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Lakota Sioux Secede From The United States


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The Lakota Sioux, claiming rights granted under a UN declaration, have formally annouced that they are seceding from the United States and are asking for international recognition.


News Article on Sioux Declaration

Lakota Freedom Official Website

UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples


Any thoughts on this?


In my mind, I find this disturbing.


  • Does the UN over sovereign authority to grant this right to people in the United States?
  • If the Sioux have quit the United States, what right do they have to our courts?
  • If the Sioux are successful with their seccession, what will this mean for the rest of the native peoples in the United States - ie, will we end up with a whole bunch of little nations within our borders?
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I guess, first, I would have to say, that most of their assertions are probably correct and they do have a legimate complaint and always have. Our country certainly could have done better by them.


With the stipidity that comes out of Washington DC, sometimes I feel like seceding, too (I don't know if it's worse when they do nothing, or when they do something).


Second, if anything is worse than DC it would be the UN. What a garbage pit! Little they produce has any meaningful value in the world and they seem to be obsessed with making the US miserable with stuff like this and trying to find new ways to transfer our wealth to third world despots. So far as I can see, any such treatises as this have no effect, meaning or value. If I were king, I certainly wouldn't recognize it.


I guess it troubles me that the first place the Lakota nation went to seek recognition was to the biggest international skunks like Venezuela. Do you suppose Iran, North Korea and China are on the list for future letters, too? Which suggests to me that maybe there is intent not to be just a "nation within a nation" but to be a hostile nation within a nation. Russell Means, after all, is not America's biggest fan.


Would the Lakota have the resources to actually develop a self sustaining ecomony and a secure society and resolve the probelms they rightfully refer to? Or would they have a Chinese based economy and Venezuelan army camps? Would they join in with several other antagonistic countries in facilitating the trafficking and sales of illicit drugs to Americans dumb enough to use them? Would they provde haven to terrorist nutcases to work from within the US?


Or would they be a self actualizing and progressive country that really did allow their people to both make their liberty and rule themselves justly without needless governmental meddling?


Thanks for the posting, Jason. This could be very interesting to watch, whichever way it goes.


And whichever way it goes, I wish the Lakota people peace, prosperity and better days.



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The UN does not have the authority, but don't tell them that. The "non-binding" UN resolution has all the legal authority of toilet paper, though not the usefulness.


Renouncing your US citizenship is a bad idea.


It seems to me that this is a very small movement within the Lakota community, kinda like the very vocal hippy minority trying to stop military shipments through the Port of Olympia in Washington.



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Some of the Hawaiians are saying the same thing. I've worked with the Sioux in the hospital in Nebraska and had an Indian boy for a friend when I was a kid. I've been through reservations. They gain nothing seceding from the Union. What will help them is staying away from liquor and doing something with their lives that will better their people. Alcoholism is RAMPANT among the Indians.

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What will help them is staying away from liquor and doing something with their lives that will better their people. Alcoholism is RAMPANT among the Indians.


Something else that would help them is to bring in industry.

Land for jobs. For example; how about a Ford or Toyota plant?

But I guess they'll say they've given up enough land already.


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Karl, I've got to wonder, in this day and age, if we'd have the huevos to go to war, if necessary, against an illegal secession.


Wouldn't it, like, you know, hurt their feelings and damage their self esteem and stifle diversity?


Brad :angry:



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Sir, you have a point.


Still there is a bright side to this. :lol:

If the injuns get away with it, perhaps we could convince the "Left" to have a go?

All the folks who want a "progressive..gunfree...America" could leave?



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Humm..I was under the impression that Gens. Grant and Lee settled the question of seceding from the USA.




That was my firdt thought.

I can't imagine the government standing by while Chavez sets up a a military base at pine ridge.

But then if there's money in it for them---------

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