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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Is My Aging Mind Making Me Wierd?


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I'm wondering what's going on in my aging mind? When I was a teenager I LOVED hunting and shooting pretty much whatever I could get a bead on. Now I don't feel like hunting at all. No, I'm not a vegetarian, and yeah, I'd kill a cow, pig, and chicken to eat. I just don't think it's fun to shoot critters (except sparrows crows, pigeons, cottonmouths, coyotes, snapping turtles, and rats) anymore. I feel kind of sorry for all the prairie dogs and birds I've shot just for fun.


Question- do I need a psychologist to talk this out?


Yeah, I know this is a loaded topic!

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Tony know the feeling well. I just can't bring myself to shoot yotes anymore. Feels like I'm shooting a pet dog and I now love dogs. I had a love-hate relationship with dogs during the years I was a mailman. Now that I'm retired and don't fear dog bites I enjoy dogs the same as I did when I was a kid.


On the other hand if I only had a 22 with a silencer I'd rid the city of Phoenix of house cats. I was greeted by the stench of cat piss this morning after leaving my pick-up's camper shell window open last night. About 6 months ago I had to remove the carpet out of my pick-up's bed because it was drenched with cat piss. It is all Karl's fault!!


A former co-worker was an avid hunter for many years. After he married an animal rights activist he gave up shooting guns at animals for photography. He had a neat set-up with a camera and long lens mounted on a rifle stock. Him and his new wife really got into bird watching and his bird photography was pretty cool. Hard to believe it was the same guy I used to dove hunt with.


Neither my friend or his wife are vegans, ate meat regularly except veal and lamb. Veal was off limits because of the way the calves were treated. I can't remember the reason for lamb, probably because they are cute but seems to me his wife used a bible reference in her lamb argument. His wife justified her anti hunting politics and eating meat by claiming store-bought beef, pork and chicken were harvested in a civilized manner.

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I will have you know sir, that Tawny the cat would never be so so crude as to take a leak in your truck...even after you insulted noble felidae..no....but she would sent her friend Tom Cat...: )



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The Bible talks about Jesus being led like a lamb to the slaughter. I've never eaten lamb. It's expensive stuff too! I'd eat it if it was in front of me though.


Tawny is an exceptional cat, but most would be willing to whiz in your pickup!

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The Bible talks about Jesus being led like a lamb to the slaughter. I've never eaten lamb. It's expensive stuff too! I'd eat it if it was in front of me though. When I was a kid my Grandmother used to fix lamb chops and they were delicious. About 5 years ago I tried cooking up some lamb. It tasted like it had been vulcanized by Goodyear.


Tawny is an exceptional cat, but most would be willing to whiz in your pickup! Speaking of exceptional animal recipes. Karl do you prefer cats barbequed, microwaved or deep fried??


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The Hippy tried cooking lamb. Now as a rule she is a very good cook, but the lamb could have been used for body armor and it stunk up the place.


Az, sir, you had best stand by,

Tawny was on the phone calling her cusins....this wont be pretty.

Still I put in a good word for you.


Kindly karl

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We're vegetarians. No fish, red meat, poultry, etc. "Nothing with a thumper" as my wife sez. Now, I've pretty much always considered hunting to be killing for the sake of killing, even before I went vegie. Not that I have a problem with that or haven't done it myself. However, I, too, don't kill for the hell of it anymore. I'll cap a 'coon, but fortunately (for the coons) there hasn't been one since I did the last 20 or so about a year and a half ago. I think word got out in coon circles that the Special Kitty was too expensive 'round here. Oh, they'll be back in a year or two and I'll have to start capping them again. I don't even shoot the sparrows or crackles anymore. I just let them be. A stray cat or dog that attacks my critters is fair game, but I really don't like shooting dogs and avoid it if at all possible by just shooing them off. We have 'yotes too, but I never see one long enough to get a weapon out. I think I've only seen one or two since we've been here. We hear them occasionally. I consider the kills I have to do now as "suicides" by whatever it was. They knew better. We, of course, don't kill the rabbits, deer, fox, turtles, etc. that we have on our property.


The past 2 days, I've had to constantly run a pair of native birds out of my garage. They want to build a nest in there really, really bad and I have to shoe them out a couple times a day. We call them "Bruzer Birds" because when Bruzer was alive, I left the shed door open for him after I separated him from his son, Duke who was still in the pen. They were fighting and Duke was getting bloody with each encounter. Bruzer knew exactly how to hurt if he wanted to. So Bruzer would spend the night in the shed, which I had put a dog house and a light in for him. One of the cats would stay in there with him, because nothing was going to mess with a 90 lb Rhodesian Ridgeback, even if he was retired. They kept each other company. Anyway, I picked up a insecticide spreader off the shelf one day and there was a nest of little birds in it, maybe 4-5 of them, quiet as church mice. I put them back on the shelf. The ones trying to build a nest in my shop are the same species.

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I don't think that you are weird. There is something majestic about animals in the wild, but there is something equally special about ethical hunting. Whether you are culling deer to avoid overpopulation or just popping off prairie dogs the hunter has a position as an apex predator. But I think that if I had worked providing medical care to all our soldiers coming back from the middle east for the last couple years I'd probably think twice before pulling the trigger on another living creature.


It isn't so important as whether an individual enjoys hunting and chooses to hunt, that will always be an individual choice. It is more important that opportunities to hunt aren't taken away from us.


I kinda wish Fritz were here to complain about all the damage those feral hogs did to his farm.




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You said it well. When I see the shows with demo's or recruiting ads with weapons, I don't think of it as some fun thing to shoot, but think of it now as something to kill with.


Fritz sure hated those piggies.

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I can somewhat understand your point of view in that, I have also contemplated killing birds, turtles, snakes, deer, etc. Here's the conclusions I've arrived at:


1. Game animals are all killed for the table. Deer, squirrels, ducks, doves, etc. are all tasting and all end up in my deep freeze. Money is tight and I'm trying to augment my grocery bill with wild game. Plus, as Jim points out, I'm depredating the land of animals who might not otherwise survive. If cars and hawks are going to kill, I may as well benefit from the humane death of a deer or squirrel.


2. Feral/nuisance animals are a pest and in most cases do not belong here. They damage the local ecology and should be humanely removed from the landscape e.g. feral hogs, fire ants, english sparrows, starlings, feral cats, stray dogs.


3. Wild animals such as snakes, turtles, songbirds, armadillos, coons, etc. all get a pass around my house unless they are threatening me, my livestock, or garden. They all have their place in God's wild kingdom and generally don't bother me. I get annoyed with people that chop up every snake they find and shoot every turtle they see on the pond. Likewise, I know several people that shoot owls and hawks on sight. Why? Cause they're bad luck and eat chickens...????.


I miss old Fritz and his Turk Mausers and hogs. I hope his family are all well down there in Goliad.

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