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Gays And Moors, ..welcome To The New Education


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:( This a bit long but worth reading.

Sweden is considered the ideal of liberal progressive education.

This IS coming to a preschool near you, if you are not alert.


This is what the left is working very earnestly to create in American schools.

(The theory is called "The Long March through the Institutions".




"Only native GENTILE Swedish boys are subject to this. So the sons of Norsemen are being castrated by Marxists on their own soil while foreigners can do as they please. This is where tolerance is leading. I don't see why they don't just administer estrogen to these boys while they are at it.


Also read that they are all up in arms over pink feminine toys for girls in the article. "Tolerance" means european gentiles must be totally emasculated and grovelling or dead. Coming soon to a town near you.


Sweden: Sharia-Supporters and Transvestites of the World Unite!


Fjordman - 7/3/2007


I was planning to take a break from writing about Sweden, but I just couldn’t help it. Swedish journalist Kurt Lundgren had a noteworthy story on his blog this week. A friend told him about a magazine published by Lärarförbundet, the Swedish Teachers’ Union, the largest union for teachers and heads of schools in the country. The magazine, aimed at preschool teachers who take care of children between the ages of 0-6 years old, included recommendations to not only promote “gender equality” but also “sexual equality” at this tender age. Mr. Lundgren considers the suggestions that are sent out to kindergarten and preschool staff to be clear-cut sexual abuse of children:


“A three-year-old doesn’t have to learn queer theory, a four-year-old shouldn’t have to be force-fed lectures on gay sex by some sex freak from the Teachers’ Union. Children are supposed to play and discover their roles entirely on their own. Children are defenseless and shouldn’t be exposed to indoctrination, neither regarding sex nor politics.. (…) One wonders whether parents are aware of the abuses against preschool children that that Teachers’ Union’s magazine Pedagogiska magasinet is encouraging.”


In a kindergarten in Stockholm, the parents were encouraged by the preschool teachers - apparently ideological pioneers - to equip their sons with dresses and female first names. There are now weeks in some places when boys HAVE TO wear a dress. Lundgren considers this sexual indoctrination as worse than the political: “The political nonsense is seeking to alter opinions - the sex freaks seek to alter the children’s personality, their mentality and their entire constitution.”


After posting this, Lundgren soon received a threatening email: “I have been in touch with the Teachers’ Union. They are considering reporting you to the police for what you wrote about queer and gay sex as abuse of children.”


Lundgren wrote in reply: “To give sex education to preschool children, to force them to have an opinion on gay sex and queer (lesbians, transsexuals, bisexuality, fetishism, cross over, sex change etc.) I regard as abuse of children. (…) Little children, we are talking about three to six-year-olds here, cannot in the preschool protect themselves from these sexual assaults. Their parents are not there, the children are totally left to themselves. (…) Little children need to be left alone, they are supposed to play without adult supervision.”


Some comments left by his blog readers:


“There won’t be a police report about this. The Socialist Teachers’ Union will probably think twice before doing so. There could be a backlash if the media start writing about queer [theory] directed against children and the parents will open their eyes to what’s going on with their loved ones.”


“My 11-months-old son will never be allowed to go to a kindergarten. I and my cohabitant reserve the right to raise our son into a thinking, rational and independent individual. He will definitely be allowed to wear a Superman costume, play with cars and build wooden houses if he wants to. I will never force him to wear a princess costume against his will. Presumably it won’t be long before parents like us will have our children taken away from us, to be raised in accordance with sound, Socialist doctrines.”


“My 13-year-old son had ‘equality day’ [in school] and had to listen to a transvestite. I have myself never encountered or talked to one during my considerably longer life. Why is this important? Today’s children know nothing about the crimes of Communism, but everything about the sexual orientation of transvestites.”


This last comment is quite literally true. A poll carried out on behalf of the Organization for Information on Communism found that 90 percent of Swedes between the ages of 15 and 20 had never heard of the Gulag, although 95 percent knew of Auschwitz. “Unfortunately we were not at all surprised by the findings,” Ander Hjemdahl, the founder of UOK, told website The Local. In the nationwide poll, 43 percent believed that Communist regimes had claimed less than one million lives. The actual figure is estimated at 100 million. 40 percent believed that Communism had contributed to increased prosperity in the world. Mr. Hjemdahl states several reasons for this massive ignorance, among them that “a large majority of Swedish journalists are left-wingers, many of them quite far left.”


Meanwhile, Antifascistisk Aktion in Sweden, a group that supposedly fights against “racists,” openly brag about numerous physical attacks against persons with their full name and address published on their website. According to AFA, this is done in order to fight against global capitalism and for a classless society. They subscribe to an ideology that killed one hundred million people during a few generations, and they are the good guys. Those who object to being turned into a minority in their own country through mass immigration are the bad guys.


