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Military Firearm Restoration Corner


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Everything posted by Gothmog

  1. Will they export to the USA? I have taken up part time work with another Canadian firearms business and exports to the US may be in our future. This is probably first on the list: http://www.canadaammo.com/images/D/IMG_216...G?1240183897218 Price is $349 Cdn. or $280 US but I'm not sure how that compares with US shotguns. It includes a 5 round box magazine, although some will be available with a more conventional tube mag.
  2. http://www.canadaammo.com/product.php?prod...at=0&page=1 Ah, you poor Americans ... Chinese, I know but still a Tokarev and for $99. And that's Canadian dollars which makes the price around $80 US. Lots of them have sold, but there are still quite a few in stock. But of course, you fellas can't buy them because of the import issues. Only in Canada ... pity.
  3. Hi Karl, Getting in to see a Doctor is not a big problem,although seeing a specialist might take a little time. The worst feature of our system seems to be the wait times for procedures (operations) and relatively frequent last minute cancellations. There are also many complaints about the difficulty in getting specialized testing, such as MRI scans ... I can pay $1000 for my dog to get one immediately, but I must wait months on end to get that which I am 'entitled' to receive under health care. And of course professional sports teams have no problems getting immediate treatment ... but the rest of us plebs must wait patiently in line, often in pain, possibly handicapped, and some even at risk of dying while waiting. Dental care is a separate issue as it is still privately provided for the most part. I have a dental insurance benefit as part of my job, so the cost is manageable. We do have subsidized drugs as part of our medical plan, but I haven't much info on that. I suppose if you needed enough medication it would start costing you. I have also heard that we tend to approve 'generic' drugs up here rather than the latest whiz bang stuff, and as a result it is cheaper than in the US and more or less works as well. I hope that helps ... as you can see, socialized medecine is not all its cracked up to be by some of us.
  4. Nothing much ... but Happy New Year to all!
  5. Merry Christmas to all MFRCers! I've just been sitting indoors lately waiting for the snow to melt! It makes me a bit grumpy not having a chance to shoot when on holidays. My range is at the end of a road with a 23% grade and not passable in snow or ice, so I'm a bit jealous of my southern brothers. I'll get over it, though!
  6. Good point FC ... for the time being your gun laws are still better than ours, stay put. If things change in a big way though, yes, you might want to consider your options. For one thing our enforcement is not that strict ... don't be too obvious is the general rule and you can avoid a lot of issues. Secondly, our sentencing is notoriously lax. For example, if you illegally carried a gun (pretty well only LEO can do so) and it was a first offence I wouldn't be surprised if you received a suspended sentence (no jail time involved) and a ban on owning guns ... which you cheerfully ignored in the first place, but nevermind. It's just how we roll in the Great White North ... And house guests are fine by me, just have to check with the Missus ...
  7. A poor plan unless Hillary were VP. I think Biden would get the nod in the event of his ineligibility. Besides, the time to disqualify Obama was before he was elected. After he has been seen to be popularly elected an attempt to remove him is fraught with danger and will bring massive unrest. Also I am a bit skeptical of this story. If it truly had legs it would have taken its course earlier (as much as I wish it were true). As it stands it will likely continue in mythic form, much as the gore 'we were cheated' myth of the famous Bush victory in 2000. But you never know ....
  8. Sorry about the bad news, guys ... I hope things work out ok down there. Take care and stay cool.
  9. Yes Obama appears to be leading in the polls. I do recall that his actual vote totals turned out lower in many of his battles with Hillary. The same might be true in the election. There are also a couple of potentially explosive issues simmering away, including the ACORN electoral fraud situation. Don't give up hope quite yet ...
  10. Current placements as follows: Consevatives 145 seats Liberals 75 seats Bloc Quebecois 48 seats New Democrats 38 seats Independents 2 seats Of the above, there are a dozen or so still very close so the final results will vary a bit. To reach a majority we needed 155 seats of 308, given 1 representative to sit as Speaker of the House. I expect the CPC to try to find some individuals from the other parties to make up the difference ... we'll see. At least for the moment, Canadians' guns are safe.
  11. Its looking very promising, Conservatives are leading. There's still an outside chance of a majority government which would be ideal, but we appear to be headed to a strong minority at least. I'll keep you posted ...
