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Posts posted by Emul8

  1. Well, it's now Thanksgiving day!


    I would like to wish you all a very lovely Thanksgiving, and to extend to you all my own thanks for your interaction and advice, the pleasant bantering and thought-provoking topics.


    Have a wonderful day, and remember, life's uncertain, eat dessert first!

  2. Agonizingly.


    The site is slow enough to make me almost miss dial-up! NOT!


    It's frustrating enough that I don't want to stick around waiting for pages to load.


    It's not my broadband connection, and it's not my computer...it's the site, I'm sure of it.


    I'd say it's driving me bonkers, but I can't even be sure of that! LOL!


  3. Hey fritz, if you aren't superstitious then why'd you need to make a hasty retreat when you saw the figure coming from the cemetary? Huh?


    I'm not really superstitious myself, but I still won't do all those things that you hear you shouldn't, like walking under ladders, or not throwing a pinch of salt over my left shoulder if I spill it...why tempt fate? LOL!


    Sorry that you felt too "underpowered" to take that buck! Maybe next time!

  4. Well, the meaning and intent of the Second Amendment has definitely been debated by people better equipped to do so than I am, but, I'm feeling spunky today, so I'll toss out some thoughts since you asked, FC.


    I feel that much of what can be extracted from the wording of the Second Amendment is in the punctuation, which, sadly is often shall we say, "enhanced" to put another spin on it...not usually the proper one either. The version that FC posted is the one generally accepted as "official", therefore it's the version with which I agree.


    The first part of the Second Amendment:


    "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State," says to me that a militia, any militia comprised of "citizen soldiers", should be regulated by perhaps members of it's ranks or whatever, but still separate from government military forces which are, in the composition of the Constitution, a given. The militia seems to be a balance to government military forces, and the framers clearly understood the necessity of having both so as to ensure the freedom of the State, whether that means a single state, or the State, in a collective sense.


    The second part of the Second Amendment:


    "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.", means what it says, the people MIGHT be the militia, or perhaps they aren't, however, that doesn't mean that just because they don't participate in the militia the people have forfeited their right to keep and bear arms. To the contrary, the existence of a militia and a free State ensures the right of the people to keep and bear arms, perhaps in order that the people may one day have need of participating in a militia to combat tyranny in whatever form it takes. That the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed is the bottom line!


    Well, that's how I see it anyway.

  5. I too think that the stains will polish out with a liberal application of elbow grease. Maybe you could try some Flitz metal polish...great stuff, I swear by it!


    Also, just in case any of y'all ever need to get blood stains out of most cloth, hydrogen peroxide works great! I learned this from working in a hospital in my misspent youth.


    I got to try it on a very lovely white couch that we had. My sister and I got into a huge fistfight...which was typical for us until we were in our 20s, believe it or not. I tripped over a wired remote, and fell onto my sister's fist, which, lucky for her, was braced between the arm of the couch and the face I threw upon it. Blood from my nose spurted everywhere as my sister leapt up and ran away from home for three days until I was no longer mad at her. I stopped the bleeding and went to the store for the largest bottle of hydrogen peroxide I could find.


    Thankfully, I managed to get to the stains within an hour or so, and they weren't really very difficult to remove. I was strongly motivated by the fear of my Dad coming home and seeing his couch covered in blood. He never knew a thing...well, except for the evidence of my messed up face!


    So there, a lovely testimonial, as I am sure you'll all agree! LOL!

  6. This is a schtick, just like any other. What's the big deal? Is the guy funny or not? Shouldn't that be a bigger question than that of his race?


    I think it's pathetic that we are still getting our collective panties in a wad over this stuff...have we not evolved? Are there not more worthy news stories in our troubled world? When people have nothing better to do than to speculate on whether a comedian is actually white, but performing in black face, instead of realizing that his humor doesn't contain profanity and/or racial slurs, we're in a sad state!


