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Yeah, I know. Here I go again about dreams, but I had another one last night where I was having to confront some people who had parked a whole passel of mobile homes and travel trailers in a vacant lot of mine (and it was muddy and a big mess when I got home).


I found this in MSN---


Making Sense of Dreams

by Tamim Ansary

Interested in interpreting your own dreams? Try this method and see if it works for you!


First, throw away that dream dictionary. Forget all that water-means-change, ladders-mean-career-opportunities stuff. Others may disagree, but I've found that most experts believe dream symbols have no objective meanings. You made them up, and only you can unlock them.


Second, record your dreams. If you can't remember them, start recording them anyway. Jot down even the faintest flicker of an image or an idea. The more you record, the more you'll remember. It may sound simple, but it works.


(Tips: Don't use an alarm clock to wake up. Come to wakefulness naturally. Train yourself to lie still as you're coming up; let your dreams float up with you. Fix on any image you can remember. Hold onto it. Whisper it out loud to make it gel. Then write it down at once. Dream images are often connected like beads. Record one and you'll probably remember another, and another, and another.)


Third, take your dream apart. According to the late Christopher Evans, a British psychologist and computer scientist, nothing in a dream is purely invented. Each dream is stitched together out of bits and pieces from your real life. If you think there are people in your dreams that you've never seen before, think again. They might be composites. The face might come from a fleeting glimpse of someone you saw in a crowd. The clothes might come from an ad on TV. The voice may be that of a former teacher. Tie each image to its source and the whole dream will often deconstruct. Suddenly, with face, outfit, and voice lifted away, the stranger in your dream may stand revealed as--your neighbor! Or your best friend, or your boss, or your cat.


Fourth, make sure you're not still dreaming. This issue came up in a dream class I took. Some of the students said that since dreams seem real to the dreamer, there is no way to tell if you're in one. I joked that you could check your bed and see if you were still asleep. Later that day--and it was a normal day--I began to obsess over this concept that I might be dreaming. So, I confess. I tried out my own advice: I went to my room to see if I was asleep.


And I was.



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Last night I had the most perverted dream. It was wonderful.

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Quote "Last night I had the most perverted dream. It was wonderful."


Write it down quick, or you will forget it.


You're not a pervert, are you? All dreams can be deconstructed by a person who is interested

in doing so.


I take it you are not interested in that sort of thing. But if you are, write it down quick.


Did I tell you about the one I had last night?




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I am pretty well-versed in this dream stuff as I used to have dreams so bad that I ended up in therapy for them! I've been known to wake up sobbing, I have had issues with sleep-walking and I once punched someone out who came to check on me when I was screaming in my sleep! Yeah, they were bad.


The most important thing that I found out about dreams is that they are all about the person dreaming. I'm not being glib about that, it's just a very simple explanation. So, for example, if you have a dream and there are 4 very different people in it, even people you recognize and detest, those 4 people are YOU...or at least they are aspects of your personality. This is the way that your subconscious breaks down information for your brain to process.


If you are being chased in a dream by a person you loathe, when you wake up, think about this for a moment, is it possible that you have a problem that you are trying to "creatively" side-step, and a part of you that won't let it go? That's generally what a dream like that can mean.


Even perverted and/or sexual dreams are variations on the same thing as sometimes our brains will process our issues in a "language" that we understand, often that can be sex. So, if you fellows are dreaming of a woman, that woman is a representation of some part of your own psyche! Isn't that weird? LOL!


I have never believed in that whole thing about "dreaming of a wedding means death is near" or other similar symbolic interpretations, but once I figured out how my being chased by a slasher that I KNEW was a hated co-worker only meant that there was part of me not doing something I was supposed to, I stopped fearing bedtime after a lifetime of dreading falling asleep.


This particular way of interpreting dreams doesn't always fit, and it's possible that some dreams are just creative rubbish that needs to be discarded...I guess it will be up to you to decide how that works, fritz.


I hope that helps in some small way.

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Well, after thinking about Tamim Ansary's version of understanding dreams, I have come to some conclusions.


I believe that a dream is only able to be understood by the dreamer himself. There are parts of the dream that must have been part of the dreamer's past. No person other than the dreamer can really understand what it is about.


How sad, because I was hoping someone could give me insight into the dream I had about me water skiing on a local lake with the rope being pulled by a seagull. The poor bird finally gave out and I crashed. If it had not been for my faithful Lab Tucker, I would have drowned. He swam out and saved me.


