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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by swamprat

  1. Not the brightest fellow I ever ran across but thought you would enjoy the story. Swamprat I had this idea that I was going to rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it. The first step in this adventure was getting a deer. I figured that since they congregated at my cattle feeder and do not seem to have much fear of me when we are there (a bold one will sometimes come right up and sniff at the bags of feed while I am in the back of the truck not 4 feet away) that it should not be difficult to rope one, get up to it and toss a bag over its head (to calm it down) then hog tie it and transport it home. I filled the cattle feeder then hid down at the end with my rope. The cattle, who had seen the roping thing before, stayed well back. They were not having any of it. After about 20 minutes my deer showed up…3 of them. I picked out a likely looking one, stepped out from the end of the feeder, and threw my rope. The deer just stood there and stared at me. I wrapped the rope around my waist and twisted the end so I would have a good hold. The deer still just stood and stared at me, but you could tell it was mildly concerned about the whole rope situation. I took a step towards it. It took a step away. I put a little tension on the rope and received an education. The first thing that I learned is that while a deer may just stand there looking at you funny while you rope it, they are spurred to action when you start pulling on that rope. That deer EXPLODED. The second thing I learned is that pound for pound, a deer is a LOT stronger than a cow or a colt. A cow or a colt in that weight range I could fight down with a rope with some dignity. A deer, no chance. That thing ran and bucked and twisted and pulled. There was no controlling it and certainly no getting close to it. As it jerked me off my feet and started dragging me across the ground, it occurred to me that having a deer on a rope was not nearly as good an idea as I originally imagined. The only up side is that they do not have as much stamina as many animals. A brief 10 minutes later, it was tired and not nearly as quick to jerk me off my feet and drag me when I managed to get up. It took me a few minutes to realize this, since I was mostly blinded by the blood flowing out of the big gash in my head. At that point I had lost my taste for corn fed venison. I just wanted to get that devil creature off the end of that rope. I figured if I just let it go with the rope hanging around its neck, it would likely die slow and painfully somewhere. At the time, there was no love at all between me and that deer. At that moment, I hated the thing and I would venture a guess that the feeling was mutual. Despite the gash in my head and the several large knots where I had cleverly arrested the deer’s momentum by bracing my head against various large rocks as it dragged me across the ground, I could still think clearly enough to recognize that there was a small chance that I shared some tiny amount of responsibility for the situation we were in, so I didn't want the deer to have to suffer a slow death. I managed to get it lined up to back in between my truck and the feeder…a little trap I had set beforehand. Kind of like a squeeze chute. I got it to back in there and started moving up so I could get my rope back. Did you know that deer bite? They do! I never in a million years would have thought that a deer would bite somebody so I was very surprised when I reached up there to grab that rope and the deer grabbed hold of my wrist. Now, when a deer bites you, it is not like being bit by a horse where they just bite you and then let go. A deer bites you and shakes its head…almost like a pit bull. They bite HARD and it hurts. The proper thing to do when a deer bites you is probably to freeze and draw back slowly. I tried screaming and shaking instead. My method was ineffective. It seems like the deer was biting and shaking for several minutes, but it was likely only several seconds. I, being smarter than a deer (though you may be questioning that claim by now) tricked it. While I kept it busy tearing the bejesus out of my right arm, I reached up with my left hand and pulled that rope loose. That was when I got my final lesson