    I don't know if this is a white guy or not, but if this is an issue, I sure hope he is, and I hope that he throws a figurative monkey wrench into the works with this little act! I think white people are owed at LEAST that for "White Chicks" alone! LOL!



  7. Ooo, I really like the carving too, I think it will finish up beautifully! Very impressive, particularly when viewed straight on from the side...excellent composition!


    The gun projects are interesting as well...lots of variety and a good way to keep busy for a while!


    Good luck and enjoy!

  8. Q: Why don't women blink during foreplay?

    A: They don't have time.


    Q: Why does it take 1 million sperm to fertilize 1 egg?

    A: They won't stop for directions.


    Q: Why did God make men before women?

    A: You need a rough draft before you have a final copy.


    Q: How many men does it take to put the toilet seat down?

    A: Nobody knows, it hasn't happened yet.


    Q: What is the thinnest book in the world?

    A: What men know about women.


    Q: How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    A: One. Men will screw anything.


    Q: What's a man's idea of foreplay?

    A: A half hour of begging.


    Q: How can you tell if a man is sexually aroused?

    A: He's breathing.


    Q: What's the difference between men and government bonds?

    A: Government bonds mature.


    Q: How do you save a man from drowning?

    A: Take your foot off of his head.


    Q: How can you tell if a man is happy?

    A: Who cares?


    Q: How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?

    A: We don't know. It's never happened.


    Q: How are men and parking spots alike?

    A: The good ones are always taken and the only ones left are handicapped.


    Q: What is a man's idea of helping out with housework?

    A: Lifting his leg so you can vacuum.



    And if that wasn't enough....


    The Smarter Sex


    A woman and a man are involved in a car accident; it's a bad one. Both of their cars are totally demolished but amazingly neither of them is hurt.


    After they crawl out of their cars, the woman says, "Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days."


    The man replied, "I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God!"


    The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune."


    Then she hands the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opens it, drinks half the bottle, and extends it back to the woman.


    Politely, the woman refuses to accept the bottle.


    The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"


    The woman replies, "No. I think I'll just wait for the police..."

  9. OK, I'm convinced. Not that I doubted it, and I was coming to this conclusion anyway.


    Personally, I don't care where one can go with Google, as long as it's fair, and clearly, this is not.


    Man, this is going to hurt me, but I have to literally, as well as figuratively stick by my guns. And yes, I am going to let them know why.


    Who else can we use? Any ideas?


    We need to make up a browser called "Gunnin' for a Search", and it'll cover all these other places that are rejected by the engines that think the U. S. Constitution is merely a document of convenience.


    Ooo, now I am getting mad!

  10. Good point swamp_thing...about changing Google out as one's home page.


    I would only add that after we do so, we send letters to Google to let them know why.


    I'm sure that they won't give a hoot, as we are so few among so many, but as a singer from my, ahem, liberal days used to say "each drop in the ocean swells the tide". It's still a good sentiment.


    I am going to explore this a bit more before I chuck Google off my browser, but I am fairly certain y'all are right about this...unfortunately.



  11. Well, I live in Palmdale, CA...where the parents in this case reside...and I have to say that despite the fact that I do not personally hold many of the views represented by the site linked in this thread, I DO support the parents in this case. The questions in that sex survey, that there ever WAS such a survey given to little kids is so wrong! Because, according to the court, parents need to butt out of the public school indoctrination of little kids to whatever curriculum the schools see fit to instill? That's B. S. and nothing less.


    No, I don't have young children, but I shudder to think that if I did, whilst residing here, that they might be subjected to the sort of things outlined in this case.


    I also have some less-than-charitable thoughts for Reinhardt, but I wouldn't want to post them as someone lurking about might think I am some sort of terrorist.


    Here's an applicable saying that could be used in the Adages thread too:


    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely".

  12. My, my fritz...are we sensitive? LOL!


    I don't know that Snopes would debunk this...if anyone looks hard enough, I don't know that they could debunk it!


