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I Am Back From The Dentist...


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I have been having an interesting few months, interesting in the Chinese .interpretation...an interesting time...


I have NEVER as in "never" missed more than days of work in years.


This year I am living in the dentist.


Started out with a minor tooth ache before Christmas.


So, I go to see the good doctor and he pulls,I think, the wrong tooth, as the tooth ache was still there.


So back I go and he pulls another, pain still there only worse, so I get sent to the oral surgeon and he pulls another.


Now the last pulled was the one I told the first dentist was the problem.

But he said nope..that is a "transference".


Seems that the pain coming from another tooth..so, he went to med school, not I, so I said ok.


(The Hippy is smarter than me, she is NOT impressed by the white coat.

She does her own research and argues with doctors)


So after it all healed, took a week, I heal fast, back I go for an "impression" (For you young guys, that is where they stick a lot of clay in a dental tool in your mouth in order to make new teeth) any way, it does not fit..seems I have too much bone in my mouth, I have been told that I have "A bone head" but this is the first time a Bone mouth.


So the good doctor said, "I am sorry. Had I known this before, we could have polished the bone and it would done now".


So back to the oral surgeon.


Oh, by the way, my dentist,forgot to put the paperwork in with the insurance people (They told the Hippy it was covered when she called the day) before. The nurse at the surgeon's office was kind enough to do that...so back in the ole chair..the surgeon cuts the gum and uses a "wire cutter" like tool, a plainer and a small dermal tool to trim the bones.


Now after that I may have jury duty and I gotta to to a professional "Talk-Talk" next weekend.


Worse..I missed the sale on .22 rifles and .45s



I need a beer..but the Hippy won't let me have any while I am taking pills



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Hello FC.

I THINK that they found it.

But, what a pia.

I know I am getting old but used to be you went once or twice and the problem was fixed.

Now the whole world seems awash in paperwork.



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I spent a small fortune in Mexico a few years ago saving my teeth but after starting the chemo my teeth have gone to sh!tsville. So bad in fact that when I was pulled over by a cop for speeding he asked if I was doing meth. Started about 6 months ago I was eating a hot dog and bit on something hard. I spit it up thinking there must have been a bone in the hot dog. Turned out is was a tooth. It didn't hurt any at all, just simply broke off. Now I have to get most my teeth pulled and I'm left with two choices. Spend a grand or two per tooth having titanium posts and caps installed or get dentures. There is no way I'm paying for my dentist's vacation. I'm going to get false teeth.

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Hope they get everything straightned out and get you to feeling better. I guess I have been blessed with good teeth. Nine years of using tobacco, and never a problem one. Believe I should quit before my luck runs out.


I believe that dentist,(i'm sure some may not be like this) like everything else in this world, love the cash. They kept working on my mothers teeth, a bridge here a root canal there, she finally got tired of being jacked around. She had all of her top teeth pulled and it was the best thing ever. She hates the false teeth with a passion, but they are better than nothing. Hope you get to feeling better Karl.



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The Hippy agrees with your Mom.

She dislikes and distrust dentists as well.




I canned my last dentist. Two times I asked him to fix a particular tooth. The bad tooth supports a three tooth bridge. The last visit I was very specific on what to do and he still did another tooth wanting to go where the money is, prepping a tooth for a crown. The bridge had cost me over a grand in Mexico. The dentist thought he could pacify me with a Tylenol 3 Rx. Told him I didn't want the pills I wanted a filling in the bad tooth to try and save the bridge. So I had to continue to wait and in between him seeing other patients he did a temporary filling. After I discovered it was only a temp filling and raised hell he upped the anti to Percocet. I just couldn't get it through his thick Korean skull it didn't hurt but I desperately wanted to save the tooth. On the way out I tore both RX's up, handed them to his receptionist, canceled my next appt and I didn't pay a dime telling the receptionist to bill me.

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I agree, at 1500 to 2000 bucks a tooth it is false teeth for me.

It they were good enough for Washington, they are good enough for karl.




I know it is all in my mind but the idea of having my jaw bone D&T'd and having posts threaded in is a big turn-off. I'll admit it, I'm chicken but also a cheapskate. I have one cap with titanium post I had done by a Mexican oral surgeon. He did an excellent job and if the problems at the border would improve I'd return. The oral surgeon wants cash up front before he starts and I don't want to risk getting rolled for it. My Mexican dentist will take a cashiers check from Bank of America. There is a BofA on the US side with in walking distance. He tells me how much and I go get the check and return. I don't have to walk more than 200 yards from his office south of the border to the bank on the US side. A PIA but I've saved thousands going to Mexico.

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