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The Hippy told me NOT to take long walks in the sun 100 in FL.But hey she is  not a marine. I used to take ten mile runs. I will show her. Ended up in the ER,Seems I got dizzy and fell over ...some kind person called the paramedics..  Gad how embarrassing. Hit the back of my head, cut it a bit 8 stitches and am still a bit sore here and there..As soon as she was sure I was ok,,the hippy chewed me out..very professional job.

Gotta go see my doctor as a condition of getting out of the hospital, I gave my word to the doctor. (He looked like a kid by the way. I am getting old) 

So fellas dont go for LONG walks in the sun

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Found that out sir.

Shocked the heck out of me. I have always been a walker.Used to run the ROTC boys into the deck in the desert,,

Alas I am a milsup!!!!!!!!!

 starting back but much slower 

karl  the slow

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I understand completely Karl.  After the billionaires tried to exterminate me, my health went to pooty.  I am trying to slowing build back up myself.  At least I can work outside for a couple hours now. Much better than last year.

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Things sure can change fast.

When I joined this forum (I think it's been over 20 years) I was an Alaskan big game guide, specializing in Dall Sheep. After a series of back injuries put a stop to packing out sheep, I started gaining weight rapidly. Then covid and diabetes, and covid again. Now I'm a fat lump of poo with bad back, bad lungs, and bad vision.

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Not wo worry ken ya got pals here,

Doc, if is not personal..if it is just forget i asked..what happened with you and billionaires? 


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I feel for ya, Ken.  BTW, new diabetes diagnosis are associated with Covid infections.

So, the way I see it, the billionaires developed COVID 19.  Follow the money:  Gates buys heavy into Moderna.  Moderna patents a 16 piece sequence of RNA. The billionaires visit with Fauci.  Fauci sends money to NGO's who send it to a Chinese bioweapons lab built by the French with US money.  COVID gets released. Everyone points fingers at the Chinese and their lab.  Then the Chinese tell the world "Oh, yeah?  Well we got the virus to work on from the U.S." and give the lab name and military base.  Suddenly no one says the Chinese did it and it was really bat soup made from bats screwing peregrines at a fish market next door to their bioweapons lab.  Gates and Moderna use their patent sequence to make the "vaccine," and the only way to make the "vaccine" is to use that 16 piece sequence.  They make more billions and spread them around. 

I first got COVID in late 2019, before the US said it was here.  NW Arkansas (Walmart) has massive air travel from both coasts, and China.  Look at all the Chinese stuff for sale at wally world.  Those companies have to come here in person to sell it.  Research into the Red Cross blood bank showed it was all over the country by the end of 2019, not early 2020 as the official story goes.  After getting COVID, I got (all these are strongly associated with having COVID): diabetes, prostate cancer, and Long Covid.  I was really sick for months.  Got better, got it again (next strain).  Got better, but then had what could be best described as "irritable bowel syndrome," for lack of a better diagnosis.  Got the next strain and my gut went really bad.  Colitis, which was difficult to find the cause of.  Looked like ulcerative colitis, even by sigmoidoscopy, but pathology came back as ischemic colitis, which made no sense, as the history didn't fit.  Diagnosis now is an auto-immune disease where my body is attacking small vessels in my colon.  Last year, I am alive today because I lived on oxycontin for 3 months.  Otherwise, I could not have so much as a drink of water without doubling over in pain.  My colon was massively inflamed from the rectum to the splenic flexure, which is about at the bottom of your left rib cage.  I am still not right, but off pain meds and getting around a bit. 

The billionaires did this to me.  They did you too, Ken.  Near as I can put all the dots together, they targeted us for extermination.  Look at Gate's lectures where he calls for the Earth's population to be a half billion and mentions doing it with vaccines.  The vaccines are associated with a lot of bad things, including what is being called "turbo cancers."  And, coincidentally, you find virtually zero COVID research coming from the U.S.  A lot comes from Europe, I've seen good studies out of Iran, etc.  None from the U.S.

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I first got covid in Oct of 2021. as I recall it was just a bad cold, gone in a week, but I kept having other symptoms which turned out to be from a spike in my blood sugar. By february I was flat on my back. Spent 4 months recovering and getting my sugar down.

Got covid again in Feb 23. That one affected my lungs, very short of breath since then.

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Well, I know the history of plagues and covid just never fit.

Yes. I do think it was some maggots answer for over population and I do blame the pols for not restoring a type of Ellis Island.  

No family gathering.. yet Pc protests were ok?

Paper masks to stop what a cat 4 by reports lab could not contain? 

Sorry, I am not a medical man but I am a historian and that is NOT the way plagues worked in history. 

Yes. I know about the Spanish flu of WW l, millions of rotting dead men and animals, people living in water filled trenches .. that was not the conditions of Covid. Either someone let covid out or someone screwed up.


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Age stinks! We’re in Juneau and went to the glacier. Wife’s family trip. Her aunt got pushed in her walker chair, which folded up, and she crashed onto her daughter. Her uncle can barely get in and out of the bus due to Parkinson’s. It’s a slow descent into loss of function. As I remind her, at least we didn’t die as teenagers in a war.

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For the Parkinson's Dz, if the meds stop working or they have to take so much of them that bad side effects like hallucinations are occurring, there is a surgery that helps.  Of course, it is highly specialized, even in neurosurgery circles, but if you find a neurosurgeon that specializes in them, it can really help the patient.  The surgery is called a Pallidotomy.


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On 7/8/2024 at 5:16 AM, Dr.Hess said:

For the Parkinson's Dz, if the meds stop working or they have to take so much of them that bad side effects like hallucinations are occurring, there is a surgery that helps.  Of course, it is highly specialized, even in neurosurgery circles, but if you find a neurosurgeon that specializes in them, it can really help the patient.  The surgery is called a Pallidotomy.


There are videos out there that show people with Parkinson's after smoking pot. I'm not a user nor an advocate, but the results are quite amazing.

And yes pot is legal here in Alaska. My guess is there are more pot stores than gas stations.  

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Haines is an interesting place. A friend of mine married a lady from there. It seems a lot of people buy retirement homes there to escape the severe winters, only to discover medical care is lacking.

A couple years ago, a lady was visiting the outhouse and was bitten on her bottom side by a bear that had taken up residence in the lower part of the privy.

Another friend used to attend a famous annual snowmachine race there until he was involved in a fatality in which another racer died.

Skagway and Haines are about 20 miles apart, a little over an hour by ferry. You can make the trip by car but it's 350 miles and takes 7 hours.

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I read an article in a historical magazine I used to get, about the salmon industry there in the 1920's.  This was probably the last use of sailing vessels in US merchant trade.  In the winter, all the canneries would shut down and leave one radio operator to manage traffic, and I guess watch over the place.  One station went off the air, never heard again during the winter.  Come spring, they went there and figured out what happened.  He was cooking bacon, had the door open.  A Grizzly Bear went in the cabin, the door got closed.  He killed the bear with a knife and the bear killed him.

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