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Everything posted by karlunity

  1. I know that quote,,,,I also know what Washington told us about avoiding other people's wars.
  2. True .But it is the issy,s problem NOT ours
  3. Paul may say what he wills. But note he did not go back to Jerusalem for trial. He went to Rome and lived for another 4 or 5 years. In any case it is not my war unless America is attacked
  4. yep only dumber as they should know better. karl
  5. you can leave the war but it can take a while for the war to leave you. we drank it away but now i hear that is out of style. I have heard people suggest POT as a replacement but pot makes one very parotid and that is the LAST thing any vet needs. Because if you do not become very parotid as a grunt, you become dead. So more in the world you do not need
  6. Before 1900,in the age of empire, they simply could have said 'no prisoners, kill the lot.. fire and sword' Now? Especially since 1945, a ''Civilized"..power simply cannot do that. Not done too Nazi like ..bad press.old chap.
  7. Told them dumb sobs to vote for Trump! Now? they are looking at an Atomic ww lll! Enjoy idiots This is not addressed to any here karl
  8. The Germans lost the sixth Army city fighting and no one said the Germans could not fight. Knowing that, if I were the IDF general, I would try to get civvies out so I could use air and arty too. It is better than room to room and tunnel fighting. Far better
  9. Joe's $100,000,000,000? That is 100 thousand million.Or enough to give every American $3,000,000. Think about that!!!!? Call or write your congress person
  10. Ok We have taken sides. We are pro Israel. This war can only end with social integration The State of Israel-Palestine no more Jewish state or it must end in genocide and massive deportation...ethnic cleaning on a scale not seen since WW ll or be frought again every 20 years or so. As we are at war, best expect attacks..Time and past time to secure our borders
  11. Since I am now way too old for war, I tend to think more before I support sending the kids to battle for any but the USA. karl
  12. Yes that is in the old testament. The moors follow the Quran. So they fight. Not our war not our problem. karl
  13. The only "crime" in war is losing. Ask the Carthaginians.
  14. You know I could almost feel sorry for Joe Biden...Till I get the bill at the pump or supermarket Active
  15. Boomer part ll our view on limited war seemed logical to the WW ll types who gave it to us, that is. I think, why they have tried so hard to change human nature, and perhaps it is, Yet there have been many small wars since WW ll and the numbers do add up. The Izzy have a problem. The world, which never did like them much, is slowly again turning against them. Yet, if they dont finish the job,it will sooner or later finish them. Both sides, if we may believe the Bible, are brothers, and no one hates like family. That, plus the fact that while Jews may as "people of the Book" live among Muslims they may not take land that was once Islamic,outside the realm of Islam.To allow that is a sin, if I recall my Koran. Jews want their own nation, it is called the "Jewish state". I think their view has much more in common with say the Saudi than it has with the Constitution. As I see it; Three things are possible: One Jews genocide Gaza and remove any non Jew from Israel. Two; Israel becomes a millet( self governing Provence) is a Saudi Sunni empire. Three: Both sides destroy each other in atomic war. A Palestinian, I worked with,said "We did not do the holocaust, The Germans did. If you want to give Jews land, fine, give them land in Germany. This is the 20th century, the time when you could just go in a kick aside the natives,take their land and set up a colony has passed." Yet Jewish people believe that they have an ancient right to THAT land, . The religious ones think it was given to them by God, the Secular ones think it is theirs by right of conquest. I dont think the war is going to stop any time soon. Opinions? Interesting times
  16. True sir...I would say most live in a dreamworld.
  17. The WW ll types knew how to deal with a foe.Destroy or convert him We and worse the kids have been raised on the idea of limited war and unicorns and that simply does not work. You either destroy or convert the foe. This ,Our parents who studied Roman History, knew. We have forgotten this, or many have ,and will pay to relearn it,
  18. could well be..the Arabs have the money to hire who they will, Joe made sure of that.
  19. Red China..North Korea, Pakistan and Russia have atomic weapons, shall we go to war with them all? I mean we mind our own business but let people know that we will go ape on them if they attack us. in short we dont fight others battles for them. We are not the world police karl
  20. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4254384-brian-mast-israeli-military-uniform-capitol-hill/ Brian Mast GOP fl
  21. I think the real danger to Israel is; if Iran gets nukes or a strong ally with nukes. There are about 9,000,000 izzy and perhaps another 9.000,000 Jewish folk world wide against perhaps 2000.000.000 Islamic people. True not all on either side want to fight, but numbers count in war. The word is that Israel has about 200 atomic weapons and that keeps the Islamic mostly at bay. But is Iran gets the bomb, that makes MAD come into play and Israel simply cannot have that. interesting times karl
  22. The IDF has a problem that is very difficult.. Israel knows that it must keep the good opinion of the WEST to survive; They will not keep that if they kill thousands of women and children. by air and arty. So they need to have as many women and children leave Gaza as possible. Mass use of air and arty.is the preferred way to take a city, you lose less of your people, yet that makes tens of thousands of dead women and kids and that does not play well on TV. Yet, if they send ground troops into Gaza to go house by house to limit civilian dead, as people dont leave, and also go into tunnels they will lose perhaps several thousands of troops.That is not something the IDF wants to do nor do they have the numbers to accept huge loses. As I said, they have a problem
  23. I am an American nationalist and if the USA is not attacked, an isolationist karl
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