    I think that the media outlets are just sweeping reports such as these under the rug and off their websites thinking that no one will pay too much attention to then initially, and have no chance of it in the long term. That way, Nagin can remain the poor, put-upon, Bush-bashing mayor who DESERVES to have $40 billion poured into his city for phantom police officers and to feed the ever-hungry corruption machine.



  13. MorgansBoss --


    I agree about the "convenience" of online access to some services.


    One of my multitudinous cousins wrote to me the other day, sending me a link to her personal blog, which, I informed her that I may or may not visit. This cousin's sister, the computer guru of the family, set up the blog, so her sister ended up feeling somewhat obligated to use it. Anyway, when my newly-bloggical cousin wrote to me she was essentially complaining that this was the next "thing" to reduce human interaction. I agreed with her too.


    My cousin rhetorically asked how much further it might go. I said that now that email has replaced letters and telephone calls, and blogs are an everyday version of the classic "holiday letter", only far more tedious, the only other place we can go from here is to have USB ports installed in our heads, so that we can "download" our thoughts to our blogs directly, thereby making even typing completely superfluous!


    I'm looking forward to it! blink.gif

  14. Not necessary to delete ShooterTom...I trust y'all here!


    Heck, if FC can post his physical address, I am sure not going to quibble about my email addy!


    I have to say, however, that I enjoyed the comment about posting it on bathroom walls. I can't argue with success...it seemed to work for you!


    tongue.gif -- back atcha!

  15. ShooterTom --


    My email addy is "L8Cree8r at netscape dot net".


    I don't know why I am even bothering to try to avoid the spammer trail here...it's not like my addy isn't on every list in the free world!


    If you email me, ShooterTom, be sure to I.D. yourself in some way...otherwise, I have a very quick delete finger!



  16. When I first moved to this neighborhood a mere 4.5 years ago, a lot of the kids around here were small-ish, so there were quite a few trick-or-treaters out on Halloween. Well over 100 in those days.


    This past Halloween we had 44.


    Of course, it didn't help that all the people on this block now are either too stingy or whatever to give out candy. My next door neighbor, whom I have an awful relationship with never gives out candy, and I secretly detest her for that.


    As I plan to move to a more rural setting this next spring, I think I will miss Halloween should where I live prove to have few trick-or-treaters. I'll miss it, but not too much!

  17. I stripped it off and cold-blued the gun. Really, really bad for collector value, but then again, no one would have wanted this rifle except me...and it just needed to be prettier!


    I am happy with the way that the No. 4, MkI came out and if I got another LE that was as bad off as mine was, I would do the exact same thing...I think they're worth the effort to end up with a shooter...even if it's a "project" to get there.


    The beauty of LEs is that one doesn't really need to work hard to get the action slicked up...it's generally already slick, so there's no real need for improvement in that regard. If a headspace problem seems to be evident, change the bolt head...that's EASY! Though, I don't have any problems with headspace in either of my LE guns.



  18. Sorry, fritz, this little rant, just like the "Bad American" thing that routinely circulates through the internet isn't by George Carlin. I knew this even before I checked it out because it isn't Carlin-esque enough...it isn't even courtesy-laugh funny...and that's very telling because Carlin almost always makes me laugh, except when he mugs it up to excess.


    Some folks at the sites like Snopes have suggested that things like these are palmed off on us unsuspecting people as a way to give "credibility" to mediocrity because as a whole, we tend to take notice when a celebrity says something to which we may relate, either positively or negatively.


    Anyway, that's not to say that I disagree with some of the more salient points in the post....

  19. Actually, ShooterTom, you may have found the only time and place where it IS appropriate for a guy to say that to another guy!


    I concur, fritz, that's a nice rack!


    I have a question though, is there significance to the way you have configured the top level of the rack? I see that there is an extension up from the fourth level, and I am wondering if there is something that I am not getting about it.


    Personally, I really like the way that you incorporated those coated hooks into the design...I always thought the hooks would be good for something like that!


    Thanks for posting the photo!

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