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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by TwistJG26

  1. The original Skunk beer. Heinie in cans is ok but the bottled stuff tastes nasty. I think that when the Germans invaded the Netherlands they used slave labor to produce enough Heineken to last the duration of the Thousand Year Reich. Hence, all heineken has been selling since the liberation of Holland is the stuff produced during WWII. This is why it tastes so skunky. I cannot fathom how it tastes warm without my stomach wanting to hurl.
  2. Great post. Thank you for sharing.
  3. Iowa needs soem tex-Mex immigrants. Looks like Governor Vilsak succeeded in getting some NO evacuees but if they open a restaurant the menu will be based on government cheese.
  4. I was thinking about the Mexican places in Iowa owned and operated and staffed by authentic Mexicans. Good food, excellent service. Never heard one getting busted by the health dept unlike authentic Chinese/Asian restaurants. Asian places usually have crappier, less friendly service.
  5. You can always purchase new firearms. But getting charged with a gun crime or felony will end your ability to do so. People really need to think about where they live.
  6. This is a good thing. I bet all the Mexican retaurants in Katrina's path are destroyed. If I was a relief worker down there I bet I'd get a hankerin' for an authentic Mexican taco.
  7. This is why I love Iowa. Winter. Winter kills off all forms of life except for those the size of dogs. Most of the creepy stuff has to live down south.
  8. Just what I've been saying. But people listening say that I am blaming the victims. Nice catch!
  9. I hate snakes as well. I think this was the first mowing season that I did not see a garden snake in my yard. Whenever I do see them they meet the Briggs & Stratton blender.
  10. The next round of elections is going to interesting. I have a feeling that the GOP will sweep again. Had Bush been in NO 5 minutes after the wind stopped the Democrats would have no choice but to disband. As long as Bush can keep the Hurricane Machine a secret the GOP will retain the same voters that rejected Kerry because Blame Bush does not win over votes. On the local level, Blanco and Naggins (whatever the mayor's name is) will fade into obscurity.
  11. The hurricane was Bush's attempt to take over the Middle East. Notice that Katrina missed all the oil wells? Notice that he lured over 2 million negroes into the Superdome and killed 5 million more on the streets. Lots of dead Democrats. With these voters eliminated he finally would have enough votes to rewrite the Constitution and run for a third term thus giving him enough time to resume the Blitzkrieg through the Middle East. But CNN got wind of this and called FEMA. Click on the hotlink on my previous post.
  12. Bush causes hurricanes Bush caused Katrina I briefly awoke from my NyQuil coma last night to discover that CNN's 24-hour coverage of Cindy Sheehan's courageous vigil had been interrupted to report on Katrina's aftermath, with running commentary from Cindy Sheehan. "Katrina was only a 4.9 on the Richter scale," Cindy spoke in her pleasingly robotic Janeane Garafolo monotone. "But if the severity of hurricanes was measured by the amount of lives lost, families destroyed, and damage wrought to the natural environment, then George W. Bush is by far the biggest hurricane of all. Isn't that right, Casey Dawg?" "You go, Ma!!" replied her son, Spc. Casey Sheehan, whose spirit Cindy now channels through a sock puppet on her right hand. It all made perfect sense to me. The deadliest in a long line of Bush hurricanes, Katrina was practically a metaphor for Bush's illegal and immoral War in Iraq. It attacked from the south with unbelievable shock and awe, brutally murdered millions of helpless innocents but spared the oil wells, then veered severely off course and petered out somewhere in Ohio. It was as if Katrina had followed a script plucked straight from the devious mind of Karl Rove himself. Why? For the answer, one need look no further than New Orlean's leaky Superdome, which is quickly becoming a giant bowl of Negro soup. With the South's entire Black voting population under 15 feet of water, Bush is guaranteed an all-white electorate when he revokes the Constitution and runs for an historic third term in 2008. And with the French Quarter completely obliterated, the Führer will have little opposition as he continues his Blitzkrieg across the Middle East. After years of denying the truth, it appears that the scientific community and members of the mainstream press are finally beginning to realize what we progressives have known all along: that Bush's refusal to ratify Kyoto is not merely the unfortunate result of his unbridled greed and stupidity, but a calculated plot to eliminate his political enemies with seemingly "natural" disasters. Hopefully, the international community will move quickly to save America from Liar Bush and his big polluter buddies - even if it means stationing armed U.N. regulators in all our major corporations. If Coward Bush is too much of a cowardly coward to meet with one woman and her sock-puppet, then maybe 3000 French troops on his front lawn will scare him straight. It may be too late for New Orleans and the rest of Georgia, but once the world becomes convinced that bad weather is caused not by natural forces beyond our control, but by greedy conservatives and even capitalism itself, then perhaps Casey Sheehan will not have died in vain. I sighed with inspiration as our Commander in Grief bid America goodnight, likely off to perform another one of her hourly cross-kneeling photo-ops for peace. There was a mechanical whirring sound as the hydraulic kneepads George Soros gave her kicked into gear, and then she was gone.
  13. I wonder how many people are reconsidering where they live. Suddenly living in a large US city is not as appealing as it was was unless of course you are one of those that likes it when the lights are off and nobody stops the looting. I have a feeling property value in suburbs, small towns and rural areas is gonna go up. I always wanted to live out in the country just to be away from neighbors but now I'd like to put a little more distance between my family and those elements of society that stuck out like sore thumbs when Katrina hit. At least my city is not that large and my neighhood is far enough away from the innercity urbanite areas that my family is probably safe. That and my neighbor and myself have enough firepower to last the 96 hours it takes FEMA to get anywhere.
  14. Read about it. Shiite religious pilgrammers. Close to 100 dead give or take 200.
  15. I just need to get my familyt, my dog, my bicycles and my guns 90 miles south east of my current location. Plan to move to my inlaw's farm when the S hits the fan.
  16. I hear what you are saying, Fritz, but try to tell this to the Bush haters and all they can do is retort that YOU are blaming the victims.
  17. Personally i would not do that either. $11 per day? Plus Florida was civilized, New Orleans is anarchy.
  18. Good one, m8! Hope you get to return home soon.
  19. I got rid of my cellphone. It's a tool not a toy.
  20. Image the hell the ACLU would raise if Bush tried those measures. If it was not for the tv tax, high taxes and restrictive gun laws I might just move to the UK.
  21. I posted the article on ferral piggies in Iowa. Have not heard much about it since I posted. The DNR is too damn slow here. Once the pig problem causes a billion $$ in damage they will likely allow hog hunts for people who qualify for a special hunt. Well, unless farmers take matters in their own hands which I think they will.
  22. Planning to use my father inlaws farm. Right now he is on raccoon extermination. The little bandits are getting into his grain for cattle.
  23. Finally my State is allowing hunters the chance to use a high power rifle for deer hunting. Before iowa only allowed shotgun, bow, black powder and handguns. DNR chnaged the rules ineffort to thin the herd. Antlerless only. Guns limited to 6 rounds in chamber and magazine, must be .24 or higher. Mauser time!
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