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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by roscoedoh

  1. Its been a while since I passed along some one-liners. Here are Tuesday's Quotes of the Day: "Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful." -Warren Buffet on when/how to invest "The cheap and the poor pay twice." -Random guy I talked to yesterday morning
  2. "Tis always better to give than it is to receive"
  3. Excellent! I like it! Good first job! Its always good to find another Enfield fan. Welcome to the board to! Let us know how she shoots. -Jason
  4. 7x57. Why? Because every one of my armories is filled to the max with stockpiles of 7x57 from the M1893 and M1895 Mausers I've already purchased. Plus, the cartridge is powerful enough to kill or maim humans at long distance but the recoil does not pound the heck out of my troops. Its easy for them to shoot accurately and effectively at long ranges. I really like the 8x57 and 30-06 for machine guns, but fired from a bolt-action rifle with a steel buttplate in tropic uniform is a bit much to ask from a relatively poorly trained soldier. So...7x57 all the way.
  5. I was actually a bit displeased with the article. What the reporter neglected to mention was that the boys raised over $2,000 for the breast cancer center here in town and did it all through event sponorship, T-shirt sales, and private donations. What's even more impressive (for me at least) is that they've accomplished all this with only 6 actives and 5 pledges. Not too shabby all things considering... Needless to say, I'm proud of them.
  6. Well rats, my college fraternity chapter's been at it again. Click Here What's the world coming to?
  7. roscoedoh

    New Users

    I sure wish I knew as much about using software as I do Mausers and stained glass. I'm certain there's a solution to our problem but I don't know enough about how our system works to figure it out. The fact that its eluding me is bugging the heck out of me.
  8. I'll be up in Gibsonia, PA over Christmas. My most favorite time to visit Pennsylvania - when its cold, gray, and snowy....
  9. roscoedoh

    New Users

    Tony, Many online forums require an email account for registration and if a prospective member does not have one, there are several free email services available. Due to a heightened volume of spam, we are forced to set a higher standard for new membership. While inconvenient, I see it as necessary. I'm still shocked by the post I deleted last night... Are any of you guys computer literate? Several websites use an application called CAPTCHA to screen out spammers. Is that something we can hook up here?
  10. That's what we're here for amigo. Just keep your head up and keep truckin' along. Someone better will be along before you know it.
  11. Sometimes things don't work out and some people aren't meant to be together. Just cut your losses and walk away. I'm sure you guys had some laughs together, but this apparently wasn't meant to be. If I were in your position, I'd move on. There's not point in hanging on to a relationship that's over. You'll find someone next time. Don't let your ex get to you like this. And besides, its not a crime to be single for a while. You're more likely to find someone when you're having fun and enjoying life than you are when you're down. Shoot guns, date around, have fun. Life's too short to worry with things like this. It'll be alright...
  12. This is from an email I got earlier this evening: "Does anybody out there have any memory of the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY during the Carter Administration? Anybody? Anything? No? Didn't think so. Bottom line . . we've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember. Ready? It was very simple, and at the time e v e r y o n e thought it very appropriate. The Department of Energy (located appropriately at 1000 Independance Ave ) was instituted 8-04-1977 TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. HEY, PRETTY EFFICIENT, HUH? AND NOW IT'S 2008, 31 YEARS LATER, AND THE BUDGET FOR THIS NECESSARY DEPARTMENT IS AT $24.2 BILLION A YEAR, THEY HAVE 16,000 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES, AND APPROXIMATElY 100,000 CONTRACT EMPLOYEE S. This is your government at work." I believe it...but is it true?
  13. Brenden! Glad to hear you're out hunting dude! Lord knows I'll see several dead deer on the side of highway when I'm up in your neck of the woods this December...kill several deer for me. I myself and considering just hanging a deer feeder behind the house this year and hunting out of my garage. I almost ran over an 8-pointer Friday before last on my motorcycle about 200 yards up the road from the house so I know they're here. Maybe I could get him with a rifle instead of a motor vehicle?
  14. roscoedoh

