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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by ShooterTom

  1. Not only do we need to keep pressure on congress, we need to hammer the NRA alsoto make them take a stronger lead. Tom P.S. which I have done and will continuse to
  2. By publishing their addresses and phone numbers. http://christopherfountain.wordpress.com/2012/12/24/sauce-for-the-goose/
  3. “It makes me very uncomfortable,” Varney said. “And I don’t think we should do that. I don’t think British people should come over here with that hoity-toity accent, talk down to Americans and tell Americans that there is something wrong with their society.” http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/27/stuart-varney-blasts-piers-morgan-and-his-hoity-toity-accent-audio/
  4. waterdogz, You may need to take an internet break for a while, the gun control subject is every where right now and with good reason. This is about the mildest firearm message board I know. Tom
  5. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/27/Obama-I-Ran-So-I-Could-Have-Men-With-Guns-Around-My-Daughters
  6. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/create-gun-free-politician-zones-all-politicians-who-support-gun-free-school-zones-and-strict-gun/vGNmsR7V?utm_source=wh.gov&utm_medium=shorturl&utm_campaign=shorturl
  7. I am under no illusion what so ever that it will get the limey azzhole deported. When congressional turds see the signatures rack up so fast on a second admendment issue. They may rethink voting for gun control, if they want to keep their seat. I know it will have no affect on the Kenyan National in Chief.
  8. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/deport-british-citizen-piers-morgan-attacking-2nd-amendment/prfh5zHD
  9. "Gun free zones" equal killing zones. Any place my gun is not welcome I do not go, if at all possible. If I have to use the mail service I go to the UPS store that handles U.S. mail transactions also. Tom
  10. Tony my neighbor out at my rural property, was having his chickens eaten by dogs and coyotes. It wiped out his entire flock except a rooster. He got a free mule off of craigslist and put it with the chickens, it's about an acre sized pen and he hasn't had anymore problems I guess a mule will attack dogs or coyotes in his domain. Tom
  11. I joined through Shooting USA, you save $10.00. If anyone else is interested here is the link. http://www.shootingusa.com/LATEST_UPDATES/NRA_news/NRA_Membership/nra_membership.html Tom
  12. Karl I am going to do the same. I'm not a big fan of the NRA but if their numbers grow right now, the dems will remember what happened to them when Clintons ban passed.
  13. Karl, Great idea!! It might be helpful for us all to post companies or items that are still, Made In The USA. Here is a few off the top of my head. http://www.vaughanmfg.com/ hammers, hatchets, pry bars, etc. http://www.channello...nnellock.com/ pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers, etc. http://www.queencutlery.com/ pocket knives, hunting knives, etc. http://www.zippo.com/ Lighters
  14. http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/2012/11/close-to-17000-have-signed-we-the-people-petition-asking-white-house-to-allow-texas-secession.html/ https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/peacefully-grant-state-texas-withdraw-united-states-america-and-create-its-own-new-government/BmdWCP8B
  15. Karl I ran across this today it is like this guy was reading my mind. "Dear Republican Party" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI8O2SO2dIM&feature=g-u-u
  16. We are truly screwed. The U.S. is now in the control of third world invaders that have no desire for Liberty. All they seek is a bigger share from Uncle Sugar. The G.O.P. will now float into oblivion because of their failure to provide a true constitutional-conservative, alternative. Tom
  17. I hope so. As much as I don't like Romney, I don't believe the media, how they are making it out, that Obama has the edge. I don't think it will be close, I think Obama is out. I guess we will see soon. Tom
  18. "No one ever expected national health care to pass either and the left has been trying for that since Truman" I just want to point out that we are stuck with national health care, because of Chief Justice John Roberts. A George W. Bush appointee. My only reason for pointing that out is, I beleive that we are already in deep doo doo!! I don't see that condition changing after Tuesdays election, regardless of the outcome. We have a Government that no longer follows the Constitution or represents our will . So it comes down to, do we obey an unconstitutional law? Or do we resist? Tom
  19. Yes on that we absolutely agree! Tom
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