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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Posts posted by usmc0332

  1. We should not be using a varmit cartridge against lethal targets. It would be possible for me to hunt bears with a .243, but if I was going on a hunt like that I would rather use a round MORE than capable of the job. I have heard rumors that the Marine Corps is currently developing a larger caliber round for the M16 format. A friend of mine was stationed in Iraq. They had to deal with many PC rules of engagement(what are the enemies rules of engagement again?). While at a machinegun emplacement with a M240(7.62) he was not allowed to use it to engage a lone enemy carrying weapons. He complied and reports that he had a solid hit, upper chest, at 50 meters. He said that the target sat down for several minutes before getting up and walking away without his weapons. He was disarmed so he could not be engaged again. If the same event had occured using a decent weapon such as the M14, it would have been a successful engagement. As they say, there is no replacement for displacement. I read a report of a Delta team in Afghanistan, where a senior member insisted on using an M14. The younger guys had fun at his expense, teasing him about not being current with the times and using an M4. When they were in firefights, they noticed that 1 hit=1 enemy down when he hit them, yet it took several hits for them to have the same result. The M16-5.56mm was designed to be used in guarding flightlines. The small round did less damage to aircraft than the 7.62. Do we also want to do less damage to the enemy?At least the .45 is regaining favor again. I doubt that these insurgents probably worry about their wounded. We should be helping them out and have a service round more capable of punching bus tickets to allah.


    I believe that we have enough documented history of 18 year old well trained US servicemen being able to do their job with a rifle. Our men in uniform are probably the best trained now that they ever have been. For a government official to claim anything less leads me to believe that yet another stuffed shirt should be out on his ass and find his true calling, selling well used cars.

  2. That sucks. We have hit them also. Around here, the high deer population along with insurance company lobbying has changed things. Our season has changed for the better. It used to be a one deer limit, with doe tags as a lottery. Now we can buy a license for one deer($30), and 4 intensive harvest antlerless tags($14 each). You can only take one antlered buck, but I like a freezer filled with the other ones. Venison, its whats for dinner.

  3. I know that steel is stronger than aluminium. In this application what would the discernable benefit be. I have not used either, but I have pondered this. I like the idea of $25 scope mounting instead of $50 for regular Leupold.

  4. I also believe that affirmative action should be scrapped. If our government reflected equality it would be one step in the right direction. I have read some interviews of Clarence Thomas that stated this point far better than i could ever accomplish. I believe that we as a people have moved on from the racist ways of the past. If I were a 'minority' I would not want to work where I wasn't wanted, and I would rather get hired because I was the man for the job rather than filling a quota. It is much the same as when I was job hunting when i was fresh out of the Marine Corps. There were applications that wanted my job history minus military service. I gave those applications back as I didn't want to work for those businesses.


    My family comes from immigrants here from the last 100 years. Many of them "Americanised" their names to fit in better. They became legal citizens. They sent their kids to school to learn English and only allowed them to speak English at home. They served in time of war. They are proud to be Americans, and their lives have improved by hard work. Times have not always been good, but they are better than living as sharecroppers in Finland. We like our Finnish heritage, but love this country

  5. Well I would trade our current President for his father. I believe that his generation would be less likely to consider granting citizenship to those illegally in this country. Just as Jimmy Carter would probably consider certain acts to be sex. I wish there was a viable 3rd party. Heck, we voted an All-Star wrestler in as govenor up here. It just seems that the parties are migrating to extremes, leaving the middle open to someone who can be for the majority of the people. But I fear having an Al Gore, Kerry, hillary clinton, or John McCain. Without second amendment rights the rest are living on borrowed time. Plus if they had their way the only deer hunting I'd ever be able to do, is with my car.

  6. In my view I see two kinds of voters. One kind votes with a vision for what they would like this country to be like when their children and grandchildren grow up. They vote with a mission to maintain values and freedoms that have meant something in their lives, that they would like to see carried into the future, even if it might cost them something. The other kind of voter votes with their hand out, GIMME SOMETHING TODAY, who cares about tomorrow. I am a union member, but will never be a good one as the democrat utopia looks a lot like my personal hell to me. I fly a Bush/Cheney sticker right next to an Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on the bumper on my car. I get plenty of comments from the GIMMEs on construction sites. Seldom are my reasons for my convictions well received, but I never needed to be popular in my beliefs. Sadly it looks like we now have more GIMMEs slithering across our doorstep everyday. I am just glad that it still gets far below zero up her in Minnesota. We have an influx, but only the hardy ones.

  7. Well we were several Special Operations Capable Marine Expeditionary Units sitting on boats. Most of us had done 90+ days at sea without liberty more than once. Over half of us had been scheduled to be home before Christmas, January found us still making square circles in the Persian Gulf. Desert Shield had cancelled our trip to Australia for nothing. Probably 1/3 of us were on involuntary extension(held beyond end of active duty) or close to it. I think we might have been a valid threat.


    When they said it was time to head for home, CHAOS shook the ship for about 10 or 15 minutes. There were fights, stuff was flying, even a few tears, it was amazing. There was no celebrating going on with those in green. Until then there was still hope. Then I dug out my short-timer calendar that had been buried in my locker.

  8. When I came home in '91 I was expecting to encounter protesters or other vermin. I just figured that there were things worth getting in trouble over. Instead I was overwhelmed by the yellow ribbons everywhere. I did not feel intitled to a heros welcome, as I missed the war. I was off the coast on amphibious assault ships, we were the decoy force, 27 ships worth. We were angry and felt cheated, after spending 10 months mostly just a heliocopter ride away from doing our job. When greeted with thank you's I was not very good at receiving them. I said I didn't do anything-Go thank a Vietnam vet, they fought in a war. It took a while, but I got most of my issues sorted out over time. I just hope that these guys are healthier than we were when we got back. I fought with persian gulf syndrome intensely for quite a while. I found some vitamins that helped me quite a bit. The VA didn't want to spend the money to help us get better. I appreciate everything that these guys do in defense of this country of ours. I just wish we had done it during my time. I didn't join the Marine Corps Infantry to watch a war on CNN. Sorry for drifting so far off topic.

  9. I remember some years back, some employees were going to leave from work for a hunting weekend. They were fired, because they had guns in their vehicles. If I remember correctly they didn't even know about the policy. This was before 911, I think it was in Salt Lake City.


  10. My wife and I each had a hard run on the stuff when we were younger. Being as I was younger first, I was fortunate enough to have been available at a time I could help her. I would have never believed that she would become my wife. Plus the fact that she has put up with me for 11 years of marriage, another miracle. It is all a testimony to the fact that there is someone that is bigger than any problem in this world. That crap pollutes this northern country also. I have even pointed out people(discreetly) to my 11 year old daughter as examples of what drugs will do to you. I imagine that day of serious discussion about it all is very close at hand with her. I am very glad to be raising kids in a small town (3500pop).

  11. In boot camp I innocently asked a question, that resulted in many pushups. We were told that we are no longer white or black. We are now light green and dark green. I asked something to the effect that what do we refer to the shades between light and dark. My 2 hispanic DI's took turns wearing me out. I was not being a smart alec, but I had been awake for about 2 days straight. I never did get an answer. I am from small town Minnestoa. This was a place where we would all have been referred to as light greens. I had next to zero exposure to diversity. My determination is that that some people like to be offended, and some like to offend. I fell in the group of those that prefer neither.

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