    Eating Crow

    If I ever buy another wooden stock ever again, it will come from a reputable stock maker with a good reputation. While I don't have that much money, I don't have enough time in life to spend countless hours fitting and bedding another Boyd's stock that shows more epoxy around the metal work than wood. I've been down that road twice already and life's too short for a repeat performance. Which reminds me...I need to drag out my 8x60s and wrap some wood around it. Anybody got a spare cocking piece they can part with too?
  15. Once upon a time, in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each. The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at $20 for a monkey. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each, and the supply of monkeys became so small that it was an effort to even find a monkey, let alone catch it! The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. 'Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35, and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each. The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys. They never saw the man nor his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere! Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market works.
  16. Word on the street is you get exactly what you pay for. I've told to stay far, far away from the Century AR's for too many reasons to list.
  17. Remove the action screws, bolt, triggerguard (if possible) and while holding the rifle upside down a few inches above your bed or the couch, try tapping on the barrel with a hammer handle or some other piece of wood. I've had to this once or two to break barreled actions loose after doing bedding jobs and it hasn't failed yet. The key though is don't get too heavy handed and beat the tar out of it...all you're trying to do is jar the thing loose so just "tap" it. As long as you don't beat on the stock, you should be fine.
  18. Hi all! I'm back and proud to be online! As many of you know, I live down around the itty bitty town of Nacogdoches, Texas which is now in a federally declared disaster area. I don't want to steal Houston's thunder because those guys got hit real bad down there. However, Hurricane Ike more or less followed US 59 up from the Gulf and wrecked everything in its path, including my lil' slice of heaven. We've a pretty good mess on our hands 140 miles north of the Gulf. My lights have been off for the six days and I am just happy as all hell to finally have them back on. I've been living by kerosene lantern light and eating lots of canned food. I have a gas water heater and stove so I've been able to take hot showers and eat, but man...its funny how you take little things like electric lighting for granted until you to with out it for a while. To give a brief synopsis of this week's adventure: Hurricane Ike rolled in early Saturday morning after tearing up Houston and sinking Galveston Island. After making it through Rita three years ago, I wasn't all that anxious to do it all over again, but whatcha gonna do? A buddy of mine from down around Lake Jackson came up Wednesday night to get away from the worst of the hurricane and was here when Ike got to town. I was not conscious before 9:00AM Saturday morning so I can't speak to what happened before then. I will say that nothing was happening when I'd gone to bed the night before and I was shocked to find my power still on when I awoke at 9:00. When I got up the storm was already pretty intense and was still building. I lost power at 10:05 when one of the six trees that fell on my street took out the powerline that supplies power to my home. From 10:05 Saturday morning to till about 3:00PM Thursday afternoon, there was no electricity on this end of the county road. Based on previous experience, I had somewhat of an idea of what to expect so I'd laid on a goodly supply of bottled water, batteries, lamp oil, canned goods, ice, and beer. Not knowing what else to do when the power failed, my buddy Jeff and I spent most of the storm playing poker, drinking beer, and watching massive trees rock violently. Fortunately for the 15 or so people that called to check on me while I was dealing cards, the cell towers remained in service the entire time so we had constant contact with the outside world. Finally, the storm subsided a bit after 4:00PM so I stepped outside to take a look around and inspect any damage. I was very pleased and real relieved to find none! We'd watched some real big trees doin' the hula all day long and I was real, real happy to see that none of the ones in my yard came down or landed on my house. I will say though, that many I know were not as fortunate. My boss's house took a hit, as did his boat when a neighbor's tree landed on it. My former stepfather had half a red oak land on the corner of his house and had another red oak fall across his driveway. Most of the county roads around here were littered with downed trees. When I finally got out of the house later Saturday night, Nacogdoches looked bombed out. Literally. Most importantly though, no one was killed that I am aware of so I guess everyone came through ok. Although my house and yard came through the storm just fine, my county road did not. I have three possible access points to US 59 and all three had trees laying across them. I also realized right then that I owned neither an axe nor a chainsaw! I called around and finally got the former stepdad to come over and cut tree off the bridge next to the house. I'd