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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Ain't It The Sad And Sorry Truth!


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It's true all right, but I thought that chart only aplied to old farts like me.


Especially the part of the pie about looking for things. Sometimes, it's quicker to go to town and buy a new one.


Then when you get home, you see the old one hanging on the wall. It was not there before, but now it is. I need the Ghost Busters.


Today I noticed a gallon jug of metal prep sitting on the shelf with the cap off. If was on the jug yesterday.


What do you think it is?




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If it wasn't flat out forgetfulness, it was probably those little elves we're all plagued with that come out at night and move stuff around so we can't find it.


Back when I was working at the glass shop, I could go home and have my work area all lined out for the next day and I swear it would be different in the morning. Since I know that neither my boss nor I sleep walked through the shop that night...it had to be those little elves. I think I've got an elf at home too. Ever try to find your truck keys or eye glasses when you're in a hurry? You can't right? Its because he's hidden them. He'll put everything in your way when you don't need it...then hide it when you do. He's got a critical need sensor that senses when you're in a bind.


And none of this helps when you can't remember what you're looking in the first place.


I think the elves may be in league with the chupacabra. I'd go looking for them, but I can't remember where to start...

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"I think the elves may be in league with the chupacabra. I'd go looking for them, but I can't remember where to start..."



The chupacabra has left me alone, because I have no chickens or goats for him to suck the blood out of. But the elves (I prefer to call them gremlins), are with me still.


No, it cannot be forgetfulness. I still remember the old days, I still remember where I was on a particular day back in the past. The past is very important, because if one forgets the past, he/she ignores history.


History is another word for the past, and history has a way of repeating itself. Something our elected officials need to understand.


No, it has to be gremlins. And I don't know if my exterminator contract covers them. I shall check on it.







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Sometimes, it's quicker to go to town and buy a new one.



Ain't that the truth!! I spent apx 30 minutes looking for the correct size screw today. I finally threw in the towel and went to Lowe's. The only way I could buy it was in a pack of 5. A year from now when I need one of the remaining 4 screws I'll never find them. One thing I miss about the small mom & pop hardware stores. I could go buy a single screw, bolt, nut or a few nails for a few cents and often walk out with it for free. The clerk often saying we'll get you next time.


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We have a mom and pop lumber yard in my town, and you can buy one bolt, or a box. Nails are sold by the pound, weighed out, and I can buy them there (a pound or so at a time) cheaper than the big discount lumber yards in the next town. Even a full box of 50# at the big stores costs more than the same 50 pounds sold here one pound at a time.


When I remodeled my house, I bought much of the framing lumber and the siding from the local store. They beat the price on 2x12 boards and all but the sale-priced studs at the big stores. And they deliver free on a large order.


We used to have three lumber yards here, a movie theatre, bowling alley, four car dealerships (Ford, Chevy, GMC, and Plymouth). Now we have one lumber yard, one over-priced Ford dealer, no movie theatre, no bowling alley. But we do have a golf course now.


We used to have four grocery stores, now one over-priced one. It burned down a few years ago, and the town (in tears for losing the only grocery store) paid tax money collected from hotel and tourism taxes to help them rebuild. And they repaid the favor by screwing us even more on food prices!


We are only a class 3A school (in terms of athletics) and barely so at that. We used to be 2A. But we are considered a "rich" district because of all the oil and gas revenues coming into the school coffers. That still did not satisfy the school superintendent, who wrangled an 8 million dollar bond election to pass. Seems that he wanted a new gym (he calls it an activity center) and other facilities that will make us look as "rich" as we are.


The truth is though, because we are considered "rich" by the state education system, we must send a bunch of that oil and gas revenue to other schools. So they can build their "activity centers" with our money. And we must increase our taxes to pay for the bond election.


It's known as the "Robin Hood" system, and while Rick Perry has been our governor for about a decade now, he has failed on his promise to fix it. It's not the only thing he has failed to fix.


The one thing he did "fix" was a deal with a foreign country to build a superhighway through my ranch.


Sorry to get OT, but my point is that sometimes small towns (and small stores) are better for us.



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