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Everything posted by swamp_thing

  1. The ProBed 2000 also comes with release agent, mixing sticks, modeling clay, silica if you wish to thicken it even more than it is and comes in brown, black or neutral. It mixes 50/50 and has a 45 minute to 1 hour working time. What I don't yet know is the durability of the product. I guess I will be able to tell more on that as time goes on as I have bedded my 6.5 with it. The release agent that comes with it is actually a wax much like car wax and works very well also. I am not sure I would want to use silica as a thickening agent however. If I were to need to thicken or strenthen it I would opt for the powered metals. swamp_thing
  2. I am fine with the shoot as MorgansBoss and z1r have suggested. I would think that once it is settled the rules should be reposted so that everyone is on the same wavelink. Sounds like a fun time. swamp_thing
  3. When I first heard of it there was a post on another site that was rather lengthly and it had aparently been on some news reports breifly. The morning after I originally posted it I did a search of our news sites and presto, no reports. Then yesterday I did another longer search and found the article with the link that I posted. You will note that they state they got their story from FoxNews. Whether it is to be believed or not I will leave to the reader. I for one have no reason to believe that such a story would not be quickly be hushed up. You must admit when NO is begging for huge sums of money it would not be in their best interest to have such news publicly displayed. It wouldn't look so good for our own government to continue to feed the thieves either. I guess the question here in my mind is can anyone disprove it? No offense intended, just how I look at the situation as a whole. swamp_thing
  4. Very nice rifles indeed. As always I am impressed with your work and the fine information that you contribute to the site. Keep up the great work. swamp_thing
  5. Gentleman, lets not let this whole thing fall apart. MorgansBoss has gratiously stepped up to the plate with the whole postal shoot idea. I am thinking that with all the suggestions to how it might be done he has felt like he is being over run on the whole thing. There have been many suggestions on various targets that could be used if he wished. It's his effort so I vote we let him pick the target and make the rules. I will follow whatever lead he chooses on this on. Hope we can get this whole thing going, it should be fun for all. swamp_thing
  6. Glad to hear that things have improved with the counterboring. At least you are now in the ball park with the rifle and maybe a bit of tweaking with the bedding or such might bring it in even more. The taller front sight would sure help with the elevation problems. Gives a guy a real good feeling to go ahead with something like this and have it be successful doesn't it? Happy shooting Doble. swamp_thing
  7. I have always used acragel in the past for bedding epoxy. For cost reasons I have decided to give the pro bed 2000 from midway a try this time around. There is a pretty big difference in price. I have just bedded my last stock with the pro bed and find consistancy wise and workability wise it seems to be about equal to the acragel. The cured product seems to be more like traditional epoxies though. What I don't know is how it holds up to use. Has anyone else used it and if so what are your opinions on it? I would like to get others input on this. swamp_thing
  8. You got me there fritz. I should probably just let this all go, but I have a hard time with the entire situation. Even more troubling to me is the way we are fed only what the news media wants us to know. Heck, we are all well aware that the Big Easy ain't no place to be if you dislike corruption or value life and limb so why should we be protected from it by the news? Let's get the facts out and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe we could pump some water back in for them. swamp_thing
  9. I'm bettin that is a fact for sure. It is hard to get people to believe in ghosts to begin with, but they sure ain't going to put done that tv just because one says so. swamp_thing
  10. In regards to the post I made about Nagin and the phony police numbers, someone had ask me for a link. When I did a search on the net for a news article in such places as fox news, cnn and such I could find nothing. This has continued to bother me so I did some more searching. Funny, I found the article on a Russian news site, and they state they got the story from Fox news. Soooo, I ask, why would our new agencies not want this known. Could it be that it might make it seem bad to send billions more to a corrupt city so they can swindle it away like the wages paid by the federal government for officers that don't exist? You be the judge. swamp_thing
  11. Funny that the Russian news agencies have no problems reporting it. swamp_thing http://newsfromrussia.com/usa/2005/09/29/64033.html Pravda.RU:USA:More in detail New Orleans Police haunted by corruption 12:25 2005-09-29 An investigation is underway by the FBI as agents look into massive corruption on the state and local levels in the New Orleans Police Department, according to Fox News. Police Chief Eddie Compass suddenly resigned on Tuesday asking media interests to respect his right to privacy, but it appears that the former New Orleans cop has a lot of explaining to do. "It's pretty much always been known, but never openly acknowledged, that NOPD's actual numbers were far below the "official" figure of 1500 - 1700," says the Fox News source. The number of officers that actually are employed by the department are around 900 to 1,000. The question now remains...where was all of that salary money going to? The FBI began investigating the New Orleans police who had abandoned their post during Katrina and of the more than 500 screened so far, 84-percent don't exist. "I served this department for 26 years and have taken it through some of the toughest times of its history. Every man in a leadership position must know when it's time to hand over the reins," says Compass at a news conference. The investigation is widening on Wednesday to include New Orleans Police Foundation and Elodia Blanco for hiring practices as well. Corruption was wide-spread during the Katrina aftermath as New Orleans police officers were seen looting shopping centers and filling shopping carts with shoes, clothing, and electronics. Mayor Ray Nagin was also questioned about allowing a large number of unnamed police officers to go to Las Vegas for rest and relaxation once the military arrived to take over the city. But a problem for the mayor rose when questioned who those officers were and how they could be contacted. Nagin did not have specific names to give. Several middle ranking police officers committed suicide after the Katrina debacle, Nagin and Compass believe it was due to trauma and exhaustion from the storm but officials are looking into whether or not it might have been related to fear of being caught in a payroll scandal, AHN reports.
