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New (to me) powders

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With the situation on Powder Availability currently..

I have needed a Substitution for win231, Unique, and Red Dot... The stuff I use Most

Filling in the "blanks" with BE-86 and believe it or not...AA Nitro-100 NF

If interested, I can Share some of my "tested" Cast Bullet loads...32S&W Long, 32H&R, 38SPL, 357Mag, 45ACP, 45 Long Colt, 45WinMag, 44Mag.....plus 300 Savage, 35 Remington, 7TCU, 222, and 221Fireball... working on 7X57, and 8X57 later...

BTW; I rarely...almost Never, shoot Jacketed...

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Sure, I always like to see load data.  I shoot cast in 7x57, 223REM, 45ACP, 300BO.  Don't know if I can find that powder or not, though.  My 223 load is with Unique at 2000FPS.  I use it to shoot my plate targets in the back yard.  Any faster makes bad divots in them.  Even those at 2KFPS will dent them.  The 300BO is a sub sonic 230GR with Win296.

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1 hour ago, Dr.Hess said:

Sure, I always like to see load data.  I shoot cast in 7x57, 223REM, 45ACP, 300BO.  Don't know if I can find that powder or not, though.  My 223 load is with Unique at 2000FPS.  I use it to shoot my plate targets in the back yard.  Any faster makes bad divots in them.  Even those at 2KFPS will dent them.  The 300BO is a sub sonic 230GR with Win296.

Where are ya Finding Unique these days?? or Better, What is the latest price?? OMG...have ya checked for Trail Boss recently???? Glad I never warmed up to that stuff!!!!

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Well, I bought a pound of it a long time ago, so just loading what I have laying around.  I haven't bought any powders or primers in a long time.  Prices I've seen are just shocking.  It's at a point that you can't load a bullet cheaper than you can buy one today, or the cost is virtually the same if you use a jacketed bullet versus home cast.  I did recently buy a bunch of "factory blems" jacketed bullets from Midway.  7's and 30's.

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Oh...I use a lot of Unique, so on the verge of being gone. I needed some, none around here, ordered was either Out of Stock, or Back ordered...or exorbitantly expensive, like primers were..in some cases still are. Same story with Red Dot...another powder that I use a lot of..

Found BE-86 available, and Reasonable, kinda, and use Grain for Grain replacement for Unique.. Nitro-100NF, being very fast...almost makes my Red Dot loads (not well), but got a Very good Price on some..so Trying it for Mild Loadings.

Next I will run out of Bullet Lead!!!!!   Yea I gots Problems...comes from Not Hoarding I guess!!

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Yeah, bullet lead is another problem.  Used to be you could get lead wheel weights anywhere.  That's what I've been using for 50 years.  Now, they've gone to zinc or iron.  I have a hundred pounds, maybe, but 230 grain boolits go through it fast.

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