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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by swamprat

  1. Ice,sleet and snow here in N.E. Kansas. So cold, I saw a politician with his hands in his own pockets. So cold, my hounds had my booster cables out trying to jump start a rabbit. So cold, I saw a dog froze to a tree. Swamprat
  2. BEJ, The reason I made light of your question is, just what the HELL you talking about? If it's a 45 out of the cylinder it had damn sure better be a 45 to the forcing cone,and down the barrel! You might take a 25 fired in a cylinder, shove it down a 32 forcing cone, and expend it out a 38 barrel, but I just don't think your going to get the desired effects. However! You take a 38 fired in a cylinder, shove it down a 32 forcing cone, you can pretty much forget the 25 barrel. All relationships are hard but cylinder to out of the barrel should not be! Professor Swamprat
  3. Have you tried grinding off the cutting edges on normal files? Take a triangle file ,grind off two sides, you have a cutter that will go down at a 45 degree angle. Different files,different angles. Swamprat
  4. Will I or will I not get an even coating from Brownell's? I don't want to spend hour's polishing just to get some spotted result. I have this gun in condition to send to a bluer, if the results from Brownells are going to be spotty, please let me know now. Swamprat
  5. Browning Buckmark 22 with 5 1/2 inch slab side barrel, challenger walnut grips. Swamprat
  6. Just bought a gunsmith special off an auction site. Thought I got a good deal,then the delivery came! I got a better than advertised pistol. And it was in a factory hard case. What I thought would be a week of take down, figuring what was wrong, ordering parts, and putting the whole thing back together. Came down to 15 minutes with parts on hand! Now I own a operating pistol in a factory hard case with no outlay for parts and the worst thing is! I STILL HAVE THE REST OF THE WEEK! Sometimes these good deals just aren't. Swamprat
  7. 13 machine-guns? Just were do you get 13 machine guns? I must be a nieve backwoods fool but how do get that much firepower? Are these slam fire guns or what? Last machine gun I saw for sale was way over 5 grand. Enlighten me or is this ATF hype? Swamprat
  8. Been thinking about this question for awhile. After serious consideration,I think the relationship between groove, forcing cone,cylinder throat, and bullet should be such that it allows the bullet to leave the revolver in a timely manner headed in the right direction. Professor Swamprat
  9. Does it matter what type of pan you use for boiling? I have a galvanized drain pan that is big enough to hold a barrel but will the galvanize affect the finish? Swamprat
  10. They put micro size check valves in certain areas of my lungs. These keep air from getting into the bad section and normal body movement will cause the lung to collapse in that area. This gives more room in the chest cavity for the good lung sections to expand. The problem with the lung disease I have is air gets trapped in the bad section and the lung stays expanded. The valves are put in by going down your throat so they don't have to cut you open. This is a simplified explanation it is really quite a neat thing. And as I say it has kept me from having to use oxygen. Swamprat
  11. FC, I just don't go out in it if I don't have to. Same as real hot weather. Just stay inside and play with my guns! The experiment has ended and they are now working on a new improved version or so I hear. The inplants stopped the downward spirial toward oxygen use but did not improve my health any that I can see. Still run out of breath and can't do much. Although I like to think my participation may help someone in the future. And it gives me something to talk about at family get togethers! Swamprat
  12. Stopping in to say hell-o. Swamprat
  13. Well we all know what Kerry is, are, will be. "Well yes he was wounded, and yes he was surrendering,but I shot him anyway, were the hell's my medal? John Kerry defender of? RR
  14. On the History Channel they keep showing all the latest military stuff we have. My question is? Is this the latest or what we want the other folk's to see? Or is the History Channel the link to the other side? Watched a program the other night that showed using a natural gas ship as a bomb. I just can't help thinking the History Channel is giving instruction's to the other side. I have seen this over and over in the last few month's and I am quite concerned. Am I just parinoid or is this channel owned by folks wishing our demize? RR Forgive any misspelling!
  15. fritz, I know you play golf. Was just wandering, do you ever hit a rider? RR
  16. These are Sistema Colts. I think the asking price is way to high for what they go for on Auction-arms or Gunbroker. Check these sights and see for yourself. Just enter sistema or argetina, argentine. I had one a few years back and wish I had kept it. It was and most are all matching numbers.
  17. I wish you a Sandpiper also my friend. RR
  18. I have a Star model F in what I have been told is the Sporter model. I would rate pistol at 70% or better, as I am not schooled in grading this may be low or high. Pistol functions perfect and has 2 extra magazines. By what I can find on Spanish pistol's there is a date code on the right trigger guard of "M" or 1941. Any help in putting a value on this pistol would be appreciated. RR
  19. 11111111111111111111111111111
  20. The model 63, introduced in 1977, is simply the model 34 made of stainless steel. Prices range from $150 to $350. Swamprat
  21. Tinker, I would break down and give them a call. Sounds like you did it all from your end. Swamprat
  22. Fritz, All this time I thought you was a poor farmer! Now your talking about air conditioned cabs on your Johnny Popper. I had pictures of you on a 41 Alice. That old tilt umbrella over your head and a straw hat on it (your head that is, not the Alice). Next thing you'll tell me it's all done remote control! You sit in your office and call it in. Ever rode, drove a Gleaner open seat combine through a wheat field? If so remember the up dates to the space suit to combat the dust? Now that was progress! Choke to death on the dust or die of suffication in the suit. Swamprat
  23. Fritz, I don't think there is a prettier picture than fat cows standing belly deep in green grass nor a better smell than fresh mown hay. Unless the smell is coming from one of those fat cows roasting over hot coals! Glad you got your rain and hope you get more as needed. Swamprat
  24. First and foremost no female American should of been in this situation. Sorry ladies but war zones are not for you. I'm not saying you can't preform as good as males, I'm saying the males can't preform with you there. The American male ego is to protect the female. While trying to protect the female the male loses focus and endanger's everyone. Or the war zone should only be for females! Secound I've been in the situation were you could only shoot if shot at first. I've lived to talk about this great strategy only because some other poor soul took the impact of that first shot and not me. I wasn't smarter or wiser! Just luckier! Third and lastly. The American Armed Forces when called to do battle or wage war should be allowed to do so until VICTORY is won. They should be allowed to fight a no holds barred anything goes battle! No binding of hands by Congress or any other do gooder outfit. If you commit our soliders to die let them pick the how. Rant off, Swamprat
  25. Got a friend who is a union underwater welder. If he weld's on a Saturday for 4 hour's he has to take Monday and Tuesday off to avoid higher taxes. Were is the benefit to the country here? Work 4 lose 16 in production. If Congress faced a 1% decline in income for every tax raise they voted bet the Bast--d's would think twice. Swamprat
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