British historian Roland Huntford wrote a book in the early 1970s about Sweden called The New Totalitarians. Huntford notes how equality between the sexes was aggressively promoted from the late 1960s and early 1970s:


“When sexual equality was promulgated, and it was decided that a woman’s place was not at home but out at work, there was a rapid change in the language. The customary Swedish for housewife is husmor, which is honourable; it was replaced by the neologism hemmafru, literally ‘the-wife-who-stays-at-home’, which is derogatory. Within a few months, the mass media were able to kill the old and substitute the new term. By the end of 1969, it was almost impossible in everyday conversation to mention the state of housewife without appearing to condemn or to sneer. Swedish had been changed under the eyes and ears of the Swedes. Husmor had been discredited; the only way out was to use hemmafru ironically. Connected with this semantic shift, there was a change in feeling. Women who, a year or so before, had been satisfied, and possibly proud, to stay at home, began to feel the pressure to go out to work. The substitution of one word for the other had been accompanied by insistent propaganda in the mass media, so that it was as if a resolute conditioning campaign had been carried out. Very few were able to recognize the indoctrination in the linguistic manipulation; in the real sense of the word, the population had been brain-washed.”


This was closely linked to a campaign for sexual liberation:


“Indeed, the word ‘freedom’ in Swedish has come to mean almost exclusively sexual freedom, product perhaps of an unadmitted realization that it is absent, or unwanted, elsewhere. Through sex instruction at school for the young, and incessant propaganda in the mass media for the older generations, most of Sweden has been taught to believe that freedom has been achieved through sex. Because he is sexually emancipated, the Swede believes that he is a free man, and judges liberty entirely in sexual terms. (…) The Swedish government has taken what it is pleased to call ‘the sexual revolution’ under its wing. Children are impressed at school that sexual emancipation is their birthright, and this is done in such a way as to suggest that the State is offering them their liberty from old-fashioned restrictions.”


By old-fashioned restrictions, read Christianity and Christian morality. Huntford notes that this came together with efforts to downplay or attack Western culture prior to the French Revolution. According to Mr. Olof Palme, who was Swedish Socialist Prime Minister until 1986: “The Renaissance So-called? Western culture? What does it mean to us?”


“The State,” in the words of Ingvar Carlsson, then Minister of Education, “is concerned with morality from a desire to change society.” Mr. Carlsson, who was Swedish Prime Minister as late as 1996, has also stated that “School is the spearhead of Socialism” and that it “teaches people to respect the consensus, and not to sabotage it.”


“We have no ethical standards in education, and no rules for sexual behaviour,” in the words of Dr Gösta Rodhe, the then head of the department of sexual education in the Directorate of Schools, and thus in some ways the executive officer of government sexual policy. “You see, since there’s a lack of tension in Swedish politics, younger people have got to find release and excitement in sexual tension instead.”


This was in the early 1970s. Things have gotten worse in the two generations since then. Socialists and state authorities present this policy as liberation of women and sexual liberation. What it is actually about is breaking down rival sources of power: The traditional Judeo-Christian culture and the nuclear family. This leaves the state more powerful, since it can regulate all aspects of life and, most importantly, can indoctrinate the nation’s children as it sees fit, without undue parental influence. The state replaces your entire nuclear and extended family, raises your children and cares for your elderly.

- - - - - - - - - -


As writer Per Bylund observes: “A significant difference between my generation and the preceding one is that most of us were not raised by our parents at all. We were raised by the authorities in state daycare centers from the time of infancy; then pushed on to public schools, public high schools, and public universities; and later to employment in the public sector and more education via the powerful labor unions and their educational associations. The state is ever-present and is to many the only means of survival — and its welfare benefits the only possible way to gain independence.”


Socialist pioneer Alva Myrdal is the hero of the modern Swedish preschools. She wanted comprehensive education for special child carers who could provide children with competent guidance all day long. What the social engineers discovered later was that despite decades of state-sponsored gender equality propaganda, boys and girls still behaved differently. This disturbed them. Instead of concluding that maybe there are genuine, innate differences between the sexes, which sensible people would do, they decided to indoctrinate children more thoroughly, starting at an even earlier age, to eradicate gender differences.


Toy researcher Anders Nelson at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology has warned that toys have become increasingly gender-segregated over the past fifteen years: “People often explain [their toy purchases] by saying that boys and girls want different things. But in order for children to be able to reflect on [the toys] they receive, adults have to open their eyes to [inherent gender] structures. To children, these [gender] roles are more unquestioned and instinctual.” Mr. Nelson encouraged parents to give more gender neutral Christmas presents. In other words, no Barbie dolls for girls and no cars for boys.


