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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by pacrat

  1. Congrats Dad, quite a Mothers Day Gift for Mom.
  2. If the barrel is a keeper and the stub reciever junk cut the relief groove in the reciever ring. Whacking is good, but using a wooden 4x4 isn't as effective as a steel hammer. The wood compressing at point of impact acts as a shock absorber.
  3. Sanctions against who? Pakistan? We have been kissing their rectum and giving them 1.8 Billion dollars a year in military and financial aid since 2001 to help on the War Against Terror. Proves you can't buy friends. IMO they have and will continue to play both ends against the middle. Pakistan and Yemen are the 2 largest strongholds of Al Queda. In essence we as US Taxpayers have been subsidizing Al Queda through our allies.
  4. I find a mix of 50/50 ATF and laquer thinner works very well as a penetrant. Stand on muzzle and drizzle the mix around the barrel stub inside reciever. Heat is good, to much heat is bad as it carbonizes the oil in the penetrant and makes it into a glue. Use a heat gun or hair dryer. Heat cool, heat cool, heat cool repeatedly to allow penetrant into threads.If beating be cautious about dinging the reciever. Try using a hack saw with a very fine blade to cut a ring around the barrel shoulder just forward of the ring. This relieves compression stress of shoulder against reciever ring. Good Luck
  5. Mosin's are on page 5 of this PDF Flatulant Chicken may want to make this a sticky/archive file for future reference. Lots of good barrel shank thread info. Well crud link was there and then got poofed. Here it is again. http://www.homegunsmith.com/cgi-bin/ib3/iB_html/uploads/post-71-40666-BSD_small.pdf
  6. Which is a good thing. I have to wonder how the US government can track 1 cow with mad cow disease within days. But took 10 yrs. to find 1- 6' 5" pencil thin rag who is on dialysis. Will it really matter in the long haul? Some other radical rag will just step up and fill the gap. One down and approx a billion to go til the world is safe.
  7. pacrat


    "Numerous snakes then began to approach him" Sounds more like a severe case of DT's rather than an infestation of snakes. JM2c
  8. pacrat


    Have you bathed of late? I've heard from reliable sources they can smell a dead chicken from a mile away.
  9. European wold boars are amour plated and hard to croak. Feral hogs aren't and much easier to bring down. This one had been shot 4 times previously from distance because there was very little expansion of slugs. All were 30 cal 2 150 gr spitzers, and 2 150 gr flat nose like a 30-30. Skull is IIRC 20" long he was 8 ft nose to bung and weighted a tad over 500 #. Tuskes are 4". Go with the 8mm and deep penetrating bullets if hunting Euro's JM2c
  10. Backwards Bubba got to it. That base was obviously not made for this rifle. Much to short. Bubba Mickey Moused it by mounting it backwards and drilled into the top lug support. edit........could be I'm mistaken, but something just doesn't look right. I've never seen a standard turn in base where the turn in is at rear and windage adj. at the front. Also as is, if you move the base forward where it belongs the rear hole will be in the feeding/ejection port. JM2c
  11. Didn't know snipers used grenades
  12. Cheaper and easier to fireform 303 cases. Then [neck size] only when reloading. This leaves the case fitting the chamber as is and does not create the overwork hardened brass that causes seperations. Yes, not quite as pretty with the bulge at the web but I only care how they shoot. JM2c
  13. SeaWorld,Old Town, or the Gaslight District. Other than that just another town. Unless you like to go deep sea fishing.
  14. Why should they get their respective s%$t together. The more drug cartel crime they have, the more they blame their problems on the US, and the more taxpayers dollars O-hole sends them to fight their crime problem. Like we don't have enough crime of our own to fight. JM2c
  15. Before becoming Gov. of Commyfornia the Gipper was president of the Screen Actors Guild. He was not anti union but would not allow any group to strangle his country. JM2c
  16. 724 yes most definitely, but I rant about those problems under different topics. To Clarify..........I'm not an anti-union ranter just a public sector anti-union ranter. I will be 62 this yr and start collecting a union pension. But it is a private sector pension from the UBC not one penney of which comes from taxpayers pockets.
  17. Here in Commyfornia, Gov. Moonbeam Brown signed legislation giving state workers right to collective bargaining. Here is how it has evolved over the last 30 yr. Unions take the dues from members. After lining their own pockets they pass the rest off to Political Campaigns. They tell members how they should vote in general elections. Being the good little brainless sheep that they are the vast majority vote anyway the union tells them to. At this point the elected officials owe the unions their jobs. So they sign unsustainable sweetheart deals for the unions. So the union officials get even more money to add to the circle jerk of buying politicians. Since gaining collective bargaining powers the unions now own the state legislature. In esence they have purchased their employers. In private sector negotiations the employees sit on one side of the table and the employers on the other. Employers bargain with their own monies and employees bargain for part of the cash+benefits. They hash out agreements that best serve the interests of both parties. With public service unions the employers and the employees are both on one side of the table and the now unrepresented taxpayers are on the other side. The employers [read crooked politicians already bought and paid for by the unions] have absolutely no incentive to bargain in good faith because they are not bargaining with their own money but that of the taxpayers. {Remember the unrepresented folks with the deep tax pockets sitting across the table}. Commyfornia, the richest most populous state in the Nation is now 25.6 BILLION dollars in the red and sliding into bankruptcy because of this situation and their is no end in sight. NUMBERS.........Only a small percentage of the population are public service union members. Yet they have managed to bankrupt the state while lining their own pockets with the tax dollars of the rest of the residents. Even a Liberal A-hole like FDR could see what would happen and fought against it.
  18. Very good point...........One of my grandfathers came through Ellis Isl. in the 1920's. After a miserable voyage stacked like cordwood in the hold of a ship. Quarenteen and language lessons. Once he left the Island he considered himself an American not a BLEEPING HYPHEN.
  19. Yep, Screws are the same, only the names were changed to protect the innocent. Keep in mind that with dozens of armories the world over making millions of rifles for over 60 yrs there are at times slight differences in lenght. The rear screw on my 93 is about 1/8 longer than my VZ24. JM2c
  20. Need parts fellas. Pistol is made by Diana in Germany same as a md 5 Diana from what I can gleen. Was also sold under Winchester name. Anybody know of a parts source? Main piston seal is shot. No pun intended.
  21. +1 Yep, any fast evaporating solvent will show cracks. I've used gasoline. rubbing alcohol, and acetone in the past.
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