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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by Dr.Hess

  1. I've seen signs out at the lumber, "No Culling." Of course, half the boards there were not usable.
  2. Those are good. I've seen some 2x4's like that, too. They have signs out sometimes saying no culling. Well, if I can't use it, I'm not going to buy it.
  3. The things you hear about Chicago and Detroit are just so far out there. Third world. That's what happens when demonrats take control, and you can never get rid of them once they do.
  4. Yeah, mine too. That's how we wound up in Arkansas. Not too cold, not too hot.
  5. As dirty as that last one was, it is going to be "interesting." News reports out today that half the counties in Michigan have more registered voters than adults: https://www.westernjournal.com/rnc-files-bombshell-swing-state-lawsuit-says-half-counties-registered-voters-adults/
  6. I dunno. They have screwed up every single place on the planet. I last traveled the world in the mid 80's. Back then, Argentina, Israel, Costa Rica, parts of Panama, Brazil were all nice, but they are all screwed now. I think the best places today are Arkansas, Wyoming, Idaho, South Dakota. Way under the RADAR.
  7. I agree with both you guys. Besides the decline in milsurps, etc., face book took a big toll on the forums. I still remember when e-mail lists were the thing. And before that, there were 2, count 'em 2, forums on the internet, then called DARPAnet. One in Mississippi and one at MIT. You had to TELNET to them once you connected into the net on a dialup through a local university. And, yeah, the feds (all of them) don't need logins to see the forums, but I think it makes it easier for them. Maybe not. FYI, I knew a guy that ran a department at AT&T back in the 80's. As a clue into his responsibility level: His budget for his department was $6 million. A month. He told me back then that all conversations could be "recreated." That is, played back. It was all digital then, and all stored.
  8. We have a lot of members, or accounts, that never post, just exist in the background. I wonder how many of those are feds just registering to get a full look into the site, although we don't have any members only parts that I know of. A lot of those could have been spam accounts too.
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