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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

New Gun Rule At Work


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Last week,the HR b_ _ch at work made a stroll through the parking lot looking in pickups,and cars,and came to a guy I work with and ask him if he had any firearms in his pickup.He said no,and it's a miracle he didn't,but she more or less called him a lier,because there was a box of shotgun shells on his dash.He had to go with her to his pickup and show her that the box contained fence staples(steeples).She gave him all kinds of crap to read about company policies.All 25 of us in my dept. except our lone Democrat liberal Mexican that thinks guns should be taken away(except for his .25 auto)(and he still is one of the best friends I've ever had)have boxes of shells on the dash,empty hulls in the back,BB guns on the rack,and I've got a gun case in front.I reckon she hasn't got her fat ass back out in the 85 degree heat to do another check,because nothing has been said,yet.We hope we can wear her out.She's been here about a year from Maryland,and has a lot to learn about Texicans.She'll have a wall-eyed hissy fit come deer season if she pulls another inspection.I says in the rule book,no alcohol is allowed on PacCar property,and every other pickup has a cooler of beer in the back.If she was just trying to make a name for herself,she gott-er done.Jerry

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Does your company have a policy of no firearms in their parking lot?


If they do, the only thing to do is try to change that policy. Sounds like the gun owners in your area need to form a Union of some sort. Companies can screw individuals much easier than a Union.


I know you are not a Union man (neither am I), but there comes a time for a union of like-interest workers to present their case.


Good luck, and keep the beer cold!



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I could write a book about my adventure while working for the US Post Office after the Postmaster General decided to end all postal massacres by declaring all Post Offices as gun free zones. The union sh!t a brick when I filed a grievance demanding the USPS be responsible for my life, limb and property in my commute to and from the workplace. I documented my case with police reports showing I was in danger from a teenage gang associated with the so-called Crypts. After losing support of the union, I exercised my right to file it on my own. I dropped the grievance after the higher ups in USPS mgmt and Postal Inspectors told me if I ever had a gun outside of my car inside the building I would be prosecuted. When I asked about the parking lot, in my car or anywhere on USPS premises, they just kept repeating “outside of my car inside the building I would be prosecuted”. They never said ok but never really said no to the parking lot issue. Off the record I was thanked by many managers and supervisors that were chicken to pursue the issue.


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Simple..change your name to "Ali" and put a copy of the Koran in your car or truck along with your guns.

Than NO ONE will dare to question you...that would be racial profiling. : )



Karl of the sands.

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The above link was very interesting, and it brings uo many questions.


If a citizen has the right to carry a gun on the road, what does he do with it when entering the company parking lot?


If he puts it into a locked box in his vehicle he is still technically violating his company's policy of no gun in the vehicle. Let them be more specific (as if they give a damned).


Or would the company establish a "gun check" room (like the "hat check" room of the old swank establishments)?


If you were a gentleman, you would check your hat at the entrance. Why can't the companies do that instead of hasseling their employees by threat of law for failure to check their guns?


Well, it's not completely over yet, as long as there are organizations like the Gun Owners of America keeping a watch on the companies that violate private citizen's rights. I believe any company has the right to ban firearms from the workplace, but by God this does not include the parking lots.


Unless the employee works in the parking lot.


Karl, this maybe should go in a new topic, but since you mentioned racial profiling, I was having a chat today with a fellow who regularly travels the South Texas highways in his job as an oil field technician. I asked him if he saw any illegal aliens along those roads between the border and Goliad.


He replied, "Damned right! I see them every day, with their milk jugs of water walking around the check points." I asked him "then why is it that me and mrs fritz always get stopped and questioned when we (an elderly white couple) returning from a convention in the Valley?


He said it was due to racial profiling. They have to stop and question as many elderly white folks as they stop and question young hispanic travelers. Otherwise they would be under attack for racial profiling.


Now, this is what the Bush administration and the fundillos who make the rules on racial equality, really are shoving down our throats!



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He said it was due to racial profiling. They have to stop and question as many elderly white folks as they stop and question young hispanic travelers. Otherwise they would be under attack for racial profiling.






About two years ago I was traveling weekly to Nogales Mexico. Being a cheapskate and needing several thousand dollars worth of dental work. I got it done in Mexico for about 75% less in cost. Once I was stopped and questioned at a roadblock between Nogales and Tucson. The Border Patrol guard apologetically make a remark about it being an equal opportunity investigation. I apparently aggravated the guard when I asked him if I looked like a Russian. My gut feeling is they play a numbers game with names they entered on their laptops.





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You know soon or late this PC crap is gonna turn around and bite us.

While they are wasting time and effort questioning Americans some wog is gonna sneak in and plant or do a realy bad thing.



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I remember some years back, some employees were going to leave from work for a hunting weekend. They were fired, because they had guns in their vehicles. If I remember correctly they didn't even know about the policy. This was before 911, I think it was in Salt Lake City.


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I remember some years back, some employees were going to leave from work for a hunting weekend. They were fired, because they had guns in their vehicles. If I remember correctly they didn't even know about the policy. This was before 911, I think it was in Salt Lake City.



Keith If I recall correctly that is what led to the sportsman's boycott of AOL. Courts ruled in AOL's favor.


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"You know soon or late this PC crap is gonna turn around and bite us.

While they are wasting time and effort questioning Americans some wog is gonna sneak in and plant or do a realy bad thing.





They already are sneaking in, and we are just damned lucky they ain't done a really bad thing yet.

If it is so easy to dodge the "checkpoints" (and I have it as fact that if a fellow wants to, he can bypass every checkpoint), then we are inviting the terrorists to enter this country through S. Texas.


We are sending the bad guys a message. A message the Bush administration has intended for our "friends" south of the border.


Well, his little ranchero is in central Taxas, and he has so many secret service people around it, that he don't have to worry.


It's a helluva lot harder to get onto GW's ranch than it is to enter Texas illegally!



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