in deer behavior for the day. Deer will strike at you with their front feet. They rear right up on their back feet and strike right about head and shoulder level, and their hooves are surprisingly sharp. I learned a long time ago that when an animal like a horse strikes at you with their hooves and you can't get away easily, the best thing to do is try to make a loud noise and make an aggressive move towards the animal. This will usually cause them to back down a bit so you can escape. This was not a horse. This was a deer, so obviously such trickery would not work. In the course of a millisecond I devised a different strategy. I screamed like woman and tried to turn and run. The reason I had always been told NOT to try to turn and run from a horse that paws at you is that the re is a good chance that it will hit you in the back of the head. Deer may not be so different from horses after all, besides being twice as strong and three times as evil, because the second I turned to run, it hit me right in the back of the head and knocked me down. Now when a deer paws at you and knocks you down it does not immediately leave. I suspect it does not recognize that the danger has passed. What they do instead is paw your back and jump up and down on you while you are laying there crying like a little girl and covering your head. I finally managed to crawl under the truck and the deer went away. Now for the local legend. I was pretty beat up. My scalp was split open, I had several large goose eggs, my wrist was bleeding pretty good and felt broken (it turned out to be just badly bruised) and my back was bleeding in a few places, though my insulated canvas jacket had protected me from most of the worst of it. I drove to the nearest place, which was the co-op. I got out of the truck, covered in blood and dust and looking like hell. The guy who ran the place saw me through the window and came running out yelling "what happened" I have never seen any law in the state of Kansas that would prohibit an individual from roping a deer. I suspect that this is an area that they have overlooked entirely. Knowing, as I do, the lengths to which law enforcement personnel will go to exercise their power, I was concerned that they may find a way to twist the existing laws to paint my actions as criminal. I swear….not wanting to admit that I had done something monumentally stupid played no part in my response. I told him "I was attacked by a deer.” I did not mention that at the time I had a rope on it. The evidence was all over my body. Deer prints on the back of my jacket where it had stomped all over me and a large deer print on my face where it had struck me there. I asked him to call somebody to come get me…I didn't think I could make it home on my own. He did. Later that afternoon, a game warden showed up at my house and wanted to know about the deer attack. Surprisingly, deer attacks are a rare thing and wildlife and parks was interested in the event. I tried to describe the attack as completely and accurately as I could…I was filling the grain hopper and this deer came out of nowhere and just started kicking the hell out of me and BIT me. It was obviously rabid or insane or something. EVERYBODY for miles around knows about the deer attack (the guy at the co-op has a big mouth). For several weeks people dragged their kids in the house when they saw deer around and the local ranchers carried rifles when they filled their feeders. I have told several people the story, but NEVER anybody around here. I have to see these people every day and as an outsider…a "city folk"…I have enough trouble fitting in without them snickering behind my back and whispering "there is the dumb-ass that tried to rope the deer.
  2. Nice pics. There was one of these for sale on E-bay a while back it was the cut away model from the factory where they were made. Opening bid was like $2000.00. Swamprat
  3. Why not try bending the front sight to the right just a tad. Swamprat
  4. Jason, Is it a Redhawk or a Super Redhawk? Price seems a little high for a Redhawk about right for a Super if it has the scope rings. Swamprat
  5. Gun grabbers back door law. You can't use your gun if bullets are outlawed, and the Secound says nothing about ammunition. They'd make illegals an endangered species if it will get rid of your weapons.:angry Swamprat
