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Posts posted by sayak

  1. If you take the deity of Christ out of Christianity you have only an empty shell. I am willing to fight so that people can believe in whomever and whatever they want, but there is no compromise with other religious beliefs.

    Acts 4:12: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we may be saved."

    Narrow minded? Yes.

    Politically incorrect? Yes.

    Truth? Absolutely!

  2. I dislike this guy on multiple levels and for various reasons (not the least of which are his stand on guns and "Romney Care"), but I have given up complaining about him. There are only two choices; him or Obama. Boycotting the election is a vote for Bams, and in spite of the many faults of Romney, he is infinitely better than Bams.

  3. There was once a British General Napier who,when told that it was the local custom to burn wives alive with their husbands..an old and respected religious tradition, replied that it was HIS custom to hang murders.

    So, said the good General build your pyres and I shall have my carpenters build my gallows beside them....the natives saw the wisdom of respecting the General's customs.


    So perhaps we should try this:..It is your custom Mr.Karzai to kill Americans when you feel that Islam has been insulted.

    It is our custom to set Puff the Magic Dragon on mobs that call for the killing of and kill Americans.



    Not that I think either party has the manhood for that..but it would solve the problem.

    The British once had balls.

    American is getting to the point where I wonder...

  4. I love steel and wood, but I have bought several plastic stocked rifles in the last couple years, and recently bought a pocket pistol which is partially plastic. The rifles I bought because I knew I wanted to paint them for predator rifles; the pistol I just wanted to be light for conceal carry. There is a place for such firearms, but they will never have my sentimental side as do my walnut and blued guns.

  5. While I don't care to vote Rino..if it is that or Obama, in light of his stand on our atomic weapons, I vote rino.

    Nobody every said I had to like it...I just have to do it.



    Absolutely right, as per Ken's signature line.

  6. Actually, Murkowski lost to Palin due almost entirely to his own arrogance on 3 points.


    #1 was the jet. Remember his personal Leer jet that he went around or over the state legislature and the people of Alaska to get? That was Sarah's battle cry during the campaign; she would get rid of the jet. She did! I thank her for keeping that promise.


    #2 was the way he pimped off his daughter and appointed her to the US senate. As it turns out the moronic voters of Alaska are happy having a socialist senator so they keep her there, and even sent comrade Begich to assist her.


    #3 Secret Dealings with the big oil companies concerning the gas line that never was.


    Yes, Sarah could have become a good governor in time, however, ------. President? No!

    True on all points re: Papa Murkowski, Ken (who by the way Paul, was not a congressman but a senator).

    If there ever was a RINO Lisa is it. If she had not scared the natives into an emergency write-in campaign she would have been out on her keester.

  7. I suppose you intend that as an endorsement. Not to me. In fact, quite the contrary. I'm sick and tired of "professional" politicians. You apparently buy into the Saturday Night Live version of Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin beat an arrogant, old-school, far right, state congressman that had been a congressman for 20 some-odd years when he decided he wanted to be governor. He was the biggest son of a bachelor I have EVER seen in political office, and that includes Tricky Dick Nixon. The good old boys of the Alaskan Republican Party treated Palin like a child - pretty much what SNL and Tina Fey did - and she kicked their lazy, arrogant asses. When she got in office, she started CHANGING things IN A VERY GOOD WAY. The country could have done a lot worse than Sarah Palin as VP, AND THEY DID.

    You talk about not wanting a RINO, but willing to vote for essentially anybody - including ANOTHER professional politician - if it means beating Obama, yet out of the other side of you mouth bad-mouth McCain. Please reconcile how "any body but Obama" "works" now, but didn't apply when McCain ran.


    Geesh calm down!

    I have nothing against Palin and am, in fact related to her. I have a problem with the way she bailed out as governor ( I guess you didn't catch my nuance).

    Murkowski you say.... he lost because he was an arrogant bustard who did not care what Alaskans thought about anything. Remember the plane indcident?

    McCain? I respect the man for his service to our country but not the way he has reached across the aisle time after time in compromise with the left. Nevertheless I voted for McCain in the last election, so I don't know how you came up with "Please reconcile how "any body but Obama" "works" now, but didn't apply when McCain ran.". Makes no sense.

    I want no RINO. I want a person who stands firm for conservative values and has a moral backbone. Santorum and Bachman seem to have those qualities. Do I care if you agree with me? No, not really.

