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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Posts posted by ChasMike

  1. Well I used to have to go 5 miles or so down the road down on the Red River to go wild hog hunting, but they have found my place now and are coming by every few days and avenging the deaths of their family members.

    I spotted 6 or seven here the other nite so I put out a trap in my yard. I've caught 1 so far. If that doesn't work I guess I will have to start blasting.

    The moral of the story I guess is, if you hunt hogs, don't do it close to home. They will hunt you down if they can!

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  2. Yeap Tony it is a Mouflon sheep. They stock them on these high fence exotic hunting ranches (I use the word hunting very loosely here), and they escape on occasion.

    Our deer lease is in Southwest Texas and the guy next door has one of these high fence game ranches. I must say it is really cool to be setting in your deer stand in South Texas and hear the Elk bugling in the distance.

  3. Well I went down this last weekend to bowhunt at the deer lease (didn't get anything) and wound up working on stands and such most of the time and only got to hunt once. I saw one really nice buck as I was going down to check one of my stands and on the way out I saw one of these just standing staring at me.

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    I was completely caught off guard. I didn't know what it was until I got home and fired up my computer. This sheep was huge! Had a huge set of horns.

    Several of the ranches near by have tall fences and exotics so we get a lot of Axis deer and an occasional Fallow deer passing thru our lease, but this was a first for me. If he passes by when I have a rifle in my hands, he is mine!


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