The Swedish Consumers Association reacted angrily to a star-shaped,pink ice-cream because it represented gender-profiling. “Girlie, GB’s new ice pop, is pink and has make-up inside the stick. It says a lot about what GB thinks about girls and how they should be,” the association said in a statement. According to them, Sweden does not need more products that reinforce existing prejudices about sex roles, so they asked the producer to make the product less gender specific.


Again, this has thus absolutely nothing to do with “tolerance or diversity.” It’s done in order to break you down and to mold you into a new human being. Great emphasis is placed on destroying the Christian heritage of the native population. Pupils are taught that they have been liberated from the superstition and oppression of Christian nonsense. However, while Christianity has been ridiculed and demonized for generations, so much that some Swedish Christians complain about persecution, Islam is presented in textbooks as a benevolent and tolerant religion, and Islam is granted a high degree of respect in the public sphere.


A bus driver in the increasingly Muslim-dominated Swedish town of Malmö has been fired from his job following revelations that he stopped a woman from boarding his bus because she was wearing full Islamic face-covering, which made her hard to identify. In Sweden, it is thus unacceptable if girls are presented with pink ice-creams or Barbie dolls because this reinforces gender stereotypes, but the burka is just fine. Meanwhile, Sweden is in the midst of the most explosive rape wave in Scandinavian history, largely caused by immigration. While Swedish girls are called “whores” by Muslim immigrants, Swedish boys are told to wear a dress and study queer theory.Sweden is supposedly the most “gender equal” country in the world. It’s also one of the nations most eagerly (at least officially, all other viewpoints are banned) embracing Multiculturalism. Promoting “sexual equality” alongside a rapidly growing Muslim minority is going to become an increasingly challenging balancing act.


Sharia-supporters and transvestites of the world unite!


Fjordman is a noted Norwegian blogger who has written for many conservative web sites. He used to have his own Fjordman" Blog in the past, but it is no longer active




The liberal professors of education, who are training the people who will be teaching YOUR kids and grandkids, regard this as holy writ. Go and buy a few grad textbooks on education and read them.



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I reckon the days of children growing up,watching and admirring their parents enough to want to grow up and be just like them are over.If a child isn't raised by parents that love them,they'll be managed by a weird that cares nothing for the kid and who can't figure why everyone doesn't think as they do.If the Swedes are to the point the article says they are,then their lost and doomed. Jerry

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Thank you, oh Savior, for alerting us all to what is coming to a pre-school near us. We shall all be more alert in the future, so as not to be in the "sorry" shape of the Swedish people.


Do you teach/preach this to the students in your classes? You must have a friend on the school board.



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Thank you, oh Savior, for alerting us all to what is coming to a pre-school near us. We shall all be more alert in the future, so as not to be in the "sorry" shape of the Swedish people.


Do you teach/preach this to the students in your classes? You must have a friend on the school board.



Do you EVER read?


Seems to me that ALL you can do is cuss cry and insult...Can you find articles on the net to refute that post?



You must have a friend on the school board




In point of fact, I have many friends on the school board.

Some of them were my students and now they send their kids to my class.

Most kind of you to recognize my long service in the Groves. ;)


Have a nice day :lol:


kindly old magister Karl

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Well, OK


Since you know someone on the school board (who hires teachers) I can see how you still have a job.


Should you ever decide to leave the education field, you could always go to work for a right-wing publication such as the Patriot.


Now that is a fine publication, but they only write what the right wants to read. One can read that book without opening the covers.


I thought that public schools are supposed to teach ALL sides of a matter, do you? That is why I questioned your fitness for the job.



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I thought that public schools are supposed to teach ALL sides of a matter, do you?

That is why I questioned your fitness for the job




You really should go and read some grad texts on education.

The public school system in America has not taught both sides of an issue in 30 years.


I teach in Pvt. School and the students are given points toward their class dance and research grade every time they can prove I made a mistake . : ) Some of the kids may not worry overmuch about grades, but they all love to dance and they love to catch the teacher, even if they have to go to the library to do it. : )


That teaches them to Think and take notes and double check what anyone tells them.


Thinking people make good voters..not many will fall for Hill, Edwards, or Obama.



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"I teach in Pvt. School "


OK, that explains it.


Sorry I confused you with a public school teacher.



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Sorry I confused you with a public school teacher




Not a problem.


Most of the public school teachers that I know work heroically to teach their students but they are smothered by a PC environment and liberal educational theorists to a degree that has to be seen to be believed.


When you read of "low test" scores in our public schools, that is not, in most cases, the fault of my public colleagues, it is to their professional credit that the scores in many schools are as good as they are.



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