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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Keep Those E-Mails And Calls Coming Folks


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Disarming the American People

The last time liberals tried this it cost them the House, which the dems held for 40 years and the Senate.


Obama is telling the Congress people, support my gun grabs, it is two years till the elections and I will support YOUR projects.

In two years the people will forget.


That is why Obama wants to act now to get this over , with as long as lead as possible before elections.


That is why we must keep issue before our pols. Keep those e-mails and calls to your Congress people coming.

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If the left attempts to seize the arms of the people by EO, think Lexington and Concord.


Don't be fooled. Obama could wake up tomorrow, read the Constitution, see the light, join the NRA and set up a rifle range in the WH Lawn and the LEFT would still be after our guns in an attempt to set up the NWO.


We must continue to hold the House and take more seats in 2014 and We must take control the Senate, once we have 2/3 in both houses, we can pass or repeal over any veto. Obama becomes a lame duck. But for the next two years we MUST keep those phone calls and e-mails flooding into the House and Senate.


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The Reds knew that the road to the revolution was in the classroom.

So did I that is why I became a teacher. To teach American values.

I think that the Bible is a requirement for this reason, Every culture must be build around a core of shared ideals and I know of no better one than the Bible.

I do think that the GOP is to blame for the lose of the election. Romney simply did not take the fight to Obama. He could have done it, witness the first debate.

Did you see little Marc's speech in the Senate where he says to Obama. "You won fair and square?" The GOP did not even try and contest what was a rigged election.

As to voter turn out being lower...I read that report as well, but I never saw so many people on line to vote in my life...something stinks.

The GOP put up Dole against a youthful Clinton...McClain, of the gang of four, against Obama and Romney who, when he was Gov ,WAS Obama.


I think that sooner or later a shooting like this would have taken place and Romney would have

called for the same measures as Obama and worse the GOP would have gone along to support their guy.


If the GOP wants to win, they must give us people we can support.

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