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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by manureman

  1. I like the avatar too Az ! I for one have never thought any of your post were long or boring and enjoy the hell out of em and appreciate you taking the time. Jim
  2. Sic em FC ! It sounds so good to hear things going in the right direction after eight years of that cull mooslim in the White House. Thanks for taking a stand. Jim
  3. I’ll take a jillion like the young man Az described,and be proud to get them. The boarder has to be sealed . But I’ve never believed Trumps BS about building the wall or more so making Mexico pay for it. I sure hope he proves me wrong. He’s surprised me so far. Sessions needs to start pulling some rabbits out of his hat or he needs a boot in his backside. I’ve had all the PC southern gentleman routine I can stomach . And while I’m dreaming ,lock her up! Jim
  4. Two sides of the same coin with few exceptions in my opinion. And the very few that I think might be an exception..... I don’t trust one bit. Trump was not my candidate in the primary and while I take issue with some of his moves, I will say he has been a very pleasant surprise and has done more quicker than I expected or had hopes for. And probably gotten more done than my candidate of choice by far. I’m just pretty tickled with him so far. Jim
  5. Sounds like a helluva bargin to me ! Im in and thanks guys. Jim
  6. Good looking old gun , you did a nice job on it ! I like everything about it. Jim
  7. Good job Ralph! Kind of looks like Santa Clause rear ended ya
  8. Thanks Az ! That is exactly the kind of info I was looking for, I could find stuff about how folks could put a thousand dollar piece of glass on one and shoot tiny holes with expensive ammo . And no mention of reliability problems but there shouldn’t be with that kind of ammo through a rifle with that kind of price tag. Good to here it’ll eat what you feed it without hiccups. Jim
  9. Very nice Az ! Not trying to hi jack your thread but I’ve been wondering for a couple years now if you grabbed one of those S&W M&P 10’s back when Buds was running their deal on them and if you did what’s your opinion on it . Jim
  10. Hey FC great weather here too ! Ive taken a break from the truck and am trying to get my beans picked while weve got good running , so I was on the combine till dark then came in and had a great meal with all the kids and grandkids. Now everybody has went to town doing the thanksgiving sale thing and left me with a full belly kicked back in the recliner trying to keep my eyes open. Been a perfect day! And I hope you all have had one every bit as great as mine, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Jim
  11. Karl this deal stinks all the way around ! I’m sure there are dirty politics behind this and I would not be the least bit surprised to find that the GOP is behind some if not the majority of it . I really wish I knew what the truth is . I will tell you this it sounded to me like if I recall correctly Moore admitted to dating teenage girls while he was in his thirties , with their parents permission. If this is true I have a hell of a problem with this no good POS and the girls parents as well. If not true then this guy has really been s*** on. But for me personally if the only TRUE thing in this whole stinking mess is he dated teenagers when in his thirties with their parents permission and didn’t “molest” them in any way shape or form ..... he needs killed very publicly and very damn slowly. And it won’t take much of anything to be better than a man of that low caliber period. Jim
  12. I’ve heard of them but never been in one. Orschelns down this way is the outfit I was talking about. The one closest to me is pretty sorry ,don’t know how they keep the doors open. Pet feed I’d reckon. But the store over at Osage Beach is much bigger ,hear it’s nice but have never been in it. Several have told me they put in a selection of over 100 long guns ,and the store down at Republic is advertising guns and ammo hot and heavy on the sign out front. Jim
  13. Man that’s a slick old gun ! I’d tie a string on it and go kill a deer with it if I were you. Jim
  14. I hate it that things have taken the turn they have for you but at least you have something and I’m betting with your good stick with it attitude it won’t be long before something that suits you better comes along. Jim
  15. Score ! Good to hear from you Ralph, hope things are going your way in other areas ,If you dont care to tell it Id be interested to know what store you picked that up at. One of the chain farm stores around here has just started handling guns but the one nearest me isnt on the list but one about 45 miles away is. Jim
  16. Good deal glad to hear it!
  17. I'm worried about you Karl I wish you'd come up to this part of the world and visit me and Doc for a few days till the worst is over but I'm sure you know what's best for you and the Hippy but should you decide to bug out me and my bride are rattling around in way to much house since the kids are grown and gone and you'd be welcome here it's not the ritz but you can sit on the back porch and shoot a 1000 yds when the cows will stay out of the way. Jim
  18. Sounds like enough to make anybody tired . Jim
  19. Az I swear if I ever get the chance I want to buy you the biggest steak and coldest beer to be found. I alway enjoy your post but I have been chuckling over that last one all morning. My wife drove out to tell me she had dinner ready and I was on the skid steer and didn't hear her drive up but she asked me what I was laughing about asking what about building fence do you find so funny after all these years of growling about it. Told her I didn't even realize I was but when we get done with dinner I'll show you before going back . I did and now she's tickled too told me she'd be back for me at supper time but to be careful and not have a laughing fit at the wrong time on that machine. Jim
  20. I honestly can't imagine the shear stupidity something like that takes,if I were to show up around here like that one of my neighbors would probably put me out of my misery knowing I'd come down with rabies. And I'd be thankful for good neighbors. Jim
  21. Damn Ralph I sure hate to here that! Sure wish there was something I could do , I don't get up in that area much but if I hear of something I'll try to get word to you. Jim
  22. Rob glad to hear your feeling like running hard . But watch yourself ! We both know what it takes to pound out miles week after week,and how you have to sacrifice your wellbeing to do it. My guess is that damn truck and the life that goes with it are a very big part of all the problems you've been through. As hard as it is try to find some balance you'll live longer and be happier in the end. Jim
  23. Ralph that is way cool! And X2 what Doc said,those kind of things are a very special gift. Mine bring back the fondest memories of my life. Jim
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