tried to drag it off with my truck but didn't make it very far. I later realized what a huge mess John left to come get the tree out of the way...needless to say, he's got some big favors he can call in when he needs my help! (I spent all day Sunday cleaning up his yard too.) Anyway, so we all made it through Hurricane Ike safe and relatively sound. Here are some pictures I snapped with my phone. They aren't even the tip of the ice berg. Here's the tree that kept me at house all day Saturday (note all the tree limbs and trash in the road - it was like that or worse everywhere else): I apologize for the crappy quality, but my LG phone doesn't have the best camera built into it. Once I finally got to town, I'd heard that a prominent local restuarant was now offering fine dining under the stars. Here's Clear Springs with the roof peeled back: The 60+ mph winds rolled the steel roof back like a sardine can. Here's the stepdad's yard on Sunday. I mentioned a red oak that fell across the driveway...here it is from both sides of it. First from the house looking out: Then from my truck (little red one in the upper right corner of the above picture) looking toward the house: This tree took out four to six other trees when it fell as well as the electrical service to his house. We cut the service in the clear and hung it up on the pole across from the house. However, for the triplex to get from the transformer to the pole by the house, its got to go straight through that big mess of downed trees. I suggested that we lay an underground service once all the trees are cut down to prevent this in the future. And in the mean time, I think stepdad is still several days away from getting electrical service again. The utility will have start at the bottom of the hill and rebuild the line up his street. Hopefully Deep East Texas will get to his neighborhood sooner than later! How to sum things up? Well, as I said, we're all alive and still kicking. My lights are back on finally (woo hoo!) and the only causality I personally took is a misaligned satellite dish. I am glad I left the mobile home to move into this house and I am thankful for how lucky I am to get off so lightly. I feel I was properly prepared, although you can bet that I'll have an axe and a chainsaw close by if this ever happens again! Here's hoping this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN! And ah! If you appreciate your electricity, thank a lineman. Their's is truly a thankless, dangerous job.
  19. Lookin' good Mike! Keep up the good work man!!
  20. LOL! Yeah Kenny, I do get a lot of use out of them. They've been the best pair of $10 gloves I've ever owned. They have surely seen their share of arcs, torches, flames, glowing steel, and other hot items since I bought them seven years ago. Here lately though, all I've needed them for is to open the BBQ pit when to load in more wood. Also...you probably noticed but it just donned on me; I'm holding the possum with the same glove I was holding that flying squirrel in my avatar. So yeah, I guess I do get good use out of them!
  21. I got home this morning around 12:00 to find Ms. Roxy going bananas in the backyard. Apparently she had an uninvited guest come by for a visit and needed help to make him leave. Imagine my surprise to come stumbling out of the house, FAL in hand, expecting a Martian invasion and finding this: He was kind of a cute little fella, if a little terrified. I imagine he was after my dog's food. Anyway, I'm not a real mean guy so I carried it down the road a piece and let it go. Hopefully it'll either stay out of my yard or my dog will do a better job at chasing them away...
  22. This is a woodworking project so I put in this forum. I started this over a year ago, set it down, picked it back up, set it down, moved, got too cold, etc... This cabinet has been a long way in completion. Some of you may remember last year when I was asking about dorm fridges and circulating water through them to cool off an aquarium. Well, I designed this cabinet to be an aquarium stand and house said dorm fridge. I have long since abandoned the refrigerator idea, but the design remains unchanged. Here tis: I went all out this time and used oak veneer plywood and oak lumber for the trim. I also put a formica counter top on it. I post this as a work in progress because I just bought lumber to make the doors. Once those are done and installed, I'll post a completed photo. I'll also admit that I have a long way to go before I can touch any of Tony's work, but I'm kinda enjoying working with wood. I'm trying outfit my house and need new furniture. I can still make it cheaper than I can buy it and I won't be limited to someone else's design. Just thought I'd share.
  23. It looks like Mayor Kilpatrick has quite a mess on his hands. How'd this guy get elected anyway?
  24. I think 2008 has about the worst candidates to offer in recent history. I don't particularly like either partys' candidates this go 'round. I'm voting Republican this election. I cannot, will not vote for Obama. I don't know what rock he slithered out from under, but I sure wish he'd go back...
  25. I'm a bit behind on supplying the usual random quotes so here are two: "Every four years I think, 'it can't get any worse' and...it does..." -Lewis Black "If Gustav hits New Orleans, its a clear sign from God that we shouldn't rebuild that place." -Jay (a fellow who works for my company down in southern Louisiana)
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