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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Got This From A Former Down Underer.


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I was at the range today that I`m a member. A day shooter & family stopped by to do some handgun shooting. got to talking & he was from down under. Been here about 10 years & still has kin back home land. I asked him about the firearm laws & he said it started with gun reg. & they were charged $25.00 when they reg all there guns. From there it went to $50.00 a year for the reg permits. Then they were told by there gov that it would be a yearly fee of $75.00 per gun for a permit for every gun owned & reg. When the people complained, there were told if they didn`t want to pay, then turn them in. If you don`t turn them in we will come & get them because we know were there are. He said that it didn`t matter if you were a hunter, target shooter or collector one way or another they got them & detroyed them , old, new, antique, or a collecter firearm, it didn`t matter.

Now days a person can have a rifle or shotgun only by going through a lot of red tape & you have to have a good reason to own one. You are a target shooter or hunter, & you must have proof of were you shoot or hunt by permission forms. No one can have a firearm for home defence, no handguns, no semi-auto`s & only 3 shot mags. But he said, the bad guys still have there guns.



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