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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by FC

  1. FC

    More Memes

    And yet, my brother will still find good reason to be a commie!
  2. This thread is very long, so I'd start another thread. Maybe a Memes Part 2 also?
  3. I've gotta save that for my commie brother!
  4. https://youtu.be/JA9PKK6NkG4?si=WGlLd-0EV69-7FNP
  5. Too many good ones there to comment on.
  6. I heard that on RAM and Jeep. The guy is saying no more Chargers and Challengers, and the only Chrysler is the Pacifica minivan. I have a RAM. Sure hope future parts will not be an issue.
  7. https://youtu.be/fLc3rkLaSVI?si=8PlmWMTuf2ezTCbf
  8. Then California will be the first to have a dog carry permit, and then not issue any permits.
  9. I’m seeing video after video of Chinese losing their jobs and businesses. College grads delivering food, or no job at all. A lot of the over 20% unemployed Chinese young people are, “Lying flat”, having totally given up on jobs, marriage, kids, or a home. If it can happen there, yesh, it can happen here. https://youtu.be/V1KdstIJCvo?si=6Tj9QXugdD1ol7WY
  10. I about give up on anything in Washington. I wish we'd have a national divorce!
  11. FC

    Invision is paid

    Our new annual cost is $334 per year. We are $161 ahead for next year. Thank you all!
  12. FC

    Invision is paid

    I paid Richard $200 instead of his reduced cost since I'm asking a lot out of him to move to a new hosting service.
  13. FC

    Age stinks

    Quite a few things I can do, but they make me sleepy! But yes, I've got stuff I can do.
  14. FC

    Age stinks

    I had right rotator cuff surgery about 9 days ago. Postop instructions were certainly lacking, and the staff don't seem to be motivated to rectify that in the future. I'll talk to the surgeon about that. Anyway, the rotator cuff was dang near destroyed. Now it appears I can't do doodly squat with my right arm till mid-April! Appreciate your limbs!
  15. We had to take Texas history in 6th grade. I remember that story, but not the town.
  16. I would have thought that the formula would be consistent?
  17. Sure does. They seem to forget that the tables of history can turn on people like them, and they become the oppressed.
  18. Interesting. When we were in Florence the young guide had no clue what the fasces painted on the wall was. https://youtu.be/OaKNc1g82C8?si=MCUgKoSnm4E8JMYS
  19. I agree, and so very sad. Younger people don't believe us when we tell them we aren't the same country anymore, or they'll say, "Yeah, but it was racist."
  20. Did you hear that a non-lawyer in Maine decided Trump was not going to be on the ballot? Our republic is on life support.
  21. No experience. He could've been another John Browning.
  22. I haven't forgotten has scorched earth policy with DeSantis. That was ungentlemanly. The country may be approaching a financial, "Every man for himself" scenario in the next year or two. I'm trying my best to get my financial and prepping (for closed grocery stores, bans, and gas station) affairs in order.
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