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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

ISO 7.62 Mauser Barrel


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I am as stated seeking any 7.62 Barrel for a Mauser...either small ring or large ring...I have Both actions.. My Intention is a 300 Savage. Condition of Bore and Rifling is some concern..otherwise...poor is Good!!! Obviously one of the Rhineland Barrels would be Preferred...But, They been out of stock for a Long Time.

Thanks for Checking your Stash

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Hunters Lodge has small ring 7.62 rifles for $100.  You could pull the barrel off of one of those.  They were civil guard, made (or remade) obviously after 7.62 came out, so probably in the 50's, and not shot out from going through a civil war.  Of course, you have to deal with Hunters Lodge, that is, send money and wait 3 months.

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Doc. I checked out the site also and have found the prices very reasonable. Does it really take them 3 months to get the order to the customer? 

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Yes, 3 months is the minimum.  4 months is what most people are experiencing.  Everyone does get their stuff, that is, no one ever says they never got their rifles.  You can call them and eventually talk to the guy and get a shipping quote, upcharge for hand select, etc.  Don't bother leaving a message when there is no answer, just keep trying.  Afternoons on Wednesday or Thursday seem to have a better answer rate. 

If you haven't seen it, this is my thread on the 3 I bought:


I think I would recommend the up charge for hand select, but I am happy with the 3 "off the top" I bought.

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