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Everything posted by sayak

  1. sayak

    Jerry Brown

    If I lived there I'd be jumping ship as quickly as I could. That place has gone from a reasonable state which had Reagan as a governor, to a state of illegal aliens, queers and wackos. It leans so far left that if good folks moved away, the place would fall right into the Pacific.
  2. I've heard that term but had to look it up to be sure. Yiddish for "Oh dear" or the like. Why Oy vey? Especially on a site entitled "sporterizing.com? That is a beautiful rifle; very understated IMO. Not some veteran warrior turned into a gaudy, urban assault weapon. I have had a swede for better than twenty years. It is a real shooter and actually more sporterized (in the old style) than this example, though I did not do it.
  3. I had to look twice because the fore stock has those grip toughs like a Russian does. But the tip off is the lack of a magazine. I know you can reduce the mag to just a floor plate on an Enfield, but I have never seen it done on a Mosin or any variant thereof. That is a pretty gun, and should you want to get rid of it for any reason...
  4. That's a good looking "Russian". Haha!
  5. Would love to send you some of our inscessant rain and cool temps.
  6. No need to worry about health care. Obama's got your back.
  7. No yellow leaves this far south in Alaska. Hoping to see some soon up on the Denali, where I have an appointment with a caribou and a moose. I couldn't hit jack with my .303 tonight, then I looked down to see that my scope had slid down the rail and was nearly off. The little .22 size Weaverish mounts came loose. Thought my old eyes were going completely haywire. Will have to boresight and go back and start all over tomorrow.
  8. You can never borrow yourself out of debt, as this administration has attempted, and keeps attempting to do. Oh, and not only do we borrow, but we propose to lend what we have borrowed, such as offering to bail out Greece. Madness!
  9. I went back and looked at the link for your Swede Ken. What an elegant, yet no-nonsense rifle.
  10. Livin' the dream! Hope I connect with a Unit 13 caribou this fall AND a moose. Is that a registration hunt. or a draw?
  11. Both, I believe. I make it a habit to not stand in the way of sinners bent on doing what they want to do. Kinda like throwing pearls before swine... a waste of time and treasure. I favor the I Thessalonians 4:11, 12 approach.
  12. Ah, but they're just nice young men. Wholesome and terribly misunderstood. (rolls eyes). The Christians have every right to be there but they are totally ignoring Psalm 1:1
  13. I'm skeptical at best. It's just one more push toward acceptance as an equally valid lifestyle, which it is not. I see major problems with homosexuals declaring inequity and maltreatment whenever things don't go as they wish. The stats they cited in their survey did not reflect the views of most combat troops, in fact it favored the views of spouses and desk jockeys. It should have remained a don't ask/don't tell situation. As for letting them serve, put them on the front lines with pom poms. The enemy will be happy to oblige.
  14. Speaking of those who were TRYING to sound conservative, when in the midst of primary campaigning: My link The Pork Queen is showing her true colors.
  15. I voted for her, but I won't again. Ms. Palin is a demagogue and a populist, but most certainly is not a true conservative.
  16. We ate turkey, trimmings and pie and had naps. Then I and my my two oldest sons and son-in-law took our shotguns and went snowshoe bunny hunting in the new wet snow while the ladies cleaned up. Only my oldest son connected, but we had fun anyway. Obviously we are not big football lovers.
  17. Ultimately the ChiComs will have to rein them in. They only keep NK around as a buffer zone.
  18. I thought she'd have to go back to her broom.
  19. How about stuffing down some of those rubber gonads like they hang off of pickup trucks?
  20. Absolutely. She lied through her teeth, and then cried about her loss as a sore loser in the primary. Now she is insinuating that Miller is a sore loser. What a hypocrite.
  21. Dare you to find that person! Seriously, I don't care what a person does in the privacy of their own bedroom as long as they don't expect me to approve it. If they support and administer by the letter of the Constitution, they'd be OK with me. The problem is: minority politicians all seem to have an agenda above and seemingly more important than what they are supposed to be doing, which is serving the best interest of, and at the pleasure of ALL the people.
  22. I'd have to say that Lisa herself has stolen the election, not any judge's decision. She did this by getting together a voting block from the villages and insinuating that she can keep the gravy train flowing. This was in marked contrast to Miller who said that the gravy train had to come to a halt because the government is out of money. In essence she was guaranteeing something she cannot deliver, and the native people are so used to government aid that they cannot imagine otherwise. I'm not being racist, my wife is native, but I have lived in the village and know how it is. The law is clear about write-in candidates, and Campbell and the judge should stick to the letter of the law, but I'm pretty sure she would get elected with the write-in votes which aren't questioned. She is a liar and a spoiler.
  23. I'm thinking it will be a woman. Anyway, what's the difference between the two?
  24. Well dang! If a moose caused me that much damage, I would at least take it on home to fill my freezer (if the truck still ran). Last year I got revenge on the little forker that kept eating my garden in spite of my fencing. Boy, he tasted good!
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