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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by swamp_thing

  1. I did just go look into his profile and until today his last post was Dec 13th. That is a long time between posts for our old friend, and I fear that this may not be a joke at all. Sad day.
  2. I am truly sorry to hear this if it is indeed a fact. I don't post much here anymore, but Fritz was one of the reasons I continued to come back. God speed to him. Dave
  3. Yep, you got them tying knots in their shorts or getting wads in their panties, depending of course on which they wear. Somebody had to keep them fellers fired up. Bunch of self serving redneck jerks over there for the most part so you just gave them something to think about. Dave
  4. Beautiful work Tony. I think that may well be your calling. Not many would build something with that detail and expertise.
  5. Always nice to see new members come aboard. Welcome friend. swamp_thing
  6. I think you would be real disappointed if you had to listen to me play. Playing guitar is something I have played at for years, but I can say with all honesty that I only play at it. For me it is relaxation, for the family it might fall closer to chinese torture! Sorry to say I am not of the recording caliber and I fear that this is one thing I will never master.
  7. Excellent news. I am so happy things are going well now. May she continue to quickly recover from this. God is blessing you both. Dave
  8. Tony, looks like from what i see in the pictures that the vacation has been very good so far. The beauty of the mountains is hard to beat. After the floods you started out in, I bet this is a great change. Enjoy the entire trip. be safe and keep the pictures coming. Enjoy your new home when you arrive as well. Now, I have to go back and look them over some more. swamp_thing
  9. OK, enough rain for you. It's time for the sun to shine and mud to dry. Seems to me that the humor has left the region for all of you, so I shall wish better days starting now. Sure hope it helps for you. Meantime, take care and remember the sealer on that lumber.
  10. I wish to take this time to wish each of you a safe and memorable 4th of July celebration. Enjoy yourselves and be sure to let us know the great things that you did. Dave
  11. Ah yes, it is good to hear from the missing ones. Glad you are still checking in and hope to hear more from you folks as time permits for you. Don't be strangers now, ya hear? Dave
  12. swamp_thing


    Be safe in your travels and best wishes on the new location. Always is an adjustment period it seems when one makes a big move. Going from Nebraska to Eastern Georgia it took me a long time to get used to the changes. Enjoy the vacation time too. We will all await the stories the trip will bring. Dave
  13. OK, now you have come and seen, don't continue to be a stranger! Good to hear from you again. Life is too short to not take the time to have a little relaxation and chatter. Dave
  14. Seen all the flooding down in Texas and wondering if all you Texas folks here are staying high and dry. Guess it is feast or famine when it comes to rain huh? Take care and stay afloat.
  15. How many times have you devised a plan to do something, then upon further thought found a bunch of reasons why it just won't work, although you are not sure why? Or maybe you cannot decide so you post it on the internet hoping to find someone who has been there before to give you the little prod to go ahead with it. Maybe what you end up with is a bunch of negative responses or things that have nothing to do with what you were considering. Now I am not suggesting that has happened here or anywhere else, it is simply for the sake of thought. That, my friends is why kids can accomplish things we adults figure just can't be done. Their minds have not become so filled with doubt and fears that they cannot see their ideas through. Just something I have often thought about and decided to pass along. swamp_thing
  16. Karl, we must be vigilant and remember the famous words that we have won the battle but we haven't won the war. If we let our guard down they will drop a bomb at any moment on this one. There are too many people in higher places that seem to have everything to gain and nothing to lose by allowing the injustice to continue. Dave
  17. Recent events have got me to thinking that it is time for the older ones of this forum whom have been mostly absent need to return to their old glory days. Emy, you were one that I could always count on to see new posts from and they almost always made me smile, even if just for a little while. True, many have been faithful to the site through thick and thin, but also true is that many of us have let life's other events get in the way of our extended families here. Come home Em, we miss ya! swamp_thing This goes for anyone else who has faded away as well. Let's all try to hang around a bit more and be heard.
  18. fritz, if there is one thing I have learned from this it is that we are a family of sorts on these boards. Maybe we don't always see things the same way, but we are united through these sites. The loss of Ty has certainly driven this home for me and I for one don't mind saying I have an empty pit in my stomach from this news. I shall miss him greatly. You are right in saying that we need to stay well and live long lives, and I shall add that we not be strangers during the process. Dave
  19. . Gentleman, I believe this was the same Ty that sometimes frequented this board. May he rest in peace and may God be with his family. If interested there is a thread from which I found this here. http://forums.gunbroker.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=251800
  20. Funny I started out working with transistors on a very small scale and quickly reverted back to the tube age. (Some might say stone age) I do find a special fondness to the tube sound and qualities. Largely inefficient in todays standards but still a quality in itself. I am always interested in amp stuff. When you find time to get them rounded up I would certainly have an interest in them. I appreciate very much the offer. Dave
  21. tinkerfive Well, quiet honestly I don't know where the building will lead me. Since I have also done some building with radios, it is possible that the next step may well be stereo amps. As for the metal bending, this is one of my first chassis for these, and with the poor outcome I have devised somewhat of a metal break to bend future ones. I am still working out the details on it, but I have made it from angle iron so I can get better clean bends. Also, you made me question myself on the power cord so I just went back and checked it with an ohms meter. Although the blue wire is indeed hooked to the fuse it is also the hot wire. These cords are surplus computer cords, and they are shielded as well. I don't know what they used as a code on color with these leads and that is the reason I went back and rechecked myself. Good observations, I know you took time to look it over. Thanks for the suggestions and comments. They are much appreciated!! Now, I think I will check some of my other plugs too since you really have me thinking about them.
  22. Right now I am playing a washburn OE30 Delta King but I am about to build a telecaster kit. The red champ amp is about 6 watts, (single ended) and the 5e3 style is 12+ watts, (push-pull). I have just completed a vibro champ model build and am finishing a cab for it now. Have built 5 or six different amps to date, all with SS rectifier but all else tube. I use the SS rectifier diodes simple because some time back I ordered 100 of them and ended up with 500. Also they don't have the sag of a tube rectifier. While I have no intentions of ever trying to clone these amps in looks and electronics like many folks do, I do like the fender amp sound and so use their basic design for my amps. When I do get the telecaster kit, a Saga, done I will post a picture. Dave
  23. fritz, I will also check him out. All the others are losers in my book.
  24. Well, I have not spent much time around here in awhile now and for good reason. I have taken to trying to learn about electronics and have built a few tube radios, and now have moved on to building tube amplifiers. Here are a few pictures of my works. All are built from scratch, using fender designs except substituting solid state rectifiers. This has been a big learning experience and having completed amps that work well is quite rewarding. The red amp is a somewhat copy of a fender champ. The other amp and the chassis picture are my version of a tweed deluxe. Hope you enjoy seeing these. swamp_thing
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