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Anyone See That Report On The Kennedy Assassination?


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They explained the "third" empty case in the book room by saying that some people keep a fired case in the chamber to keep the chamber clean, so that Oswald only fired twice.

Now I have never done that nor have i been told of it or read of it.

In fact, i was told never to leave a round in the chamber longer then needed as moisture can rust it in and prevent the rifle firing.

Any of you leave a spent round case in the chamber?

Another point RFK was Atty General and he loved his brother nor was he or papa Joe reported to be forgiving men.
If some rear rank secret service shot his bother or his son, they would have nailed him to a cross.
And they would have found out, nor can I see Hoover just handing over his notes to the SS.

I think, based upon a study of history, that they feared the Castro was behind it. (Oswald had been in the USSR and had gone to Mexico city to the Cuban consulate and was known to be handing out "fair play for Cuba flyer..I think that he even did a TV interview.) After all both JFK and RFK were trying to kill Castro and they were not going to stop, sooner or later, if he did not get them, they would get him.
Now if Castro were behind it, the American people would demand his head and Castro was protected by the USSR. So getting that head may have meant WW III, rather than take a chance, they stopped at Oswald
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WND.com has been running a series of articles that are very interesting, written by Corsi, who's promoting his book, but very interesting stuff. Take a look over there. The one thing we can be sure of is the story they told us is bull.

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I've always felt the Mafia was behind it. The Mafia lost millions in Cuba. Jack chickened out in the Bay of Pigs incident and the mob was unable to reclaim their casinos, hotels and cash bonanza. Kennedy refused Castro's attempts to open diplomatic channels. Castro retaliated by putting hundreds in front of firing squads including many well connected Mafia members and relatives. Jack Ruby had known Mafia ties as did the Kennedy's father who got rich as a bootlegger.

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Although it was a fictional account based on fact. The producers of the movie the Godfather removed a portion of the script at the request of the mob. The producer Mario Puzo I believe his name. Would never say the portion of the movie the mob insisted be removed. There has been much speculation that it had something to do with the Kennedy family or the assassination.


I just can't believe terminally ill Jack Ruby was so distraught over Kenney's death he was compelled to shoot Oswald.

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That does just about closes the case Tom

Oswald could NOT have controlled that.

The SS is part of the Dept of the Treasury and JFK did sign an EO ending the FED.

Makes you wonder:

yet things bother me about him:
we are all gun nuts here and happy to get a new rifle, yet how many of us take a picture with the newspaper to show the date?
A member of the fairplay for Cuba comm.
A man who had gone to the USSR in 60?
A Russian Wife...in the early 60's???
Going to Mexico city to the Cuban Consulate
Buying the rifle mail order so that there would be a record.
Another thing,
How did they know what movie theater to look in?
How did he have time to run down 6 stories before the cops go to the building?
He leaves a rifle Everyone KNOWS he owns in the building he works in and expects to get away?
Assume that he had gotten out of Dallas, where did he think he could go, except a place like Cuba to hide..any where in the USA or Europe and he was done for.
Just too many holes...one of my seventh graders could plan better than that with the goal of copying a book report.
And the look on his face when the cops had him...now if I were accused of killing a policeman and the President, I would be a LOT more upset. It was almost like some told him that he had nothing to fear. The only time the "I got it made look" leaves his face is when Ruby shoots him.


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The photo of him posing with the file was photochopped, before photoshop. It's been pretty well documented that his head was put on another body. I found it interesting that the first cops at the scene said they found a Mauser, not a Carcano. I would think that cops in the 60's would know the difference.

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I always wondered about that too. I figured since many of them were in WW ll, they had to know the difference.

But I had a Sgt in Nam tell me that a M-44 mosin was an SKS.

I was looking at some weapons we found and he told me to put the "SKS" down....it was an M-44.

Pfc's did not argue with or correct Sgts so I put the "SKS" down.

So who knows?



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I would think that cops in the 60's would know the difference.


After spending several weeks on a grand jury I discovered many cops don't know jack about gun types. Some of the ignorance though was deliberate. One cop searched an apartment because he could see a SKS machinegun through the window. After I asked how he could tell the difference between a SKS rifle and machinegun. The prosecutor told him not to answer. I asked the prosecutor if federal charges were filed for the machinegun and got "I don't know you will have to ask them". When I asked her who is "them". She told me it was not relevant and the grand jury is not to judge the legality of a search.


A woman cop matched what she described as 45 Colt automatic hollow point ammo by the expended brass but couldn't give me a yes or no when I asked if ballistic tests were done or how she determined the HP bullets came from the brass. The prosecutor reminded me I'm a juror on a grand jury, "this is not CSI". A couple cops id'd revolvers as cowboy pistols. One cop justified a vehicle search because the driver had a "magnum". A black woman on the jury asked if a tube fed 22 auto rifle found in a voluntary vehicle search was a machinegun. Cop responded he wasn't sure but didn't want to take any chances. The driver had a non narcotic sinus Rx med and Sudafed tabs in a Zyrtec bottle his glove box. Having a prescription med not in its original container coupled with a firearm in his possession got him indicted. I was the only no vote. When the cop described the rifle his volume went way up when he said the word "automatic". The photo looked like an older Remington 22RF. I also recall a couple handguns being described "assault pistol".


I was booted twice and not permitted to vote on two cases. I had a personality clash with a prosecutor with short man's syndrome. I pushed his button the first day when I asked him in between cases and off the record to define M O. He told me it means and pardon my spelling modus operenday. I told him I was just a high school graduate, didn't speak Latin and jokingly said but I'm a good Catholic. I had to meet privately with a judge and assure her my religious views would not affect my vote. I also got in trouble over an off the record gay joke and an on the record remark about a ham sandwich.


Sorry I wondered off subject and started rambling away on my keyboard again.

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As I understand it the role of the grand jury IS to decide if there is enough credence to the DA's case to warrant indictment.

So I think that your questions were in order.



The jurors were all a bunch of sheep. Not a single case was denied. Myself and one other juror were the only ones that voted no on several cases or bothered to ask any questions. The best I did was persuade the jurors to reduce a felony trespass to a misdemeanor. A homeless man was caught sleeping in a car in an impound lot. He had no prior arrests or convictions. There were no, no trespassing signs posted and there was no damage.

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