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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

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  1. Today
  2. I’ll have to ruminate on that one. I was thinking that in the west the Muslims are multiplying. Imagine what’ll happen to the feminists and alphabet people when Muslims are in control?
  3. The Stalins use the "feeling" types, telling them what they want to hear, getting them to do the dirty work against the rest of us, right up until the Stalins get full power, then the "feeling" types get exterminated. Happens throughout history.
  4. Nothing new..the way to power for all would b stalins is to tell the "Feeling" types what they want to hear. karl
  5. Yesterday
  6. I don't think I've seen that one before.
  7. Now I know where the 1968 Gulf No-Knox commercial came from.
  8. Last week
  9. https://youtu.be/V8Jsw6wwW7A?si=yW56KUeUvteWFSY0
  10. Those are some good ones. Yeah, I'm not eating bugs. Be sure to read the labels on food.
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