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Posts posted by GA1dad

  1. Having pondered on this sporter thing for months, I'm wondering what are "all" my options? As in what else can I use besides a Mauser? I've seen some Enfields and a few Mosin's, but what else is out there. Any Chinese options? If y'all would entertain me, please post some pics of before and after of differant models, or links to pics. Then maybe I will recognize these hidden treasures when I run across one.



    Thanks to you all!




  2. I know you are looking for suggestions, but I can tell from the pics that you are far superior to my meager abilities, so I won't insult you. What I will say though is that I am quite impressed! It does appear well thought out. Please post progress!!!


    Good Luck, Jay

  3. Racepres, here some pics of the four screws I was talking about. Sorry about the poor quality. Is this normal?


    Also, I heard that this was a small ring Turk, can someone explain, maybe with pics of the differance between small and large ring? Don't mean to sound ignorant, but I'm new to mausers.


    One last thing,,,,,,,,today. :rolleyes: This Turk has a sweet smooth bolt, The M95 Chilean that I have has a really strong spring that I have to compress when (cocking) closing the bolt. Is that strong spring something that I am just stuck with or can it be lightened. I had one of the old Kimbers on the Swede 96 (I think) and it had that strong spring too.


    OK,,,,,nuff for tonight.





  4. Well, I will proudly state that I had $50.00 in what I traded for it.


    While the pictures make it look good, it does have some real issues. Up close, you see lots of flaws. Mainly, the stock I think came from another project and it has bondo (or similar) in many places. But it is a perfect cantidate for a camo job. Also, the floorplate has 4 bolts in it. I'll have to post a pic to explain, but somethings not right about it. I'm kinda afraid to open it up and look.


    Like I said, I got it so I could get an idea of how a sporter would "feel" as a hunting rifle. I think I will like!!!

  5. First time posting here!


    Here's the situation. I have aquired a butchered chilean in 7X57. The previous owner took off 6" of barrel and very crudely bent the bolt. And he took a 4" grinder to the stock, so it's crap. The only good about it is that all the numbers match. I have $40 in it as it sits. This will be my first time sporterizing anything, so I figure it's a good canidate. I have no plans of changing the caliber. If it shoots decent after I re-crown it, I will likely not remove the barrel. I will redo the bolt myself. It will need a trigger and will need to be drilled and tapped for a scope.


    Is this considered a 95 Mauser?


    Have any of you ever done one of these or know someone who has? Any pics?


    If I wind up having to rebarrel, what do I get and where?


    What trigger will I need?


    Where can I get a Mannlicer style stock?


    I know, it's a lot of questions, but I've got it bad!!! I haven't slept well for 2 days thinking about getting this started.


    I will post a pic tomorrow.


    My name is Jay, and I'd like to thank you all ahead of time for anything you can share!!!!

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