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Posts posted by dindvik

  1. oh man... i'm kinda with flaco on some of this... ugh! scary! =)


    i agree we have to temper some of our outrage and replace it with education and tolerance. there's not much we can do to change what happened yesterday, so we need to get the word out there that the majority of gun owners are law abiding, good people. criminals with guns are just that, criminals, and don't care if they break firearms laws.


    sorry, been drinking...



    I'm with you sad day, been drinking!!!!!

  2. I have really good news for you, Tony!


    Obama isn't, by an reasonable definition of the words, a Marxist/Socialist!


    That's just vicious propaganda that's been circulated by the war mongering war profiteering plutocrats in the Bush Administration.


    It's true, though, that if you make more than $250,000 a year, under Obama--presuming he can get his tax plan through Congress--your income tax will go up.


    Think of it, Tony. You'd be reduced to the mere upper-middle class. You might have to cut back on the Armani, Louis Vuitton, and Dom Perignon.


    Why, you might have trouble paying for the gas in your Mustang!


    Not to mention educating your daughters.


    Now... if you don't make over $250,000 and you don't have enough time to get that sweet Federal pension and all those nice benefits, you might want to think about continuing your job.


    Or you could come here, to beautiful California--it could be worse!--where the nurses have a very strong union, and start at about $60,000.


    And with your experience, you'd be way ahead of the game.


    And your daughters could go to a University of California campus, and get a really great education at taxpayers expense!


    Whatever your choice, you can console yourself with the thought that a huge part of America is swollen with pride that this is the only nation on earth where a representative of a race brought in chains from Africa a mere couple of centuries ago is now, by the strong choice of the people, going to be President!



    What kind of aprick are you? The people bho is supposed to stand up for are americans and no one else, his folks had nothing to do with any body in chains any more than mine did!!!
  3. karl, i voted on saturday... unfortunately, so did my wife. we pretty much cancel each other out down the line... she is also a teacher, and relies on the WEA (Washington Education association, or something). too bad she won't open her eyes and see the light. education is her only sticking point, and the dems claim they'll give more money and support. since when is that the answer? those little brats have been coddled so much, they wont bother doing the work, no matter how nice the equipment is. these are 4th graders, and i am APPALLED at their lack of knowledge, spelling, letter shapes... yes, it is a low income school, but since when would that automatically mean they can't learn? little bastards.....



    sorrry about your vote my brother goes through the same thing every election. i tell him maybe we where better off when the better half could not vote. i am not to popular around there place this time of year!!!!

  4. You miss the point. He may be nothing and believe in nothing. His actions are anti gun, but who or what controls his actions? The point is a bit abstract, but it is not completlely beyond grasp. If someone was paying me to smash old dinner plates, I might care a fig less about the plates and a lot about the money. The currency of an adult child of an alcoholic is acceptance. LL

    What the hell was that Sigmund Freud?

  5. I'm just thinking as I go here, but I do not think the problem with Obama is necessarily any of those that have been put forth. This is off the top of my head, I have not heard or seen anyone else put this forth, but I believe the problem with O is that he is the adult child of at least one alcoholic.


    He is not for change, he is the changling, having learned at a very young age to adapt to whatever situation the alcoholic parent put him in. Additionally, he learned to alter his view points depending on the mood or disposition of the person in authority he was in front of. Charming and glib but completely devoid of integrity, he will spout what he believes will gain him acceptance at the moment.


    He may not be racist, but if his racist pastor promotes racism, he is not going to disagree. He may not be for gun control, but if his handlers are, he is going to do what pleases them and gains him a modicum of acceptance and what he interprets as love.


    I have to think about this more, but if I am even a smidgen correct, how are we going to fare as he sells us out to gain acceptance by world leaders? Not well I venture, and if I am right, this is even more scary than if he really was a racist, Marxist etc.. LL

    He's is definitely anti gun!!!!






    -----Original Message-----

    From: TMKIDD@aol.com

    Date: 10/23/2008 12:30 AM

    To: TMKIDD@aol.com

    Subject: Fwd: Fw: Did you know?




    From: wagner542000@yahoo.com

    To: tmkidd@aol.com, bands@wiktel.com

    Sent: 10/22/2008 7:10:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time

    Subj: Fw: Did you know?





    --- On Tue, 10/7/08, Stephen Faust <stevewf2003@gci.net> wrote:

    From: Stephen Faust <stevewf2003@gci.net>

    Subject: Did you know?

    To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com

    Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 10:25 PM







    If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago,

    you would have $49.00 today.




    If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago, you

    would have $33.00 today.




    If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago,

    you would have $0.00 today.


    But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all

    the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans for recycling refund, you

    would have received $214.00.


    Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink

    heavily & recycle. It is called the 401-Keg.






    A recent study found that the average American walks about 900 miles a

    year. Another study found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons

    of alcohol a year. That means that, on average, Americans get about 41

    miles to the gallon!


    Makes you proud to be an American!



  7. flaco, your kind words for Sen. Stevens are well spoken.


    Although he is the porkbarrel king, he has also served his country and state long and well. He has also been one of the gunowners best friends over the years, never backing down from the gun control zealots. This is going to be a bad time to lose him.


    I certainly hope justice is prevails in Alaska on this one. If he's guilty, well then, off with him, but if he is innocent I certainly hope it comes out.


    Yep, Karl, when you have to pick between grim and grimmer, you settle for grim. At least Sarah is a breath of fresh air. Although you gotta admit, watching Joe B in action certainly can give you the chuckles (just what I want, chuckles for government).




  8. I felt just like you AK,40 years ago until about 5 years ago.They wore me down with the same money begging and phone calls when I was trying to sleep when working 3rd shift,even after begging them to stop.When the dude killed all those kids in California at the McDonalds years ago,an NRA sales person argued with me one night that owning a fully auto rifle was everyones right,well,that was the killing blow for me.I was feeling the grief of the parents of the kids since I had kids that age,so the argument didn't set too well with me.I'm thinking I may give them a try again because of all that's been said here,but when the 40 year old same begging tactics start,well,we'll see. Jerry

    Thats a bunch of crap. what kind of full auto are you talking about?

  9. I have felt like all of the above at one time or another. But most of the time I feel like this. 3-1/2 million members. Probably 8-10 times as many gun owners. Lets say half are legitimate gun lovers. All of them join for a couple years and I doubt many new gun laws would show up. Lobby is lobby and the NRA is a powerful one. Like the system or not, it's how the fight is fought. Now that assumes the money would go where it's needed. But I like that assumption more than the one that says it won't. They're both assumptions and I'd rather try and be wrong than say it won't work to save 35 dollars. Let's think of a different scenario. How long would any of us own any of this stuff without an NRA through 8 yrs of Clinton?

    God bless you why don't every body schell out the bucks and be a life member???

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