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  • Birthday June 6

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  1. Hey Tony,  you don’t piss off the wrong person whenaperr you process out with the email. My retirement was a real cluster screw. My paperwork trail was deliberately screwed up. Most likely by a manager getting revenge for my union activities. There was also a sister of somebody I ran against in a union election that worked in personnel and her coworker I rejeafter a one night stand. Shortly before I retired I caused my manager to have his pay and job level downgraded one step. He claimed to have sent my paperwork twice but it never showed up. My health insurance was cancelled after the govt side of the  monthly premium wasn’t being paid to Blue Cross. At the time the Blues were paying abut 30 G’s a month for my Chemo. A knee melting RN in the USPS medical unit somehow heard of my dilemma and fixed it. Took almost nine months before the insurance was reinstated and a bit longer before I got my pension afar somebody entered the wrong bank info. 

    I went through another cluster screw trying to get Medicare. Somebody likely in the Post Office advised Social Security my disability was fraudulent, I was in drug rehab and incapable of making.decisions. Took a lawyer, a hearing and the SS Dr testifying “don’t know why I’m here his stage 4 Lymphoma is well documented”. The Dr also said he has the.spine of a 95 year old. Lawyer told me it was the very first decision he saw the hearing officer ruled immediately. Telling me it usually takes several weeks sometimes moths. SS couldn’t or wouldn’t produce a letter or anything in writing. Most likely a phone call as all they had was memo with unknown initials. 

    Anyhow ii could write several paragraphs. Just be careful not to piss anybody off that can interfere with your paper trail. Also be leery of any hustlers trying to sell you Tricare or CHAMPHA alternatives. Its been several years since I dealt with Fed insurance for retirees but hopefully the hustlers have gone away. I was never able to find out how they got contact info on retirees. .


    1. FC


      I knew there was a risk, but I'm mad at the cowardice and hypocrisy. If they try retribution, I'll see their butts in court. My pension with VA is small, and I have my military pension, and VA disability too. Thank you for the message, and you're right, they could pull something.

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