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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

I Been Assimilated


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I been assimilated
I have been assimilated..I don't know if that is good or bad.
Now back in Brooklyn if some one gave you an answer you did not like or sounded nasty you got nasty back.

Here, everyone is so polite, that when you meet someone who is NOT.you are at a lose.
I walked down to get the mail, about 3/4 of a mile. Usually the mail is in by 2 PM. I waited till 4. Well, when I get there a woman, not my usual post man is putting in the mail.
Well, I found some mail but no package, I am expecting some parts.
So I asked if there was a small package.
She snapped in reply: "Yeah, there might be but I am putting out letters now, come back later."

Now In the old days, I would have snapped back, Ya mind looking? or something worse.

Here, i just said thank you and left.

You just don't meet enough rude people here to stay in practice.
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As a former mailman I can say it was uncalled for. If she was not the regular person she should have asked for ID and handed you the parcel. There was always a problem around retiree centers. People would walk up and demand all their mail immedialty and then say "back home we used to get our mail everyday at 9:00". Sometimes they'd point to a tray of apx 2,000 pieces of mail and demand to know something like "do you have a card in there from my sister in Chicago". Honestly in some retirement centers we'd have to call in authorities. Simply there was no way one could look into a tray and know exactly where somebody's mail is. Older people would also like to snoop through other's mail. "oh I know her I'll take it to them". We'd warn them once to leave the area mail was being distributed or stand at the front of the box. When they refused to leave we would leave, call for help then return to deliver the remaining mail without any interference.

I had a trailer park manager arrested after his insistence to snoop in other's boxes while mail was distributed. Despite several warnings and visits from Postal Inspectors he continued to look through other's mail. "Oh I'm the manager here" believing he had the authority. He was caught holding somebody's retirement check up to the sun wanting to know how much their pension was worth.

In summary delivering mail to retirement centers was always difficult as many would demand we stop distributing mail and hand them their mail. The smart ass woman could have said something like I'll look as soon as I'm done distributing this tray or could you please wait a few minutes as I will have to lock the boxes up to look for your parcel. Around a retirement center we could not walk away from unlocked boxes as people would start snooping through other's mail. I don't blame her for not stopping but she could have been a bit more polite about it.

If your mailbox was one I delivered daily and I knew your face and name. I'd probably point to the parcels and allow you to help yourself unless it required a signature or scan. Much different when subbing for another not knowing anybody.

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That was interesting Az.

You know, I could see some of the people around here doing just that.

Anyway 98% of the postmen and women around here hare nice people.

Who knows what was biting her that day?

Back in Brooklyn, it would not be worth comment,but Here is really stood out.

Any way my own guy will be back soon. : )


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There was a period Brooklyn was #2 in the country for employee thefts, 2nd to Chicago. There were 2 or 3 Brooklyn carriers convicted and sent to prison for demanding cash from those wanting their welfare checks. If they weren't paid off rather than delivering it they would put the welfare checks into their outgoing mail.


I had to help train a Brooklyn transferee. He had previously lived in a small world and didn't even have a driver's license. He took a bus to work and carried a bag of mail out of his station. He delivered mail to one side of one block of tall buildings for nearly 20 years. He came to Phoenix after inheriting a house here and was lost. He was nearly fired but the union saved his butt, got him transferred to a custodian. He was caught distributing copies of Watch Tower at every delivery point. He was a strange character. I learned from that guy how much Puerto Rican's despise Mexicans. He stirred up trouble calling Mexicans, Indian half-breeds or Kowabungas.

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