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Yup, we're on a vacation of sorts on the way to the port in L.A. We've never driven through the Rockies, or seen the Grand Canyon. We are in western Nebraska right now, and will fly to Hawaii on July 7th. At least the weather is nice now.

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Yup, we're on a vacation of sorts on the way to the port in L.A. We've never driven through the Rockies, or seen the Grand Canyon. We are in western Nebraska right now, and will fly to Hawaii on July 7th. At least the weather is nice now.


Well dang, Texas will feel emptier without you here. But what an adventure moving to Hawaii. I never saw the Grand Canyon either. I took it for granted all the years I lived in california oh well someday. I hope when you get settled. You can post some picture's of your new locale. Have a safe trip.



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Be safe in your travels and best wishes on the new location. Always is an adjustment period it seems when one makes a big move. Going from Nebraska to Eastern Georgia it took me a long time to get used to the changes. Enjoy the vacation time too. We will all await the stories the trip will bring. Dave

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The Grand Canyon's weather should be fairly decent being I think apx 5-6,000 feet higher than Phoenix. Phx was 114 today and 117 is predicted for tomorrow. If you're going to stay overnight in either Flagstaff or Williams I strongly recomend reservations. The chances of getting a room at the Grand Canyon Hotel is pretty slim and ridiculasly expensive. The only problem with the hole in the ground as it is known by many in Az, is all the tourists at this time of year. Good idea to catch up on your Japanese and German. The Japanese tourists like to push and shove their way through crowds, don't mind standing still in a crowd with their bodies touching others, standing in the way and taking pictures of everything imaginable. Rude by our standards but normal for them coming from very crowded cities. The German and European tourists were always very polite but a pain in the ass if they want to practice English. I used to aplogize and tell them I couldn't understand because I'm hard of hearing or forgot my hearing aids. Best I remember the Germans were very personable and would always offer to buy a drink or meal if you were willing to carry on a conversation. I used to feel like a pauper seeing the jewery hanging on their wives.


I used to visit the Canyon 1 or 2 times a month in the early 70's when I sold auto parts for a warehouse distributer. Used to have some pretty wild parties with workers from the lodge, resturant and garage. The boss finally made me drop the stop from my route as I couldn't justify the expense with the small order I got from a garage. At that time the gargage was run by a bunch of deadbeat hippies. There used to be a large mineing operation with a huge fleet on the way there. After the mine closed the boss said no way to overnight stays there.


I haven't been back since then, have heard of alot of changes and also have heard the public is no longer allowed to drive directly there. Tourists have to park outside the park and take a bus in. Like I said it is what I've heard, possibly I'm wrong. I haven't been there since apx 74. It is kind of awesome the first time you see it, especially this time of year when everything isn't covered with snow. The bottom of the Canyon is the only place left in the USA that still gets mail delivered on horseback or mules. It is beautiful trip down to the bottom. If they still offer mule rides down, it is worth every dime. Unless you're in very good shape and a non-smoker, the trip back up is pretty miserable if you hike it. Been way to many helicopter and plane crashes there. I wouldn't risk it but I'm a big sissy anyway when it comes to flying.


A bit of advice once you start driving through the Rockies. Keep a close eye on your car's temperature gauge. If your car came from a cooler part of the country and you are running the air conditioner. It can overheat real quick when making a steep climb up hill.

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Best wishes on your travels. I have never been to Hawai, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed South Florida and the Everglades when I was in the service. I heard that it is completely changed now with all the Cubans and retired people.


Do send us some pics of your surroundings when you get settled. Are you a fisherman? Bet they have good fishing there. That was the best part of the Everglades, and when I got back to Texas I lost interest in fishing for awhile. It just didn't compare with the solitude of the Everglades.


But I suppose that most places are spoiled now, with tourists and speedboats, etc.


Take care,




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