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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

I Think We May Have Beem Watching The Wrong Arabs.


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You know fellas, I have been reading "the Prince" again and Hart's book "Strategy" and thinking and it came to me that the only Arab state that is benefiting from the WAR on Terror is Saudi Arabia.


We know a Saudi "Princess" gave money to the terrorist.

With Saddam gone and Iran taken out, who is left as the dominant power in the Arab world?


Saddam scared the hell out of the Saudis and the Iranians?

Well, They are not Arabs and there is a history of hostility between them and the Saudis.


Saudi Arabia..the home of the most radical Islamics.


I think that we may have been had.




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You are right Karl. Saudi Arabia is where the Wahab sect originated and prospers. It is the most anti-western, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-woman religious sect in the world. Probably the richest too, since it is state sponsored. It is spreading like wild fire throughout the Muslim world through the medium of the madras (religious schools). Saudi Arabia also sponsors schools in the US.


Though true that 'Bams kowtowed to the king, Bush was tight with them as well (though I don't think he ever bowed to one). Scary, isn't it?


And AzRednek- why did 'Bams send the bust of Winston Churchill BACK to England? How strange is that? With this administration what was wrong is right/what was down is up/what was white is .... well... um, gray.

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My friend was sailing there on MSC charter during Gulf War I, loading in Saudi Arabia and refueling the fleet. He said that the Saudis would put a guy with a machine gun at the bottom of the gangway to make sure no infidel (that would be us) stepped foot on holy Saudi land. The mate couldn't even go on the dock to read the load lines off the hull, something required to load the ship. My friend's comment was "what the hell are we defending these assholes for?"

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Why did Obama bow to the Saudi king and treat the UK's queen as 2nd rate?? Wish I knew exactly why but I strongly suspect the Saudis financed Obama's campaign.



Quite frankly, I believe he is a "closet" Muslim. Especially since Mrs. Obama has referred to Kenya as being his "home country". During that trip, she did not go with him, since if she did so, she would have been subject to Islamic law if she was married to a Muslim.

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My friend was sailing there on MSC charter during Gulf War I, loading in Saudi Arabia and refueling the fleet. He said that the Saudis would put a guy with a machine gun at the bottom of the gangway to make sure no infidel (that would be us) stepped foot on holy Saudi land. The mate couldn't even go on the dock to read the load lines off the hull, something required to load the ship. My friend's comment was "what the hell are we defending these assholes for?"

Why are we defending them? I believe the simple answer is OIL. Even though 'Bams talks about weaning America from petroleum, the president makers, such as Soros, are deep into oil riches. They just want it on their terms. So they will gladly offer American military strength to defend a backward and despotic little kingdom such as Saudi Arabia in order to protect their riches, and ultimately their control over us.


I have heard it said that Jewish or Christian US personnel were not allowed to worship in chapel services while in SA, but had to be flown to carriers to do so. Islam is very restrictive towards other religions, placing them in dhimmi status, while at the same time taking great advantage of religious freedoms in countries they immigrate to.

When will Americans come to their senses?

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