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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by swamprat

  1. When they pass this law (notice I didn't say if) are they going to put a serial number on each piece of shot in a shotgun shell? I thought skeet shooting was a big deal in Mexifornia. Sign of the future "Ex-Skeet range for sale cheap". Also what about the folk's who collect ammo? Looks to me like the market is about to be flooded with guns and related items coming from Mexifornia. I wonder how many of these law makers own homes else were besides Mexifornia so they can have their cake and eat it to! Swamprat
  2. I think quality today equates to collectable tomorrow. The junk goes by the wayside. I don't know if the plastic gun's of today will make the grade so that leaves the way open for the old iron of today. A quality gun is always a good investment (or that's what I keep telling the wife). Swamprat
  3. I hope Kevin in the U.K. or any of his family wasn't caught in it. Swamprat
  4. Congrat's Jason. I think you would make a great officer. You got the grit to stick it out when the going gets tough. As a bonus you know which end of the gun the bullet comes out of! Swamprat
  5. Welcome aboard! I'm sure you have knowledge to add also. Swamprat
  6. How can a moderator of this forum, not be a registered member of this forum? Swamprat
  7. Ty, Me thinks they are the only ones who voluntered. I'm sure Tony will let you oversee any area you wish to take on. Bear in mind this a NEW sight and we are rebuilding. If you are feeling liftout, speak up, the squeeky wheel gets the grease! Swamprat
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