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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Whole Foods former CEO on Work Ethic of Young People


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Yes, I see it also.  Sometimes you just get a dumb look, especially at fast food places.  But I also see some hard working young people around here.  I was at a TSC yesterday and a young man, early 20's (maybe) not very tall and built like a tank was working diligently stacking feed sacks and helped me find what I was looking for. 

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I saw it to often as a union rep. Numerous times I had to get into somebody’s personal space and let them know their job was to move or deliver mail. Many had the attitude the Post Office was only there to provide them a job and paycheck. Sick leave abuse, tardiness and young girls believing they could and often did get away with a lot using their good looks. Plenty thought the union would save their ass no matter what kind of trouble. I saw a few leaving in handcuffs usually for theft and occasionally workers comp or time card fraud.

A prime example was a young guy with a wealthy family. His family allowance was matching his wages. He cried like a child when he couldn’t get an afternoon off with pay to get a haircut. He couldn’t understand getting paid by the hour. He chewed my ass for getting his 7-suspension reduced to, two days. He wanted a week off believing the union would get him reimbursed. He was in his late 20s but never mentally matured. He lost his cush job with his family’s tool manufacturing business due to a hostile corporate take over eventually merging with another tool co.

I could write several paragraphs about young women believing the path to a successful career was on their backs or even parking lot bjs. I had one attractive blonde show up at my front door demanding the union get her the promotion she was promised. She fell on her knees on my front porch and cried when I told her the union couldn’t get her the promotion she was promised. She was being passed around by three supervisors and possibly a fourth, a bull dyke. She was to embarrassed to file sexual harassment having to admit the conduct. She wised up after a suspension for sick leave abuse and her supervisors couldn’t save her. On the other hand I knew of a clerk/typist go to upper level mgmt in her first 18 months. 

There are just way to many young people believing the world owes them a living, hard work is for the other guy. The Demoncrats play along and get voters with promises of canceling college debt. Let the hard working guy living on low wages in an apprenticeship program foot the tax burden.


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Interesting stories. I remember being stunned when the Hawaii union boss, who was a female lawyer, told me she didn't care about the job of taking care of patients at the Army hospital, she only cared about the employees.

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