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I'm not posting in Fighting Words,because that's not what I want.I'd really like to know who I should support that would have any chance of doing something about our wetback problem,high fuel prices,and who want raise taxes or start new programs to help those that won't help themselves.I'm a man without a party,and I'll never ever vote for some 3rd party that has no chance of winning,throwing my vote away.Rick Perry was a Democrat,but switched to Republican so he could get on the winning side.That shows what politicians put first and foremost.I trust no one that makes their living in politics.I don't like feeling this way.I've been talking and listening to you cats for 4 years now,and think I know how you think,and we mostly agree on what's wrong with our country,so someone please give me a list of names that would be worth my time to research and deside who I can back.I'm still not sorry I voted for George twice,but he and the Republicans have let me down hard on the immigation problem,and for letting companies like Exxon make billions in profits and saying that's free interprize.If it were,there would be refineries popping up all over this country trying to get in on the record breaking profits.Most Democrats voted on the war in Iraq,but as soon as the American people get tired of war,the Dems want to impeach George.My republican party promised big changes in immigration laws,but the problem is getting worse and nothing has been or will be done.Queers,ragheads,oil execs.,and mexicans that cross the border at night have govt. working for them.I'm a middle aged working white male that has no say in anything,and has no representation in our govt.My job is to work hard to get by,pay outrageous taxes,and keep my mouth shut while the illegales and queers fight over who owes them what.Jerry (sorry about my spelling.When I'm mule-lipped,I could care less!)

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Thank you for venting your disgust with the status quo. You are not alone, my friend. Many Americans (and especially Texans) feel the same way. We are a people without a party.


Some of you who read my posts may consider me to be a liberal Democrat. That is not so. Nor is it so that I have a closed mind when it comes to being obligated to supporting our Commander-in- Chief. All this schitt I hear from some that alledge, that by not supporting the current administration lends aid and support to the enemy, is just their interpretation of the Constitution. By their reasoning, many citizens (Democrats) of this country are guilty of treason.


Well, I wish I could give you an answer to your question. But I cannot, nor can anyone who is not predjudiced towards a certain person or party. You may get an answer from someone who falls into that category of those predjudiced against a certain candidate or party, but at this point in time there is too much turmoil going on to reach a truly fair decision.


You have asked an important question, and only time will tell who that person is.





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