state of the state address (it happens every 2 years). This time he will propose many more ludricous programs than he (or any Texas governor) has ever proposed. He is, after all, the elected governor of Texas.


He got there by 39% of the vote.


Thanks to Kinky and friends.


BTW, Rick has close friends in the compamy that sells the vaccine. But this is, after all, Texas.



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If I had a young daughter and didn't want the vaccine,I'd tell him to kiss my rosey red.More people are killed in car wrecks than by cervical cancer,so why don't we outlaw cars.If there are no side effects and will protect girls from the cancer and they want the vaccine,great.Just don't put it into law you have to have it because a di_ khead said you do.

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I have seen this stuff advertised on TV. It is very new. Too new to know what the long term effects of taking it may be, at least in my opinion. What are the long term side effects? Is there a small percent of the population that have adverse allergic reactions, or worse?? The female reproductive system is a very fragile and delicate system and I would want some concrete answers to some very serious questions before I wuold recomend it to any young woman I knew. These drug company's come out with a "miracle" drug and can't wait to market it (big profits ya know) before all the data is in. It has happened many times before. I'd say the governor of Texas is WAY overstepping his bounds. By the way, do you think he owns stock in this company? If this stuff truly works and is otherwise harmless it would be a wonderful thing, but I would want some questions answered first. Be careful, Steve

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Yes, the governor of Texas has overstepped his bounds on this one. And there are legislative senators and reps stepping up and working to get D--k Head Perry's executive order overturned. This is only proper, and is the legal way to do it. All those executive orders signed by Clinton could have been overturned by the congress, but they just went along with him.


Not so now with Perry. My senator, just elected on Nov. 7, has introduced a bill to overturn Perry's executive order. I have no doubt that it will be overturned, and Rick will just have to go back to his bag of tricks and try something else. I'm sure he will.


The vaccine is questionable. It has only been shown to work on 4 strains of the many that cause cervical cancer. These are the most common strains, but it is not the "cure-all" that Perry toots it to be. The fact that he has interests in the drug company that sells the vaccine tells me all I need to know about the schitass called Rick Perry. As if I didn't know enough about him before.


The thing that we should all know (and recognize) is that this cervical cancer is brought on by unsafe sex with a partner with the virus. By practicing safe sex (or just abstaining until you meet the man that you will marry) would make Rick's mandate completely unnessary.


We live in a different world today, and I guess our "leaders" have given up on the old ways of doing things. God help us all.



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