  12. Fritz, I have to ask out of stupidity on my part, what is a snopes? Are you maybe referring to when they say they looked it up on one of those truth or fiction sites? Seriously, I am asking because I don't know. I would bet that it is not on any of those sites because it is indeed fact, just being kept off the news. I figure they are trying to keep this one under wraps as it would smear pie in too many faces. swamp_thing
  13. I did a search on this this morning on google and on yahoo and found many links including a couple from news sources. Funny thing is when I went to the news sources the articles were no longer there. Still, if you do a search you will find who's news programs were reporting it and such. There is a lot of discussion about the entire ordeal. I am sure that it won't be highly publicized by the news media as it is not in their best interest and they would rather not cover such. swamp_thing
  14. I got this off another site and thought it was well worth posting for everyone here to see. swamp_thing Nagin Defends Use of 'Phantom Police' >> > >> >Ray Nagin, mayor of New Orleans, lashed back at critics after the FBI discovered that up to 700 so-called members of the city police force simply did not exist. Funding for many of these officers was provided by the federal government "During the storm and aftermath we'd heard reports that hundreds of New Orleans police officers had deserted their post," said an FBI spokesman." Further investigation indicates that these posts had never been manned and the funds supposedly paid in wages has disappeared." "Sure, we overstated the number of officers on the force,"said Nagin. "We did this to deter crime." As Nagin explained it, the "phantom officers" were used as a decoy to "frighten" would-be offenders. "Just as George Washington lit fake campfires to lull the British troops before his surprise attack at Princeton, we in New Orleans have employed a similar strategy." The effectiveness of Nagin's alleged strategy is in doubt, though. New Orleans has one of the highest crime rates per capita the nation. As for what happened to the funds that were supposed to have paid police salaries, Nagin asserted that they were used to hire consultants and purchase computer software needed to sustain New Orleans' "Virtual Police Force." "The software had to be custom made," said Nagin. "It's not something you can buy at CompUSA. Software designers don't come cheap. Neither do the public relations experts who developed our media campaign." The media campaign featured TV spots of various street people implying that they could be undercover cops. In one ad, an apparently toothless derelict looks into the camera and says, "I be watchin' you. So don't you go misbehavin'." Unimpressed by Nagin's explanation, the FBI asserted it will continue its investigation. And they want us to give them $40 Billion, no strings attached and no oversight, to rebuild New Orleans! Give Me A Break
  15. Glad things are going and some lucky kid is fixing to have his own computer. Tis always a good feeling when the battles are won. The computers now days are much easier as far as plug and play issues, but the little things can bring them to a sudden halt in a heartbeat. I don't think they are as forgiving as the ones of old. I remember the days of the 286s and 386s. Once they were set up they ran forever it seemed. Not so with the newer stuff. With speed comes it problems I suppose. Anyway, glad all is well with them and you now. Enjoy the cold ones. swamp_things
  16. I have looked at the mounts and as far as the recoil shoulder on the rear mount, if you look at the one on the front it faces the opposite direction, therefore the scope is not going to move forward or backwards. The guy has a beautiful rifle in the making there and I would be damn proud to own it. swamp_thing
  17. Terry, That is one beautiful receiver there. I really like the way it looks. Also, hylander7, you have a fine looking set of rifles there as well. I am as some of you already know partial to the MN's swamp_thing
  18. Scoped and non scoped is fine by me. I don't see the need to make it too tough either. I think it is a great way to get the chance to go out and shoot a few rounds that we often would put off otherwise. Simple fun to me. Been needing something to get me motivated to try a few rifles out. swamp_thing