  6. fritz, Does it have any markings on it? Swamprat
  7. That's the only proof I've ever been shown the rest has alway's been so and so say's.
  8. Nice to know at least one is on our side. Swamprat
  9. The Peaceful Majority by William Haynes > > I used to know a man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World > War Two. They owned a number of large industries and estates. I asked him > how many German people were true Nazis, and the answer he gave has stuck > with me and guided my attitude toward fanaticism ever since. > > "Very few people were true Nazis "he said," but many enjoyed the return of > German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who > just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat > back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we > had lost control, and the end of t he world had come. My family lost > everything I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my > factories." > > Today we are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that > Islam is > the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to > live in peace. > > Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. > It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow > diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of > Islam. The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. > > It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 > shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter > Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over > the entire continent in a n Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, > behead, murder, or honor kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque > after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and > hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard quantifiable fact is > that the "peaceful majority" is the "silent majority" and it is cowed and > extraneous. > > Communist Russia comprised Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet > the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million > people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China's huge population was > peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 > million people. > > The average Japanese individual prior to World War 2 was not a > warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across > South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of > 12 million Chinese civilians most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet. And, > who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said > that > the majority of Rwandans were "peace loving"? > > History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our > powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: > > Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. > Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because > like my friend from Germany , they will awake one day and find that the > fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun. > > Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, > Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many > others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it > was too late. > > As for us who watch it all unfold; we must pay attention to the only group > that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life. > > Lastly, I wish to add: I sincerely think that anyone who rejects this as > just another political rant, or doubts the seriousness of this issue or > just deletes it without paying heed to it, or sending it on, is part of > the problem. Lets quit laughing at and forwarding the jokes and cartoons > which denigrate and ridicule our leaders in this war against terror. They > are trying to protect the interests and well being of the world and it's > citizens. > > Best we support them. Submitted by Swamprat
  10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A very gentle Southern lady was driving across the Savannah River Bridge in Georgia one day. As she neared the top of the bridge, she noticed a young man fixin' to jump. She stopped her car, rolled down the window and said, "Please don't jump, think of your dear mother and father." He replied, "Mom and Dad are both dead; I'm going to jump.." She said, "Well, think of your wife and children." He replied, "I'm not married and I don't have any kids." She said, "Well, think of Robert E. Lee." He replied, ''Who's Robert E. Lee?'' She replied, ''Well bless your heart, just go ahead and jump, you dumb ass Yankee." Swamprat
  11. Tony, They say the biopsy isn't bad. One Doc told me every male has it just in verying degrees. As long as it is caught early enough (before it goes outside the prostrate) it is curable. BobVZ, Thanks for the info and glad you are recovering well. I been told if you have to have cancer this is the one to have for curability. It's just this damn waiting to find out anything thats the tough part. Jim, Thanks. How's the turkey clean up going? Swamprat
  12. They call them gasses but you are correct. Swamprat
  13. Niether book says how many produced just production years. Swamprat
  14. Just back a liitle while ago from the V.A. hospital. Second special test shows a slight decrease in PSA gasses. Now I am scheduled for a biopsy on the 21st of March. It looks like good old Agent Orange is getting us Nam Vets. The biopsy schedule is booked full and late March was the earliest date to get in. Now I get to pick lint from my navel for another 2 months before I know anything. No insurance can't go anywhere else. So grin and bear it. Swamprat
  15. You have a Buckeye Special built from 1989 to 1990. 2006 Standard Catalog of Firearms prices are: Fair--125 Good--250 V.G.--300 Exc.--500 NIB--650 Blue Book says 180 to 500 Hope this helps you. Swamprat
  16. Things You Learn in Texas... Armadillos sleep in the middle of the road with all four feet in the air. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Texas. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Texas, plus a few no one has ever seen before. Raccoons will test your melon crop, and let you know when they are ripe. If it grows, it will stick you. If it crawls, it will bite you! Nothing will kill a mesquite tree. There are valid reasons some people put razor wire around their house. A tractor is NOT an all terrain vehicle. They do get stuck. The wind blows at 90 mph from Oct 2 till June 25; then it stops totally until October 2. Onced and twiced are words. Coldbeer is one word. People actually grow and eat okra. Green grass DOES burn. When you live in the country you don't have to buy a dog. City people drop them off in the middle of the night. The sound of coyotes howling at night only sounds good for the first few weeks. When a buzzard sits on the fence and stares at you, it's time to see a doctor. Fix-in-to is one word. There ain't no such thing as "lunch". There is only breakfast, dinner and then there's supper. "Sweetened ice tea" is appropriate for all meals, and you start drinking it when you are two. "Backwards and forwards" means I know everything about you. "Jeet jet?" is actually a phrase meaning, "Did you eat yet?" You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done, or it's too dark to see. You measure distance in minutes or hours. You can switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day. Stores don't have bags. They have sacks. You see cars with the engine running in the Wal-mart parking lot with no one in them, no matter what time of the year. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit or a vegetable. You install security lights on your house and garage, and leave both unlocked. You carry jumper cables for your own car. You know what "cow tipping" and "snipe hunting" are. You only have four spices in your kitchen: Salt, Pepper, Ketchup, and Tabasco. You think everyone from north of Dallas has an accent. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require six pages to cover Friday night high school football. The first day of deer season is a state holiday. You know which leaves make good toilet paper. You find 100 degrees a "tad" warm. The four seasons are: Almost summer, summer, still summer and Christmas. You know whether another Texan is from East, West, North, or South Texas as soon as he opens his mouth. Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past-time known as "goin Wal-Martin" or "off to Wally-world." You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good chili-eatin' weather. Swamprat
  17. The way I read this law if you have a CCW and see a robbery or other such crime taking place and you interfere or even call 911 you are guilty of a felony. You are carrying a weapon and reporting a crime therefore guilty. Nieghborhood watches would be illegal by the wording of this law. What a load of crap. Swamprat
  18. Watch for these mergers in 2007: 1. Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W. R. Grace Co. will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace. 2. Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker. 3. 3M will merge with Goodyear and and become: MMMGood. 4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa. 5.FedEx is expected to join its major competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP. 6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild. 7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: Poupon Pants. 8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW! And finally: 9. Victoria's Secret and Smith & Wesson will merge under the new name : Titty Titty Bang Bang!
