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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Answering Machines


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Is there anyone else here that has had experience with being transferred to an answering service, instead of being able to talk to a real (if they exist anymore) human being?


I have always been able to deal with most of the wholesale distributors of guns and parts, but the last few days of trying to get through to an oil company's department that sends out the checks (and I have a legitimate problem) has gotten me downright frustrated.


I believe they do this on purpose so as to discourage you from pursuing them further. Maybe you will just give up and quit dialing.


Well, when money is involved, fritz takes a very hard line on getting the runaround. I never knew there so many keys on a simple telephone that you must punch, in a certain order, to arrive at the promised office. Did you know that there is now (at the big companies) a "punch pound, then star, then (a number from one to ten) and this will lead you to the promised land (office)?


I usually just end up punching the telephone with a good uppercut, and then sitting down to the computer, and using Microsoft Word, write out a long detailed letter to the department to which I have been trying to access. Takes a few days longer, but worth avoiding the temptation of pounding the telephone into little pieces.


And I used to think a pound was 16 ounces, and a star was a bright thingy up in the sky.


How times have changed.


Not always for the better.



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Here is a link that may help with some companies.

I get frustrated when they don't give you the option or choice for the problem you are calling about. There have been very few problems that I have been able to solve without talking to a person.

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The telephone is dated technology that is being pushed beyond its limits. I prefer email. I think its rude to call someone on the phone and make them stand or sit there holding a piece of plastic against their head listening to me flap my gums. Its demeaning and rude to make someone do that. I hate getting phone calls because I hate being stuck holding the phone, its torture.


I like Fritz's old-fashioned use of the USPS. Sending someone a letter isn't rude. They can read it as it fits into their other activities.

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