  19. Karl, if you are using onboard video or possibly even if agp card is installed it may be necessary to clear the cmos. You probably know about the jumper for this. Also, you will need to remove the power supply plug from the board while doing this on some models. If you cannot find the three pin jumper for clearing cmos do this. First remove the power connecter from the power supply to the MB, then remove the battery. Wait about 1 minute then reinstall the battery and the power connector. Upon restart, the cmos will be set back to the original settings. Then, when this is done, reset the cmos settings for the drives, time and date. Also check in advanced settings to see that it is set for resources controlled by operating system if using windows. Finally you may need to reload whatever video drivers that you are using. At least though, it should boot back to having a video display. I do imagine you have checked the obvious like video card and cable connections for secure connections. If you do not have any loose connections and the cmos reset restores video display then I would say it was a problem with IRQ settings conflicting or all used up. You can turn off any unused things in the bios such as unused parellel ports, serial ports, unused drives such as ide2 or slave drives. This would free up resources for installed items. Hope some of this info helps. Keep us posted. swamp_thing
  20. Sounds good to me, I would give it a go. Just send me the rules and such and I will take a shot at it. swamp_thing
  21. Or, if a hunt would not be everyones bag, maybe a two or three day national shoot of some sort. The idea of getting everyone in one spot for a time to meet and enjoy one anothers company would be a great idea. My only thoughts are that there are some that might not be up to the physical aspects of cold weather hunts. Centrally located during hunting season often is not a warm weather event. Just a thought. swamp_thing
  22. A couple of things to consider are this, if you upgrade the motherboard, you will most likely have to upgrade to newer memory as well. Most of the boards in the last two or three years have seen numerous changes in the memory they use. Also make sure the motherboard is not built for windows xp only and will run ok on 98. When making the upgrades you are refering to you could probably do just as well or maybe even a bit better by getting a barebones system with a new hard drive. Of course, it would include the case, power supply, processor and probably floppy drive and memory already. Just check your options and see what will be the best, most economical way for you to go. swamp_thing
  23. Although I have been looking at some of their ads and have considered purchasing from them, in light of this posting that has now changed. I don't need anything badly enough to deal with inconsideration on their part. They will just become one more on the won't deal with list. Puts them in the same catagory as Kmart in my book. As it is said, burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me. In this case I can avoid the first time. swamp_thing
  24. Karl, did you get this guy up and running? Just wondering if you did and what the problem was if so. swamp_thing
  25. Just a few thoughts and considerations for you to ponder here. I am at the present time running on a computer that I bought online from a company called 3btech I believe. They can be found in the yahoo shopping section of computers by doing a search for something such as "barebones computers". While the pricing is often cheaper when buying a computer on line there are factors one must consider when doing so. First off, let me start by saying that I am not flaming the company I purchased from or any other, but read on. Upon receiving my system the first problem I encountered was a bad memory dimm. This required sending the memory back for replacement at my shipping cost, waiting for them to test it to determine if they could confirm it to be bad, then waiting on the new one to be shipped back. Online companies almost never pay return shipping and the down time is not pleasant. Secondly in about eight months the power supply failed. Yes, I could have shipped it back and they might have warrantied it, but again down time and shipping weighed heavily into the decision to just buy a replacement power supply and install it myself. Not having local service and support is a definate consideration in purchasing a computer. If you purchase onine from someplace like dell you can get in house service on the system, but this too comes at a price. Having said all this, I honestly believe that if you have local suppliers that can sell you a system at a reasonable price and offer local support on the said system you are miles ahead to do so. The initial cost will be more, but you are in fact not only buying a computer but by having the support close at hand you are also buying piece of mind. Your mileage may very and this is simply my humble opinion. Having built computers as a livelihood for a time, repairs are not that big of an issue for me, but if you lack the knowledge of being able to diagnose and repair then I would opt for the local purchase. I am not suggesting that you do lack this knowledge, as I do not know, but only saying it is something to be considered by any potential buyers. swamp_thing
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