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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

My New Neighborghs Are Wack-O Nut Jobs.


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I had some new neighbors move in this past March. They are a couple in their late 60's or 70's. I got the chance to talk to them yesterday. In a 15 minuet conversation this is what they told me.


The events of Sept 11th. were an "inside job" and a controlled explosion. Your yearly flu shoot is used to inject a micro tracking chip. Hand sanitizer is used to weaken immunity of the human race. This way the "Buildabergs can reduce the world population to 580 Million". The U.S. Government is pushing a "melding" of the races for the pending one world government. They finished up by inviting my Wife and I to attend church with them.


I felt like I was living in an Alex Jones radio show. We all have our quirks but, wow. Do you think they will un-invite us from church when a UFO drops Bigfoot off in my 4th of July BBQ. Ralph

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If you want to have some fun with them. Make an aluminum foil hat. Fold it up just like the newspaper hats we made as kids. Make up a good story like the govt is bombarding your house with microwave radiation since you started watching O'Reily and became a Born Again. Tell them the hat reflects the microwaves back to the drone or satellite and keeps the pornographic images out of your mind.

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Here's a little known (OK, totally unknown) fact: Last year there were two mass killings on the left coast that were stopped just as the a-holes tried to start. I think they were in the Oregon/Washington area, and both almost events happened within one day. The usual shoot-up-a-school kind of thing. If you draw a straight line between the two events and extend it out, it exactly crosses the HAARP facility in Alaska. Note that you have to use Great Circle to see it, not plain Cartesian maps. Then do teh maths and you'll see if there is one wavelength between the two almost events, there is a whole multiple of wavelengths ending at the HAARP facility. A half Hertz, or one Hertz, if I recall, and it's been a while, but it is something like two or three wavelengths to Alaska and one between the cities. It works out geographically to within a few miles. You will not see mention of this fact anywhere, including the nutjob media. Who's crazy now?

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