  8. I think Bachman would be the same kiss of death for Santorum that Palin was for McCain. The "adolescents in charge" will have a heyday with her and the IDIOTS that listen to that propaganda will vote against the GOP just like they did last time.



    Bachman is no Palin. She has had experience in the upper echelons of government and has run for president. Palin's experience before she ran as VP was as a mayor of a small Alaska town and :rolleyes: part time governor :rolleyes:

    McCain himself was his own kiss of death. He is a RINO and over the hill.

  9. I breaks my heart that we have so much evil in the political leadership of this country that we are forced to vote for the lessor of two evils instead of voting for the one we believe to be the best leader. I too like Ron Paul's political views, (not sure what kind of "leader" he is though), but I believe all of the "conservatives" will vote for whomever the GOP nominates as their candidate. This is the essence of what politics has become in this country. It is precisely why Thomas Jefferson said that we should have a revolution every 20 years.


    With respect to Ron Paul's leadership abilities: I am of the opinion that highly successful businessmen make poor national leaders. A nation is not a company. Highly successful businessmen have a "bottom line" perspective INGRAINED over a long professional career. It is what made them successful businessmen. However, when it comes to LEADING a nation, "the bottom line" is often the exactly wrong perspective to have. The "bottom line" is NOT a moral rudder, and what this nation REALLY NEEDS is a leader with a moral rudder. I think the last man in the Whitehouse that actually had a moral rudder was Ike. Gerald Ford may have had one but he was destroyed by the "adolescents in charge" in Hollywood. Jimmy Carter had a moral rudder, but he was a coward and a blithering idiot. GW MAY have had a moral rudder hidden somewhere, but he hired truly EVIL men to work for him.


    A few years ago, when Sarah Palin beat Frank Murkowski for the govenor's seat in Alaska, the slogan was "ABM" = Anybody But Murkowski. I believe that for the conservatives of this country, ABO will be the chant, even if it is a RINO like Romney. The truth of that is precisely why this country is 'sliding towards Gomorrah".


    Just ol' unopinionated, Paul

    Moral rudder? That would be nice. Unfortunately, our school system has been teaching kids for the last 60 some years that all is relative and that there is no Higher Power they need to answer to. I believe we are in a post Judeo-Christian era in which it is every man for himself with little view to the future. I hope I am wrong.

    Santorum has a few skeletons in his closet regarding government spending, but he seems to be the only front runner to have a somewhat reliable moral compass. I have cast my support behind him. IMO a Santorum-Bachman ticket is the best hope for America.

  10. Mr. Obama will have no constraints upon him in his second term. He has already run roughshod over the Constitution, Congress and the will of the American people. If he manages to get re-elected (which wouldn't surprise me considering the ignorance of the population and their propensity to forget), he will push through radical programs by executive order and laugh in the face of those who oppose him. Please, vote his opposition, even if you have to hold your nose while doing so. This man would be the death of America as we have known it. But what else would one expect from a Marxist?

  11. Seattle area is a new liberal enclave, a northern extension of San Francisco if you will. Gone is the work-a-day mentality of the loggers and fishermen that was prevalent up until the 70s. I think Tacoma puts up with military to a certain degree, as do Whidbey and Silverdale areas.

  12. Were it me, and I was already going all out with Bondo, I would flatten out both the bottom and top of the stock with a disk sander and ad a pistol grip to the bottom, and a comb at the top by laminating on additional wood/bondo. I would also do the end of the stock so I could add a good butt pad. But that's just me.

    You are doing an outstanding job as is.

  13. This is well said.Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army lieutenant colonel, sends THE WEEKLY STANDARD an email commenting on the Marines' video, and has given us permission to publish it.

    “I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

    “All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?

    “The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.

    “As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”

    Thank you for posting that. Allan West is a great man and he is correct in his assessment.

  14. First of all, I hate CAIR.

    Second, the folks of OK need to quickly rewrite the law so that it says all religious law is invalid in judging cases, not just Sharia law. Then the Moo-slims can't say they are being singled out and other states can follow suit. The laws based on our federal and state constitutions are more than sufficient for all Americans. We don't need any other law system than constitutional law.

  15. I smoke a (Peterson) pipe and or a cigar about one a week. I do not expect to get oral cancer from doing so, nor lung or esophogial cancer. It is a relaxing thing to do and I spend very little money on it. Nothing beats a good smoke and a shot of single malt on a nice evening.

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