  19. A friend of mine gave me a Sterling 25 auto for some minor pistol work I did for him. He got the gun in trade. This pistol has a destroyed slide ( the front end is gone). The reason, 3 bullets stuck in the barrel! Now I know you can have a dud and get one stuck and put another behind it but 3! And out of a little 25 at that. The really sad thing is, this is or was a brand new gun. Just a waste of a nice little gun. I will try to find parts and rebuild it but still what a shame. I just really hate to see the results of actions by stupid people. And I'll bet you that the guy that done it will tell you Sterling's are a piece of junk. It would never be that 40 or 50 year old ammo he used. As Forest would say,"Stupid is as stupid does". Rant off Swamprat
  20. Does anyone know why the barrel will not stay in place in a colt pocket 25. Its the baby hammerless style. Everything seems to lock in ok but when you cycle the pistol the barrel jumps out of locking grooves. Any help is appreciated. I think the poor thing is worn out but I might be missing something. Swamprat
  21. I'd rather live with the desease than go through the withdrawel pains. I carry a small rag soaked in gun oil just to get a fix when I need it. There are only 2 types of guns, the ones I own and the ones I don't! And the list of don'ts is growing shorter all the time. Swamprat
  22. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Japanese company and an American company decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River. Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race. On the big day, the Japanese team won by a mile. The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was fromed to investigate and recommend appropiate action. Their conclusion was the Japanese team had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 8 people steering and 1 person rowing. So American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion. They advised that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing. To prevent another loss to the Japanese, The America's rowing team's management structure was totally reorganized to 4 steering supervisors, 3 area steering superintendents and 1 assistant superintendent steering manager. They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 1 person rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the 'Rowing Team Quality First Program,' with meetings, dinners and free pens for the rower. There was discussion of getting new paddles, canoes and other equipment, extra vacation days for practices, and bonuses. The next year the Japanese won by 2 miles. Humiliated, the American management laid off the rower for poor performance, halted developement of a new canoe, sold the paddles, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment. The money saved was distributed to the Senior Executives as bonuses and the next year's racing team was outsourced to India.
  23. fritz, No marching here either. Ice everywhere with sleet on top. Got to give them drugs time to work usually 10 to 14 days for me. Get better Swamprat
  24. The reason you couldn't hit with it the other day. You got the handles to slick and you can't hold it. After all they are called GRIPS! Swamprat
  25. Technology After having dug to a depth of 1000 meters last year, Scottish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 1000 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 1000 years ago. Not to be outdone by the Scots, in the weeks that followed, English scientist dug to a depth of 2000 meters and shortly after headlines in the UK newspapers read: "English archaeologists have found traces of 2000 year copper wire and have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a thousand years earlier than the Scots." One week later, Texas newspapers reported the following: After digging as deep as 5000 meters in West Texas, Texas A&M scientists have found absolutely nothing. They have therefore concluded that 5000 years ago Texas inhabitants were already using wireless technology." PS: Like we say, Don't Mess with Texas .
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