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Posts posted by Horsefly

  1. Great pit. Wonder how many know what the weights were made for?  Years ago most rural communities had community centers that had pits like yours, and some churches too. Most didn’t have lids though. Orta be some good groceries coming off that smoker. Come on fall!

  2. Fantastic picture. I’m so old I remember women and girls wearing dresses all the time, even to the fields. Will never forget the finger mashing card tables either. Must not be Texas since it’s wheat or oats being harvested, so that’d be end of May or 1st of June, so (we called and still do noon meal dinner) lunch would be in a shade. My Dad is 93 today and has and uses his M-Farmall tractor. Thanks for the pic. That’s America !

  3. I would puke trying to eat okra with even a hint of slime. Home fried okra has to be super crunchy almost like eating ice. You can’t get real fried at restaurants or fast food joints. It was hard to get my wife not to put okra in stew. I’m completely with you on the slime and taste if not fried crunchy. 

  4. Thanks, but of course you know I don’t post pics of failures. The tomatoes are loaded but are no good with a few nice ones going to bumper crop of mockingbirds. I’d like to kick the arse of the cat that made the mockingbird Texas state bird. Okra is good this year. Fireants finally found it. 

  5. Black gumbo loaded with horse political promises 2 years ago. Cantaloupes and watermelons just started to ripen. Picked 35 cantaloupes so far. A few bad ones but man are they sweet. Looks like a Rawhide stampede when I drive to neighbors cow pasture with garden stuff to give his miniature cows. 


  6. Almost like it’s for coming out on top instead of getting good deals. Competition instead of bargain hunting. I’ll never go to another auction. Estate sales I still enjoy but like what was said, welders,tools and guns you can forget. Miller Bobcat welders will sell 100’s more than new and not have leads. 

  7. The apricots being early is the reason this isn’t good area for apricots and apples. We normally have spring like weather a couple weeks in February then hard freezes 1st of March. Supposedly Texas A&M bred a variety of apricots for North Texas, but I’ve not seen them. There’s apples that do ok here, but I don’t care for them. Bitter green apples like Granny Smith but still not as good. I’m too far south for rhubarb, cherries,apples and apricots. I put this post under Hobbies because most stuff I grow goes to cows and goats because yuppie townies don’t can or freeze produce or even cook. 

  8. I had a surprise crop of apricots. Wasn’t much blooming but man did it load up. This is too south for them but was a weird spring. I never spray the tree just because outta about 10 years this is the second time the tree had fruit. 3 years ago there was a big crop and a worm in every one. This year not one single worm so far. The squirrels didn’t hit them but had to fight blue jays, mockingbirds and house finches for my share. 



  9. Been picking about 15lb. of squash and zucchini every other day. Tomatoes are loaded with little tomatoes about size of grapes. Okra only knee high and blooming. Watermelons and cantaloupes growing and blooming like crazy. Giant onions I will pull maybe in a week. Probably picking apricots today. 

  10. Been picking about 15lb. of squash and zucchini every other day. Tomatoes are loaded with little tomatoes about size of grapes. Okra only knee high and blooming. Watermelons and cantaloupes growing and blooming like crazy. Giant onions I will pull maybe in a week. Probably picking apricots today. 



  11. The new folks aren’t really rude. I think just way overwhelmed in culture differences. I have Boston neighbors that’s a whole different kinda cat. Can’t pour piss outta a boot with instructions on the heal but look down on anything Southern. He says his hockey stick by his bed is as good as a gun. Stupidest thing I’ve heard grown man say out load. May be right if crook kicks in door swinging a tennis racquet. 

  12. Hard for me to see humor in Into Harleys. I’m sure new folks cracked up later about me saying y’all, but them saying you guys is way weird to me. I have cousins in Cali that say you guys and a son-in-law from Kentucky that says that and uses awesome and bazar a lot. Don’t hear those words much in Southern Slang. Oh ya, the .257 turned into 6.5x55. Talk to y’all later. Need to light a shuck and get busy. 

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