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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by FC

  1. FC

    More Memes

    I've only seen shorts of the show on YouTube.
  2. I read that the buildings in Bodie are repaired to the point that they have to in order to keep the buildings up that are currently there.
  3. FC

    More Memes

    Kias would make a good fire car these days.
  4. I'm surprised it's running at that age. I read some on the history of glass. Up through the 50s manufacturers hadn't figured out how to get glass perfectly flat, without waves.
  5. I was surprised he didn't identify the switchboard. I did see windows that were wavy, old glass.
  6. https://youtu.be/XKpb6-qHY64?si=P-BNbwIWwi6p8Bbm
  7. https://planehistoria.com/ww1-flechettes/?fbclid=IwAR1Crj8YT3Bb9gfcjh8QjCJwS3xNTHF-dWvrAIxxNYPXuwuWG20jfADhJgw
  8. FC

    Open carry

    I’m not sure. The rotator cuff is so complex. Pain is okay. Supposedly I’m to wear a sling day and night, but that just doesn’t work for me. I go easy on it though, and avoid upward movements. I’m trying to better understand the op report, and what I can realistically do without damaging the repair. bicep tendon was torn and retracted. Got an allograft. Bursa was removed. I read in one place that it will regenerate. Superior capsular reconstruction. “Massive tear of the rotator cuff.” Subscapularis partially torn. Ended up with / allografts. The distal 3 cm of clavicle was resected.
  9. Okay, good to know. I’m moving topics to archive, and will figure a way to decrease the number of forums. It’ll take months.
  10. https://youtu.be/lwv-vKYJV1o?si=f6X7Os1bEZoludID
  11. I never pay attention to the reamer co-op. What's the story with it now? Delete it? What happened to all the equipment? I sent some stuff many years ago.
  12. FC

    More Memes

    Reminds me in that Vietnam vet video, where the guy said Westmoreland made the GIs unload their weapons, and couldn't fire unless the Officer on Duty came out and assessed the situation, then allowed them to load or fire! That would drive me nuts! At first we were told in Iraq that if we were threatened, we could shoot. That didn't last long. Then it became, if they shoot, or intend to shoot, we could. After I left a stupid ruling from AMEDD came down and said no weapons at all in the hospital. We used to keep our rifles in the back area in a rack while on duty. We had no shortage of Iraqis in our care, and an Iranian once in a while.
  13. FC

    Open carry

    The .380 Taurus works in my pocket, and the little North American .22 mag revolver. I'd just had a crazy thought of carrying my 1911 in the GI leather holster and web belt. Right now my right arm can't do squat. So much for the .380 inside my bomber jacket pocket. Wife keeps neglecting to put the little revolver in her purse.
  14. FC

    Open carry

    I’ve never liked extra junk on my person, even jewelry. Maybe I could live with my “Bible case” PPK/s holster?
  15. https://youtu.be/GkD4VcahMgg?si=oP6DhWY8SU488dhu
  16. FC

    Open carry

    I’ve started pondering open carry, but unsure if I’ll do it. Information online is often not up to date, so I’m prioritizing state sites. I’ve never seen open carry done in SC, but appears legal. Georgia and Texas appear legal to non-residents open carrying. I’ve seen open carry in Georgia often enough. I find conceal carrying uncomfortable, at best, except for mini revolvers and small .380s. I’m thinking about it more since a wife was shot at a gas station near here, and gun crime in our county is regularly in my news feeds. Unfortunately, it’s largely (but not exclusively) committed by younger black men. Then I read in the last couple of days about a guy delivering wood in Ft. Worth. Strung out, naked black dude beat him yo death with a piece of his firewood.
  17. I hadn’t heard of that book.
  18. I’m learning a lot, and have had to look up quite a few names and heresies mentioned. I was surprised at all the variations of Gnosticism, and how the church even survived.
  19. I’m reading a book on early church history. I’ve offered to teach it, but don’t know if there’s interest?
  20. FC

    More Memes

    I’m getting a good laugh here!
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