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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

The Bailout Figures Now Are Estimated At 3.5 Trillion!


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Folks, if what I'm hearing is right, we're doomed. The estimated figure of the bailout is $3.5 TRILLION dollars of worthless paper money!!! Hold onto your inflation hats!


What kind of IDIOT leaders do we have?! Today Paulson said that, oh, gee, we're going to spend the money on something different than the subprime bailout. All my representatives, both in TX and HI, except Senator Cornyn voted for this lunacy. Even Kay Bailey Hutchison. I wrote Kay and said I didn't think I could vote for her again, and, by gum, she ignored the voters. Let her pay! Let Ikaka and Inouay (sp?) pay! I think John Carter, TX, voted for it too.


I can just picture this- hyperinflation, job loss, depression, and one world government, maybe lead by the little messiah Obama himself. Gee, doesn't the world just love this moron who has done nothing of value his entire life?

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Unless we get really lucky we are headed for "Wheel barrel marks"


"Germany made its first payment in 1921, but by 1922 the economy of the country had collapsed and was facing hyperinflation. Inflation was so bad that a loaf of bread that cost 63 cents in German money rose to 163 marks per loaf and 201,000,000,000 marks a loaf. People were forced to take wheel barrels packed with money just to by a loaf of bread at the bakers."



Now the Germans HAD to pay, of course , the Germans of wealth hid as much of their money in Switzerland as possible, and inflated the mark to pay the French back with cheap money,


Seems to me that we may be running the same game on the Chinese and Arabs.


Course, the middle class Germans, not being able to move their marks out of the fatherland, saw the VALUE of their money and savings drop from Four Marks to the dollar in 1914 to about 201,000,000,000 x 2 to the dollar by 1922.


WE did NOT lose a war and we have the most powerful Armed forces in the world,so no-one can force collection.


We can grow all the food we need, all we would have to do is reopen our factories and drill our own oil to become independent .


We could tell the rest of the world to to bugger off.


That they could consider any money we owe them as the bill for 60 years of protection and foreign aid.



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I don't see us with a leader with enough guts to tell the world to bugger off. Palin might have, but who knows, and who knows what she's really like versus what has been fed to us. Uncle O (as I'm calling him now) is the international man, put here by the foreigners. There is a Utube vid out of some English "journalist" that came to the US to volunteer for the O campaign on a drunken rant. The important thing I get from that is that foreign people came over here to tell us who they think should be running our country and influencing our more stoopid people to do that. That "volunteering" was a campaign contribution by a foreign national, in my book. But then, Uncle O took money from wherever it came.


So, I see it as unlikely Uncle O will stand up to the world in your scenerio. Sure, we could open our factories, drill our own oil and impose a 100% tarrif on all imported goods, leveling the playing field overnight. We could also stop feeding Africa which seems to just breed more hungry Africans and very wealth African leaders, and we could stop defending Europe from each other, mostly. Why are we still in Yugoslavia (Clinton's War)? I bet the French could handle that just fine. Let them pay for it for a while.


Now, I could be mistaken. Historically, these "leaders" do the opposite of what brings them to power. Nixon with socialistic things like rent control, Bush 2 with socialized medicines and the "no child" fiasco, Bush 1's assault weapon ban (which is still in effect, unlike Clinton's), Clinton's welfare reform, etc. Uncle O already has picked an Israeli as his chief of staff. The left thought he was going to ditch Israel. Not hardly now. Uncle O is saying we need more tax cuts. I predict: Uncle O "reforms" social security, screwing me in the process, of course. He may also push for a more isolationist and independent U.S., but that's a long shot. He won't be a friend of the constitution or the not-yet-born.


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Read this http://www.drhess.net/Clip_n_Saves.htm#Dr.Hess on Mental Health


In my business I see this all the time.


As to reading, I have found over that last 22 years that telling kids to SLOW down and look at the words markedly improves their Reading ability.



Doctor Hess's blog is well worth the visit.



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Thanks, Karl. Someone asked me once what my opinion on that stuff was, so I told them. Of course, my opinion on certain things means a lot more than other people's opinion, and that's one of them. I'm sure they didn't heed my advice, so I put it up on teh Inta3w3b (yo) and maybe someone somewhere in the world may help their child or themselves. Anyway, everyone wants a magic pill. I think that my actually trying to help people is why my medical practice was not very successful. People just want the magic pill.


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Unless we get really lucky we are headed for "Wheel barrel marks"

"Germany made its first payment in 1921, but by 1922 the economy of the country had collapsed and was facing hyperinflation. Inflation was so bad that a loaf of bread that cost 63 cents in German money rose to 163 marks per loaf and 201,000,000,000 marks a loaf. People were forced to take wheel barrels packed with money just to by a loaf of bread at the bakers."



I think the U.S. is headed for some unprecedented hard times.

What's to be afraid of besides the impending super inflation, homelessness, and probable civil unrest?

All the new policies and anti-terror laws that gave Bush extra-constitutional powers, are now in the hands of (or soon will be) the far left.

They will interpret the Patriot Act, they will decide on who gets wire tapped, they will decide where and when and who to imprison and or torture.

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You'll know the economy is really circling the bowl when they start seizing our guns and preventing the sale of ammunition.


I try my best to remain optimistic in my outlook, but the current batch of politicians keeps making it easy to think negatively about our future.

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I tend to get mule lipped and scared too. I just keep thinking that in 2 years, the tide may turn back if the fella messes up badly enough. The only problem with that thought is the Republicans don't seem to be Conservative any more. Thanks Mr. Bush and Mr. Bush. We need another Ronald Reagan.

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