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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by karlunity

  1. Jason. This is gonna sound like a " Dutch Uncle" but it is true: Sir, You are going to be working for the next 50 years, if you factor in vacations that come with most normal vocations the span is 50 times 11=550 months or 11000 days or 110,000 hours. So do something you value, something of importance to you. Don't worry overmuch about money, once you become good at what you value that will follow. We all like to get paid, but if you work for bucks alone, life can get real grim. But if you can combine work and talents, life is good. Lots of luck Karl
  2. Folks. I have been looking for a .22 revolver to go with the Mousegun. I was in Turner's last Sat and I found not one but two in the used gun case. Both were steel and wood not plastic! One was 99 bucks and the other which had adjustible sights was $ 119!!!! I had the paper work and the money but the shop was packed and I did not want to wait...I will go back on Wednesday... They were both gone Never again, if I see a good gun and I have the loot, it is mine. Karl the dumb.
  3. I agree, TYRVR knows a heck of a lot more about gunsmithing than I do. Karl But I am much handsomer
  4. Well said sir. Happy birthday to us all. Karl
  5. Folks. I was watching the History network...what else The were showing newreels from WWll. In one film this tired grunt is checking dead Japs on Iwo to make sure they are dead. He prods one with his carbine, than to be sure, puts a round into the body and walks on, just another day on the job. I got to thinking that if CNN had a clip of a GI or Marine doing that today in Irag, his butt would be in Jail and the liberal Congress and media would go mad!! When you look at China and The Middle East, I fear for the future of the nation if we don't wakeup. The world is not a pink playroom, it is a jungle and the soft get eaten. Karl
  6. Well...A doggy who sees the light...and can count..will wonders never cease We Marines, are of course, worth many of the other lesser types but being the polite fellas and ladies that we are, we seldom speak of our greatness. Karl
  7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "shock and awe" types are at it again! This time it is Iran we must take out before they get WMDs. We can win without "boots on the ground". Air power alone will bring them to their knees. Now, I don't like Iran. I recall the "hostage" issue under Carter. I think we SHOULD have taken Iran out before Saddam. Any one with half a brain knows that Iran is the center of gravity for the Islamic rebirth. The problem is that we just don't have the troops. Assume that the Ayatollahs roll over and fall back on people's war, where are we going to get the troops to run Iran? Most of the Army and Marine Corps is at work, enlistments are down and the Doves are already at work? If we take out Iran, we are gonna need grunts and we just don't have any to spare. Karl Life is simple.
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