  12. We have no Obama pick on our ballots, of course. Even if he ran here, his name would only be on ballots of the district/riding he ran in as we have no separate vote for president. As to Brad's questions, I am sorry to report that Canada has absorbed a great many leftist ideas and ideals and some of us are working hard to change that. It will take some time and at this point I am not even certain we will succeed ... the nutbars and weirdos are very entrenched here. The regular folks more or less have to play along and put up with their nonsense until things change for the better ... hopefully tonight is the first step in that direction. PS - if anyone has some early news, pm me. I'm on the west coast.
  13. I ceratinly hope so .... Obama is getting a little too much support for my liking. Let's hope something changes and soon. Our political system is (in my opinion) an even more corrupt version of the British parliamentary system which was rejected by America literally centuries ago. There are no systems of checks and balances and 'tyranny of the majority' is the rule. It has led us to a place where a majority is now nearly impossible for any party, as regionalization of votes has become the norm. Canada may become as ungovernable as Italy was back in the day, with multiple defeated governments and frequent elections.
  14. Thanks for the good wishes, we need them ... As to FC's question: Imagine the US Government without a President and with a Senate appointed by the Leader of the House of Representatives. The Leader of the House would be the Prime Minister and would more or less have a free hand passing legislation as long as he controlled a majority of the votes there. A coalition would occur when 2 or more parties join together to ensure sufficient support for legislation to pass. The Senate, as an appointed body more or less rubber stamps everything sent its way. If a government is defeated on a 'confidence motion' it must resign and an election is usually called. Otherwise, an election is called about every 4 years ... I think that about covers it.
  15. Well, folks, I thought I'd let you know that we too are in the throes of an election, but unlike you are nearing the end of it. There is much at stake for gun owners as 2 of the major parties have promised a gun ban of some sort. The Liberals (free market financed socialist) want to ban 'military style assault rifles' and the New Democratic Party (more or less straight up socialist) has promised to ban handguns if elected. About the worst possible outcome for us would be some form of coalition between the two to form power, as no doubt both firearm types would be banned. The good news is that the Conservative Party offers no bans on guns and is hoping to roll back the notoriously unpopular registration of long arms law passed more than 10 years ago. More good news ... although the polls are confusing contradictory and unclear, the Conservatives appear to have the upper hand. It also appears that the Libs may have been just exposed in the midst of cutting a backroom deal with the leader of a minor party ... I suspect that will help us. The vote is Tuesday, Oct 14 2008.
  16. Well Tony, Canada is the main supplier of oil to the US, not the mid East. Maybe that's why they don't love you that much ... http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petrole...ent/import.html As to the political comments by the Dutch fellow, my money is on McCain. Obama is too far left for America. I think Mr Wouter may be clever enough but his outlook is too European by far; Americans are a very conservative bunch, by and large (even your 'lefties'). I was hoping Obama would beat Clinton because I believe her more electable than Obama. By choosing Obama the Dems may have torpedoed their chances on winning an election that they should have a stranglehold on. McCain isn't perfect though ...
  17. Lots of room, just don't let the Democrats know.
  18. I like what Karl suggests .... 'inter vivos' (while alive) transfers are less problematic and don't require probate or lawyers or fuss.
  19. We still have gun control laws, but some things aren't affected as badly as some of US states. OTOH, at least you can move to a different state if you don't like the laws there. Changing countries is more difficult ...
  20. Well, we paid through the nose to get them and there's not a whole lot of margin for dealers on that fairly steep price tag. That means the Israelis get the lion's share of the cash ... money talks, perhaps? We managed to get many more than one of these, as the first 300 are in the process of arriving right now (some have already been delivered) and there will be substantially more to come. There is much joy in Canada for the time being.
  21. Mags are readily available, but we must limit them to 5 rounds by pinning them with a rivet or some other 'not easily altered' means ... yeah, I know, it sucks! I run action rifle matches locally, and have done so for the past 4 years ... in Canada! Check out my web site: tacrifle.com
  22. Here's a site with more info: http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/sma...avor/Tavor.html
  23. No its what Canadian civilians are using these days. Our soldiers are using the Canadian version of the M16. The shipment has just arrived after about 2 years of sorting out details. I was out shooting mine yesterday. I think you are right about Liveleak, and Youtube for that matter. There was an episode of Future Weapons dedicated to it and excerpts from it have popped up in those places.
  24. Its chambered in .223/5.56 and is being used by the Israelis. It was developed by IMI to provide troops with a firearm more suitable for urban warfare. My friend (the importer) insisted on a 18.5" barrel so it would be non restricted in Canada. It is expensive ... the semi auto 'commercial version' is $3000 plus applicable taxes. And if you want to shoot it, just plan a vacation out my way.
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