Now I have never water skied, and there ain't any seagulls this far inland. But I did have a Lab named Tucker that was faithful, but he was never a very good swimmer. He did get a downed dove out of the pond for me once by getting close enough to it to create a wave that brought the bird to me.


He was a great dog, and I miss him terribly. Maybe that is why he was in that dream?


And the dream about the muddy lot and all those trailers that some fundillo parked on it, could mean the muddy lot in Lockhart that had the farm auction on it that day.


But I am still trying to understand the sheriff and the hoodlums in it. The hoods tried to circle me, but I outsmarted them when I turned against the wall so that no one could get behind me (I hate it when that happens). The sheriff I can only speculate on. But as Ansary said, everyone in your dream is a part of your past. He could be the constable I have who is running for reelection.


I will vote for him, even though he did not help me out in my confrontation with the bad guys.
























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I was hoping someone could give me insight into the dream I had about me water skiing on a local lake with the rope being pulled by a seagull. The poor bird finally gave out and I crashed. If it had not been for my faithful Lab Tucker, I would have drowned. He swam out and saved me.

Hmm, would you mind if I took a crack at this one?


Water skiing on a local lake.


You said that you never water skied before, yes? So is there a risky venture you are contemplating? Is there something in your life that you feel uncomfortable with? It seems to me that the act of water skiing on a local lake means that something is or could be going on that you don't feel certain about, that it's on a local lake means that it's close to home, you have a familiarity with some aspect of the matter.


A rope being pulled by a seagull. The poor bird finally gave out and I crashed.


Are you relying on someone or something that may be unlikely to come through for you? Do you doubt your own abilities to see something through? I would think that the crash after the seagull gives out is a sign of fear that you will be left to drown in whatever risk you took.


If not for my faithful Lab Tucker, I would have drowned. He swam out and saved me.


Something like this could be that you are "saved" by what you inherently know or have learned from the past. I would think that Tucker is symbolic of your own trusted experience, in your case what you know did in fact save you.


So, either you have recently entered into, or are contemplating some sort of major thing that you may not be entirely comfortable with. Possibly, this event has already taken place and you still have some unprocessed issues around it. There is a component of trust involved, that you may or may not feel is up to the challenge, either in yourself or someone else...even the whims of fate could be symbolized by the seagull. Then, when the harsh reality comes to pass, and the seagull can no longer pull you along, it is your own experience, intuition, whatever, that saves you, either from making a mistake, making a worse mistake, avoiding the situation altogether or something along those lines.


What do you think?


I will try to figure out the other dreams if I am close to anything with the one I interpreted above.



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fritz when I'm not turkey farmin' I'm workin' my other job in town as a dream analist ,I don't want to be accused of being long winded so I'll keep it short.Your dream about the seagull pulling you has to do with all the studying your doing on bird flu and the hoodlums and the muddy lot have to do with the crooks at the court house who put them culverts in on your road.If you think I might be able to stop farmin' and take this up full time let me know,cause shovelin' this kind of manure is alot easier than what I do in the barns. Jim

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I thank you all for your help in my trying to interpret my dreams.


There are some valid comments there. Dreams are always going to be hard to deconstruct, and there will always be some who will never bother to do so.


Thank you Emul8, your reasoning sounds good. It helps to have somebody who has been there-done that.


And Swamprat, while you were short and to the point, your reasoning does seem to have some bearing on my case.


The response about jalapenos and schnapps before bedtime might have something to do with it also, But I detest jalepenos unless they are the mild ones. I only raise the mild ones. But as to schnapps, I have to admit that I am addicted.


Jim, stay in the turkey business. There is enough manure there to shovel without having to shovel more of this. LOL


But I don't smoke and hang out with questionable women. So two out of three ain't bad, is it?



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I had a dream that we were trapped in a Mexican whore house by Parralax Bill. All you had was that damn pistol you didn't want anybody to see. The one from your previuos dream. The real nightmare here was all the girls were real PIGS. Try as we might to get away, Bill had us BANDED from all exits. At the last moment Tony and the rest Of MFRC road to our rescue. Although saying he will seek revenge we managed to avoid Bill to the free land of Sporterization. Here we mananged to over come the evil Bill and lived happily ever after altering Turk's.


As I live I dream,



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