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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Hey Everyone

spec4 e4

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I did not forget about you guys. I have around but not log in. Just a few updates.


Job: Going great. Some that we are on a "run".

Dog: Garth like plastic for some odd reason. Had a box of gladhands seals, but he chew them up. Bottle caps too. But he doing great.

Wife: She not happy that I sold my AR-10 the other day, but did like the money. I really want an 260 Rem in the AR-10.

We went to my father for Christmas and fired two rifle, AR-15 that I built and an M1 Springfield Garand. My father shot the Garand and had a smile from ear to ear. I have sent of another Garand to be put together and park.


Dave, I still have not forgot about you. Sooner or late, we will met up.



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A little tough to read, but are you saying your dog likes to eat plastic? That's pretty wierd.

I'll bet your dad would love to shoot a flintlock, if he ever gets the chance.



Yes, my dog like to chew on plastic things. markers, pins, plastic fork and spoon, straws, gladhands seals, seals, anything that is plastic. Hard or soft, doesn't matter. Sorry if it's hard to read, I post it on the go.



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Yes, my dog like to chew on plastic things. markers, pins, plastic fork and spoon, straws, gladhands seals, seals, anything that is plastic. Hard or soft, doesn't matter. Sorry if it's hard to read, I post it on the go.





I got a Westie, when he was a pup , he would chew on paperclips, xmas tree orament hooks, silverware, coins, & most any other small metal objects. He never swollowed any of them. We use to call him metal dog. LOL

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It's kinda good when you don't want to hurt people that's a dumba$$. We get left alone and get miles. I even think that my blood press went down. It got so bad that I had to make a visit to the doctor office because of acid. He put me on a one a day meds to control it. I have not taken since I told the other company goodby. My hands stop shaking and not jumpy any more.


Kinda funny how a job you hate does that to you.



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