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Question For Dr. Hess Or Fc..


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The hippy got a bone density test (result -3 osteoporosis). They suggest taking boniva, actonel or fosamax. The internet reports many disgusting painful side effects. What do you fellas think of it? She's had no bone fractures yet. But I would like to keep her in one piece :} (She's now taking calcium supplements and Estriol cream.) I first thought that boniva was a good idea since you only have to take it once a month, but the reported side effects sound gruesome, and she is stubborn and will not take the stuff if it makes her feel bad.



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The form of calcium you take makes a big difference. Most of the cheap stuff you get is calcium carbonate. Your body does not absorb enough of it to bother with. Calcium citrate (Citrical) or Microcrystaline Hydroxyapetite (MCHC) are better absorbed and better assimilated into your bones. Tums or Rolaids are NOT a good source of calcium.

Also if you can find any of your vitamins or minerals in a chewable or liquid form, they are much better absorbed. Lots of the cheaper suppliments still have the name imprinted on the tablet when it comes out the other end.


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odies dad...Thank you sir.



Karl I've been taking Boniva for about 5 or 6 months now. No side effects so far I'm aware of except the warm and fuzzy feeling I got at the drug store knowing I'm helping Sally make her house payment. It is pricey so hit the Doc up for samples, don't be shy ask him for samples.


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I'm not familiar with those, Karl. As for the side effects, some people get them, some don't. You have to be very careful what you read on teh 1ntr4w3b, yo, regarding anything to do with health. If it was any source outside of something like webmd, medscape or a similar site, I would discount it completely. I would go so far as to say that if you google any health issue, 60% of what you get back will be wrong. The lay person doesn't know how to toss the wrong info.


As for the bone loss issue, as OD sez, calcium citrate is what she should be on, and an exercise program. If that doesn't help, then I would consider something more. Of course, people don't want to hear the word "exercise" and much prefer the word "magic-pill."

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Thanks AzRedneck.

I will tell her to ask.


Doctor Hess,

PT is NOT a problem for the Hippy.

She should have been a professional trainer or a D.I. ..she loves P.T. : )


Now me....


thanks fellas


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I'm a little late to this party, but one addition is that "side affects" have to be listed if someone in the trial gets one. In large clinical trials there are lots of people who will get a rather ambiguous symptom like "dizzyness" or "stomach ache" and not know if it is caused by the drug or something they ate. The drug manufacturers websight is the place to look for any serious side affects that came up in the clinical trial. Someone saying "I started DrugX and a week later my hair turned purple and fell out" on an web forum is not helpful to anyone.



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Karl I spent allot of time searching the net on my disease and it didn't take long to conclude most of the info is somewhere between unreliable to outright bullsh!t or somebody trying to make a fast buck selling an all-natural magic elixir the Dr's, drug companies and govt have conspired to hide from the public. Be especially cautious in any of the Google groups.


I did find some good stuff and straight talk on the Lymphoma/Leukemia Society website after hearing a radio commercial with Lynn Chaney as the spokes person. There is a group I linked to from the website I found really helpful and encouraging when I was dealing with the possible doom and gloom when my brain was fried on chemo and pain killers. Some might call it censorship but the group's moderator would edit out the BS often deleting an entire thread.


Unfortunately I registered on some websites that have spammed me with all kinds of garbage. About once a week I get an email wanting to know if I've used a certain drug and gives me a list of symptoms and side effects I need to claim to get rich. Then there is the spam pushing some natural cure-all remedy that will fix everything from limp dick to one I got that gave me a great laugh, gives guys a hairy chest!! I'm getting the Boniva as part of my treatment from the arthritis Dr. Possibly the Arthritis Foundation (I think it is the correct name) might have some straight info about the drugs. There is always a chance though a website sponsor or a big donor to the non-profit org might have some influence.


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